I ♥ Faces Laughter

This week was another fun one to play... this weeks theme is LAUGHTER....

Finally a NEW KID makes it onto my blog... this is my god daughter Sofie...

Cute... NO? & talk about a GREAT LAUGH... Every time she starts to laugh it just CRACKS me up!

I was at a loss of LAUGHING adults... I didn't have many to choose from ... & the ones I had, I figured my friends would kill me...

I am entering this one for Dane... : )

We spent most of the weekend on the beach... sun was shining. Dane (9) Eva (4.5) & I were all armed with cameras taking pictures.... stay tuned for Dane's great photo blog debut... (my kid rocks...seriously)

Head on over to I Heart Faces, & see who else is playing! Are you playing yet? if not...WHY NOT? Sooo many neat bloggers who WOW me every week...get on over there...go on ...


Kath said…
I love the light on her hair - great photo!
Rebecca said…
both are great!
what fantastic smiles!
LadyFi said…
Oh - that little kid cracks me up - too sweet! And your photo is good too.

Hope you had a great Mother's Day.
sues2u2 said…
Both look like wonderful laughter was being shared. Your goddaughter is adorable!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
what a perfect HAPPY post to start our weeks off in a GREAT WAY!

Have a great one!
April said…
Love that wrinkled nose in your kids' entry! Your adult entry is beautiful, as well...love her smile!
Vodka Mom said…
You were on the beach?? I am so jealous.

Great faces, btw.
Pam D said…
Those are wonderful! I really love the kids shot... what a cute, happy face!
Wow! Can't wait to see what your 9-year old cooks up! Sounds fun! And, the kids entry is incredible! What a precious kiddo.
Debz said…
Great shots! I can't wait to see what Dane comes up with.
Lizzie said…
laughing is just fun :) great pictures, have a GREAT week!
BEAUTIFUL! Makes me want to laugh right along with ya all!

Mireille said…
Both are so infectious, love it!!
Alicia W. said…
LOVE your entry! This is really good.
Karen said…
Laughter....you can almost hear it in your photos.
Amazing Greis said…
Both photos are great. I really LOVE the kid photo. Too cute!
Unknown said…
I love your picture. You are so pretty : ). So pretty and such a perfect beach girl! And how cute is your God daughter. Delightful!
tiarastantrums said…
oh I wish I could hang out at the beach all weekend
Taylor said…
Great shots! Your god daughter is so sweet!
Jen said…
those are some great laughs.
Anonymous said…
Great photos!

Anonymous said…
Oh, I could just squeeze that baby girl! So cute! Great shots - you captured pure joy on both faces!!

Thanks for the comment on my blog. You're very sweet! Stop by anytime! :oD
Erica said…
thanks for your comment on my page. those pictures are beautiful :)
Foursons said…
The color is so great in both of these!
too cute. the little ones laugh is precious.

and you surely got a true laugh in that last one. perfect for the theme.

have a happy week!
Anonymous said…
Great photos, they made me smile :)
Julie said…
wow, Dane did a great job! I love seeing kids photos! And your god daughter is adorable. Thanks for sharing!
Annette said…
Oh, I love beach! Both photos make me smile.
Cayle said…
those Rosie cheeks and those beautiful blue eyes great CAPTURE!
Dawn said…
Great Pix, love the adult smile full of happiness

On my blog the photo you asked about was taken in VietNam at HaLong Bay.

Laura Kay said…
Great photographs (as always)!
Skoots1moM said…
thanks for coming by...
love your pics!
laura said…
OMGosh I want a god-baby now.. although I bet it wasn't as easy as it looks to grab that picture of the baby. How darling!
Emily said…
Love the capture of laughter in the first one. She is adorable and looks like she is having the greatest time. BTW: Dane really did do an awesome job capturing mom. Very impressive.
julie h said…
thanks for your comment! What a little cutie sophie is! :)
Jen H said…
Gorgeous pics - especially love the Adult one!
Thanks for your lovely comment!
Jen H
Frizzy said…
WOMAN! I am constantly amazed at how many followers and commenters you have! Can you see the green envy in my eyes? I love that picture of you. Beautiful smile and laugh.
That picture is AMAZing of you! What a fun candid shot!
You are SO pretty!!!!! Love the photos as usual!
Fragrant Liar said…
What a cool project. I love faces too. Great pics of both. :)
Unknown said…
Girl if that is you, you are beautiful!! :-) I love both of these pictures - so fun and happy and just gorgeous!
jq said…
I love these!! Great colors - they just radiate happiness!!

.:: WMP ::. said…
Such great pics! Love them both!!!! :)
Anonymous said…
Beautiful Pictures!
Unknown said…
I love your child entry! How adorable! And I think your adult entry is awesome too! Great job
vicki james said…
I love your childrens entry. She makes me laugh just looking at her!
Julie Rivera said…
I can just hear your little god daughter's happy laughter. Isn't it the best when kids chuckle?!
wow this is just an adorable picture of your goddaughter. and you just look beautiful and appear to really be enjoying your mothers day; perfect!
Kimberly Petty said…
I adore Sofie! Such a pretty smile I can hear her laughing. :-) Great Color. They are both wonderful photos excellent work. Thanks for visiting me.
Love the adult one...great composition! Thanks for always taking a peek at my entries! Just read your bio...love your Love story!! ;-)
MsTypo said…
I had such an awesome time in Oslo last weekend! I may be emailing you soon with some questions...

Great photo! :)
Anonymous said…
These are great pics. Thanks for the laugh as well :)
Sofie and you are gorgeous! Great, happy entries!
Tamis Marks said…
love the coloring in both photos. Beautiful work!
Hey there...sorry I am posting a comment...can't find an email for you. Now this is a small world!! Yes..we live in Cary!! My kids go to Maplewood. So crazy...
AshleyS said…
both are beautiful photos!
Stacy Nyikos said…
The photo of your goddaughter is priceless! Awesome catch.
Thanks so much for going out of your to leave such a nice comment on my blog. It is much appreciated. Love your entries this week...they both make me giggle out load. Laughter is such a great theme!
Melissa Butler said…
What fun laughs ~ the kids entry is so sweet ~ both are so full of joy.
Suki said…
Your children's entry is so cute.
Made me smile!
Drew said…
Your son does rock! Great photo!
Rita said…
Sofie is beautiful! I just love photos of happy children!
Amanda said…
Both of your pictures are wonderful!! Great captured of laughter and joy!

God bless-

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