Days like this....

Tuesday.... 9 hour work day... pick kids up...feed "big" kid to boy-scouts....

G R E A T... not a regular scout meeting... somewhere 1/2 drive time... no idea where I am going...

Should we just skip it? I'm tired & really don't feel like spending 2 hours in the car driving drop/pick him up for a 2 hour meeting...

Crap... OK... I'll take him... threw kids in the car... along with my camera & started driving...

Dane's meeting was at Kjøkøy Fort... (I had no idea what it was when I dropped him off....) The fortress was built by the Germans during the 2. World War. W O W ...

it is so easy to forget all of the history around here... My mother in law still tells stories about when the Nazi's came to town...took over houses...the schools...threw her father in jail.... (this is a whole other post I have been brewing in my head....)

The fort is located out on a chain of islands.... the sun was shining & reflecting off of the water....

instead of turning around & driving home... Eva & I kept on driving.... from island to island... singing in the car...

We drove past the church where Bjørn & I were married... dating back to 1000 AD..

The HISTORY...the SUN.... I LOVE it... Days like this...

I remember how Bjørn talked me into moving back to Norway.....

As much as I despise Norwegian winters.... I L O V E the summers here....

(to all of my friends living in Scandinavia... I KNOW summer isn't really here.... this is the TEASER that happens every year.... we think summer has arrived... & then it SNOWS... a hem...but anyway....)

I LOVE the super long days.... we are around 15 hours of light right now....
These pictures are taken at around 7 pm... I have to take stock in days like these to get me through the winter here...

Check out That's My World for more cool pictures


Beautiful sunshiney days! Yep, gotta make the most of them. Here too, on the east coast of Canada... not like in BC or Alberta where the sun shines 360 days out of the year (even despite -40 temperatures in winter!)... ahhhhh! Great post! :)
Debz said…
Wll I'm glad you decided to make the trip. It looks like you had a great time.
And that fort is so cool. I love to walk around in places like that and think "wow, so and so may have walked in these exact same spots." It gives me chills.
Unknown said…
Oh, that made your crazy night so worth it.
I can't imagine the history you are around all the time...I mean churches that were built 1000AD??!!
This shows you how ignorant I am...I didn't know they had "scouts" in other countries!
Laura said…
Gorgeous photos-- We went to Stockholm and Copenhagen years ago in June -- it was so incredibly beautiful.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful photos! I love the one of your and your baby girl, she's too cute ;)

I soooo don't envy you and the weather you have, but what an experience just the same.
Beautiful shots...Oh I miss Norwegian summer so much. I love those long light in China we have such a hot summer (too hot), but thank God we will be back in Europe for the summertime. Keep on singing about Norwegian summer :-) I love it. (BTW, I ended up in China last summer because Andre (my boyfriend) will set up a factory here for a Norwegian company. We will stay until 2011 :-)
amazing! you all do have those glorious long days. love that! your pictures are gorgeous. love to hear about your life.
sues2u2 said…
Oh, my, Tressa. Those photos are absolutely beautiful. So much to see. Oh & I feel like that sometimes about son's bs meetings too & like you I pretty much always find some reason to be grateful we went.

I'm looking forward to hearing your mil's stories. I'll probably bawl my eyes out though.
Corinne said…
What a gorgeous day. That's what I love about Norway; the gorgeous scenery and all the green just outside one's home.
Mary Ellen said…
Lovely photos, as usual.

Some of the things I've been 'forced' to attend have turned out to be the most fun ever. I love it when that happens.

Your adopted country sure looks like a great place to spend the summer!
Bryce's momma said…
So funny! I love that you shared your REAL feelings! Beautiful pics and memories too! Who could ask for more?
You always make me wish I could hop on a plane and head over your way. So beautiful.

Busy Busy BUsy is a mom's life right? Way to get away for a bit!
Anonymous said…
Those are BEAUTIFUL pics. You are making me want to put Norway on my bucket list!!!
Glennis said…
It does look like a wonderful day.
That fort was interesting, I am sure there is masses of history just waiting for you to discover.
Nice pictures.
Janet said…
Stunning ... Europe does have such a sense of old humanity that I miss.
Karen said…
Wow, so beautiful. I can see how your sweetie could talk you into moving there.
LadyFi said…
Wow - history and sunshine and those long light Scandinavian days! Unbeatable...
MoMo 2.0 said…
I LOVE that pic of your baby girl picking the shells up at the beach... AWESOME!!

And you are right. We are surrounded by history... as Americans, we are just not used to that.... but my mom in law also reminds me!! :o)

And speaking of norway--any chance I will get to see you while I am at Amy´s in July??

Maybe we can talk on FB about a possible time to get together!
Mammatalk said…
I love the history of Europe. I remember seeing similar bunkers on islands off the coast of Holland. Makes you grateful for living in the now. And, gorgeous shots again!
Jill said…
I love the long days... though I've never personally experienced a Norweigan summer or winter.

But 15 hours... so cool!
Frizzy said…
Isn't it funny how the days we don't plan to have fun it just sneaks up on us. More often than not those days are better than the well thought out planned ones. I loved the pictures and would love to visit that fort some day. Not sure where my days are going lately. Seems I blink and the week is gone. Sorry I haven't been commenting as often as I used to.
cat said…
Oh wow, the pictures are just stunning.
Bethany said…
Wow, it's absolutely beautiful there!!

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