QUESTIONS.... Can you help?

The post of random questions...

Stick with me, cause maybe there is something you can help me with...(lucky you!)
MAY is such a crazy month...
it is full of Holidays & ...birthdays...

This week not only do we have school plays, but 3 birthday parties... along with 17th of May (Norway's National day...- more about that next week..)

So now, mommy has to make a mad dash to get gifts bought...clothes picked out... birthday party planned (Dane's next week) & the family vacation planned...

I have a million random questions going through my head... maybe something you can help me with? (lucky you!)

1.) Anyone know of any 4Th of July celebrations in the Berlin area? (told you they are RANDOM questions...) We will be kicking off our GRISWOLD-ish vacation in Berlin... Thought it would be nice if we could celebrate 4Th of July this year... Oslo has a big thing every year for the Americans .. thought maybe the Germans might have something too?

(last year we blew the 4Th off because I was in the midst of a nervous breakdown with both Eva & Bjørn in the hospital.... good times...)

2.) I have a Canon Rebel xsi... I really know NOTHING about photography... but want to learn... I just need a gentle shove in the right direction.... Bjørn is going to Dubai at the end of the month & it could be an opportunity to get another lens.... What do I want to get? What is the next step? HELP all of my FAB PHOTOG FRIENDS...

"HOME MAKER" QUESTION: (didn't know what to call this...)

3.) I have a light summer jacket I LOVE.... used to be light blue... but is a sad sad shade of something between light blue & white... Should I toss it or can I dye it? (without getting the dye on the rest of my clothes)


You know about my latest obsession with I ♥ Faces... next week we are to submit our FAVORITE faces picture... I am TORN between these 3... Which do you think is the BEST ? (click on the picture for a larger view...) I would REALLY APPRECIATE your opinion.


Hello! I love the first one of the series.

About the lens, I love my 60mm 2.8 macro lens, but if you are wanting to do landscapes a fisheye is always a fun one.

What a fun blog! I will definitely come back. In fact, I'll just become a follower! :) Have a happy day!

Also, stopping by from SITS!
I LOVE the middle picture!

So beautiful!

Thank you for stopping by and of course, you can ask me any cake decorating questions! I'll love to help you any way I can.
Jill said…
Okay - I'm a fan of the middle photo as well - though all 3 are gorgeous!

As for the lens. I just bought a Canon 28-135 IS lens. Love it. If I could have my dream lens - it would be a zoom... anything from a 55 - 200 or 75-300 lens.

Another blogger just got a Canon EOS camera and asked for ideas. Check out her comment area - maybe it'll give you some ideas.
Anonymous said…
Last question first (cause that's how I do things) I like the first picture the best. Something about the way the light is playing behind her is just beautiful.

Homemaker: I think you'd be okay dyeing it with like Rit dye if such a thing exists in Norway. Make sure to do it in a large plastic tub though. I can't remember when we dyed stuff as kids if it stuck to the bathtub or not. I'd always wash its separately but supposedly the dye sets easily enough.

Cameras - No idea. I have a nikon d40 with two lenses but only cause my dh took over the camera and fell in love. I'm the one who asked for it and got it and never uses anything but my Canon Ixus point and shoot, lol.

Expats - Hmm, no idea but Yelli at 50% of my DNA she lives in Berlin as an American expat she might know of something. I'll have to find her link and come back and leave it for you.

Good luck!
MsTypo said…
I like the first photo - its more natural and less posed than the others. :)

On the jacket front, I'm not sure if it can be redyed. I'd vote new jacket on that one.
Anonymous said…
Here's the link to Yelli's site in Berlin:
sues2u2 said…
I'm not quite certain of most of the answers although my fav is of both kids together!

Working on which military bases/posts are closest to Berlin. I feel fairly confident in saying that they would have some kind of celebration it's just a matter of what's closest & whether or not you could get in to them. Let you know what I find out.
marsha :o) said…
I like all the pictures, but I LOVE the first picture. It looks so natural. While the picture of Eva and Dane together is precious, I think that the two faces take away from each other (if that makes sense!)
Kelli Nørgaard said…
I have no helpful answers about the questions....but my vote is for the 1st one!
Mary Ellen said…
I like the first one best, considering light and all, but the one of them both together would be framed on my piano.

You can dye lots of things successfully, depending on the fabric. If it's a cotton jacket, I say go for it. Just read ALL the directions first, and then again. I learned that the hard way!
Laura said…
I love the 2nd one- I have a Nikon I still am clueless about!
I can't remember if I sent you a note that I finally did your tag meme-- it's my latest post. Thanks again for tagging me.
Ronda's Rants said…
I can see why you are torn...all three pictures are beautiful!
I like the picture of both of the children because they are both beautiful with striking blue eyes!
Debz said…
Oh #3. No doubt. I love the love you can see in their eyes. And the smiles? Oh, don't get me started on their smiles. Usually kids do goofy smiles, not yours though! They always have the most gorgeous smiles.
Oh yeah - #3.
Becky said…
The face on the first picture pops out more, but the second picture is just so beautiful. Good luck on that choice.
4th of July in Berlin--no idea.
Camera stuff--no idea, but there has to be a blogger out there that knows SOMETHING!
Jacket--Is it a material that can be dyed (like a cotton?)?
Photo--last one of the two kiddos!

I cannot believe that I have yet to follow you on the blog page. Oh good gravy...I need to get with the program!
I LOVE the second picture. Love it.

For the camera...I have an earlier rebel. I have three lenses - but I am not sure what to suggest. My 75-300 is freakin heavy...and you have to really watch how you hold it because all your pictures will be blurry.
Ronnica said…
Well, if it's supposed to be YOUR favorite then...

I think my favorite is the second!
Roxane said…
The 3rd picture is my favorite! Your children have such beautiful eyes!
B said…
I love the second picture. It really grabbed me. What eyes that girl has! and hair! She's gorgeous.
I like the first picture best, although second is great too.

When you dye it make sure the container is big enough so it isn't packed in and agetate well as it soaks so it dyes evenly.
tammy said…
I can't help with the rest of the questions...but I think my favorite is picture 2. It just edges out picture 1. (although...I think all three are good)
Skoots1moM said…
i like the second picture best...her hair hitting her across the face pulls you to her eyes!
Valerie said…
Wow I haven't been here in a while. I like the last picture of both of the kids together.

Homemaking question I think you could dye it by itself. Shouldn't be a problem.

Have a great day!
I like the second photo. But I'm quirky like that. As far as a new lens. I think the 50mm a 1.8 or 1.4 FStop take EXCELLENT photos... especially of faces!!!

There ya go... that's all I got!
Jen said…
I like the middle photo. The look on her face is just stunning.
Design It Chic said…
2nd picture is the best in my opinion.

As for the Berlin celebration of the 4th of July I've read that a while back they used to have Amerikafest with an open-air street festival and stage program at the Brandenburg Gate. I dunno if they still have that but here's a site where you can read about it:

Hope it helped:)

Grüßen von Detschland:))

(coming here from SITS)
Hi! Just stopping over from SITS. Your pictures are beautiful.
Stopping in to say hi from SITs. I like the middle photo. It has a very exotic look although all of them are adorable.
beaverboosh said…
Hey girl, not much help on most of the stuff but piccy 2 of your littel Angel is a prize winner (chip off the young block eh!)
I would totally try to dye it! Just do it naked. Ah ha! Hi from SITS!
Mama Nut said…
I vote for the second photo. But they are all great! Stopping by from SITS!
Bryce's momma said…
Ok, so I am no help with the photos, cause I love both! As far as lenses. I agree with two folks. I, too have the canon 28-135. It is a very versatile lens that helps it look like you know what you are doing. lol It is not too heavy either. I am not sure if it fits the rebel or not since I use it on a 5d. It DOES NOT fit my older rebel. Just a word for caution. one of the 2 50mm options listed are great too. The 1.8 will cost more. They are mostly for natural light and give you that nice "blur" that most photographers crave in their backgrounds known as "bokeh". It takes a little practice. I am self-teaching myself that one now. It really depends on what you want to shoot. Play around with AV mode outside. It makes some great ones! I don't know much, but hope that helps. You have a very great camera. Most people think that they have to upgrade to get good pics. I think that your camera is one of the best. When you upgrade, it gets considerably harder because it becomes more "manual". Stick with what you got while you are learning!
I like the 1st picture!!!

and yes, I would dye it!
Anonymous said…
Hi, Popping in from SITS. It's tough when you live in another country to find places to celebrate American holidays. We went to the Embassy when we lived in Paris, but we may have had an invitation. I hope you can find something through the suggestions because it sure helped me having things like that every so often especially when I missed home. I really like the 2nd picture. Good luck.
Kelly said…
The only thing I give advise about is the pics....I like the 2nd one.
Hope all is well!!!
Angie's Spot said…
All the pics are great, but the 2nd in the series is my fave. And I'm no help with the other questions. I've got a Nikon DSLR that I got for my bday almost 2 years ago and I have yet to crack the owner's manual. I've been relying on my father-in-law to give me tips on a new lense. Of course, when I finally get the lens, I'll have to have someone show me how to change it out. LOL!
Anonymous said…
I like the first one! You did a beautiful job with the pictures!
Robbi said…
As for lenses, I've noticed you enjoy taking pictures of people and landscapes.

For people, I'd recommend the 85 - 100 mm lens, also known as the "portrait lens" as it's excellent for taking pictures of faces. It avoids the distorting of faces that other lenses can give.

For landscapes, I'd recommend a super-wide-angle lens, NOT a fish-eye lens. Super-wide-angle lens get a lot more of the landscape in without distortion. A good super-wide-angle lens is a 12 - 24 mm.

If you can afford it, get a lens with IS (Image Stabalization) (For Nikon owners, it's VR, Vibration Reduction). Try to stay with the Canon brand, as cheap lens don't have as sharp focus.

If you like close ups, such as of flowers, save money by buying a close-up lens attachment instead of a macro lens.

If you want to learn more about photography, a good author is Scott Kelby. His "Digital Photography" books (Volumes 1 - 3) are excellent; very humorous, to the point, easy to read and understand. He has a website at: Bjørn can probably find his books at the Borders bookstore in Dubai, check Scott Kelby's website for his gorgeous Dubai pictures and his posts on his time in Dubai.

Another excellent blog is: - she has great tips on there, and the rest of her website is also pretty good. Be careful of her "Black Heels to Tractor Wheels" as it can be addicting.

I hope this information helps.
Leah said…
I vote for the middle pic. And as far as dyes, I have an awesome all natural home care book that gives a recipe for natural dyes. For blue:

1. a handful of dye material (or more for darker dye) for blue - blueberries and leaves or indigo (I have purchased this like henna at a natural health store)
2. 4 cups of water or as needed
3. 1 teaspoon alum or white distilled vinegar

Combine the dye material and water in a pan and simmer for 2 hours, adding more water as it evaporates. Let cool, then strain. Stir in the alum or vinegar. Soak your jacket, and do as many coats until you reach the desired colour. The leftover dye can be frozen as well. Hope this helps!

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