Toothpaste in my hair...boot prints on my pants....

Toothpaste in my hair & MUDDY bootprints on my navy suit... Looks like this is how my day is going to play out... N.I.C.E.

Ever had toothpaste in your hair? It is a BITCH to get out... So now I am running around with my long ass bangs... my hair hasn't been washed, because I wasn't able to get the toothpaste out of my hair....

HOW did I get toothpaste in my hair? No freaking idea... trying to be super mommy doing 500 things while getting out the door...

throw child in the car...(check) ... change of clothes for child so I can change her before the pre-school play..(check).... Rain boots & pants... (damn...) -check to see if boots are STILL muddy before your schlep them all over your Navy pants.... NOPE...
OH Yes.... it is ONE of THOSE days....

I feel like crap & I am looking FUGLY...

I have bags under my eyes like (this chick) & I am having some sort of reaction to my mascara.... (anyone who knows me, knows I L.O.V.E. me some super long lashes....NOT going to happen today...

Since I am in such a cruddy mood... I might as well ask...

What's up with George Stephanopoulos wife Alexandra Wentworth?

I know I sound like a real Biotch right about now.... but it is something I always wonder when I see her on Oprah.... If SHE can't hide or fix the bags.... how can I hide or fix the BAGS? eek... sounding a little bit hopeless....
(& for the record... I only wish I had her bod & clothes & money... you go Alex)

List of things to complain about today....

1) My Hair... my MUDDY suit

2.)Norwegian Day Care... If I didn't need to work, I wouldn't put my child in day care.... So WHY OH WHY... do you plan things RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY? Parent breakfast at 9:00am... school plays at 3 pm--- Um.. we WORK... so of course I have to take off early, come in little Eva isn't the only one without a parent there....

while I am on the subject.... WTF is up with the PLANNING DAYS? How many days do you need to PLAN? Next week for example... the Day Care is shutting down on Wed. to go on strike.. (screw all of the mommies & daddies who are now thrown into a pinch...) Thursday it is a holiday CLOSED... & Friday PLANNING DAY... COME ON PEOPLE:.. what the HELL am I paying to send her to day care for? Don't even get me started on the FORCED Vacation (Sorry Amy.. nothing towards you... maybe it is just my daycare..)

3.) Trying to be Martha Stewart when clearly I.AM.NOT... I wanted to be all clever & creative for this b-day party Eva is going to today.... lets just say... did not work out the way I planned... & I am pretty much screwed... I have about a 10 min. window to try to fix it & get it wrapped before the party/after the play/work/nervous breakdown....

I think I am done bitching for a while......

I have a new favorite song.... heard it on the radio on the way into work called "I love college" sigh... I did love college... I loved Keg stands.... as all the Norwegians are singing along.. I wonder... do they even know what a KEG STAND is? I miss my college days , I miss America & I miss Keg stands... can't you just see my middle aged self trying to do a keg stand... when did I get this damn old?

MOMMY is a Little stressed out today... thanks for letting me take it out HERE & not at everyone at home....

I am needing some bloggy love right about now... (hint hint...leave me a comment telling me really it AINT sooo bad. )


Design It Chic said…
I'm passing an award to you!

Please visit my blog to grab it. :)

Happy Thursday!!!
MsTypo said…
It ain't so bad. I promise!! **Hugs***
Anonymous said…
Sorry you're having a blah day. You commented above me on SITS. Stopping by to say hi!
Debie Napoleon said…
You are doing fine - May is one of those sucky months, trust me.
Mary Ellen said…
You're doing great. I have always wondered why nursery schools and day care places seemed to forget why they are there in the first place.

Don't worry about not being Martha Stewart. Trust me - the kids will grow up remembering the weirdest stuff, but not ever the stuff you worry about. You're an AWESOME MOM!!
Marsha :o) said…
Its not so bad. I have a presentation this morning so what did I do last night? Got drunk! Yea, I think I am still drunk! This is gonna be a fun day for me! See, your day won't be so least you are not still drunk! LOL!
Anonymous said…
Oh, crappy day all around. I would almost swear it's Friday the 13th. I'm keeping my kid home from school tomorrow while everyone else shells out 36 euros and four hours on a bus to go to the zoo the Netherlands. WTH? Why not just spend ten euros and thirty mins for the freakin fab-o Cologne zoo? It would have put us up to 200 euros for the year (thus far) in field trips. No way. I am not paying another dime for this stuff. I'm so happy 12,550 euros a year in tuition is well spent.

The lady at the post today? absolute biotch. For no reason.

You, you've got a reason TO biotch. You're NOT a biotch you just bitotched (that's hard to spell when you are not actually spelling it).

I hope the day gets better. Have a few glasses of wine, everything looks better after that!
Bryce's momma said…
lol, sorry to laugh, but it is that or cry sometimes.... Hope that your day gets much better. We all have them. I can't stand it when people have the "my life is perfect" blog. I follow one, just for entertainment value. She is wrting and deleting posts all the time. lol Not perfect enough , I guess. Wishing you a blessed day and a remedy for toothpaste in the hair. Try peanutbutter? lol
Debz said…
Ah yes, Asher Roth. That is a great song. If only we could have stayed in college forever.

Sorry your days not going so great. Somedays it just doesn't pay to get out of bed does it?
What A Card said…
Tons of bloggy love headed your way!! Hope something wonderfully super happens to turn your day around :)
Roxane said…
I'm sorry you are having a crappy day! It's not so bad :/ on another note I'm ADDICTED to mascara! Having redhair makes my lashes so light, I need that good thick black mascara. And you get bonus points for blogging about keg stands, I miss them!!!
Jen said…
you vent away. it will all be better soon.
Sorry it's at your expense, but your "cruddy day" posts almost make me laugh! Toothpaste in the hair - yes, it has happened to me too! LOL!! Hope it gets better gal :)
Leah said…
OMG, okay I am your new American moved to Norway friend so I say that this weekend we get a keg for the 17th and do some keg stands cause that's how us Americans role. And then I can watch Eva for the three days she's off since I don't have a job, and maybe she can teach me some Norwegian :)
Betsy said…
It could be worse. You could be sporting the He-Man do.
Kelly said…
It ain't so bad, it's just S.T.R.E.S.S.!!! Not to add to your woes, but why don't men feel as much pressure as we do?
Tabitha Blue said…
Aww, days like that aren't fun, but there are always better ones. It'll get better and it's not so bad. Just try and get some rest... a little sleep makes the world a better place!

Tiger said…
Super Mommies always find little treats in their hair left by there little ones LOL
Anonymous said…
You said stop by, so I am stopping by to say hi! And by the way, you are so much more hot then that Oprah chick! Like seriously hot!
Hope you have a better day today then yesterday!
beaverboosh said…
Hey Super Mom, great rant! You've charged my agression levels before an important meeting... man I am going to give them £@€$...

Hey, BTW, when Norwegians tell me (constantly) that this is the greatest place in the world to live, childcare is always one of the top 5 benefits. When I tell them if we lived in the UK or US, Mrs. BB would not have to work in order for us to live comfortably, they think that is weird, and unfair if not a sign that capitalism is unfair! Go figure eh!

Put a big smile on your face, it's not a cure all but might get rid of some of the grumpiness!
beaverboosh said…
PS. Do you ever get other Alpha males visiting your blog or am I on my own?
Rachelle S said…
SITSterly luv here! Stopping by to say HI! =)

I can only imagine the day care troubles. That's another reason I opted to be home with my kids, or work opposite shifts of Mr. when I did work. I couldn't imagine it, paying for someone else to watch them, and use my paycheck towards it.
beaverboosh said…
Hey girl thanks, v illuminating and cause for self reflection. Seems my high testosterone levels find me sniffing around fertile she blogs... gotta larf eh!
cat said…
Well, all that I can say is we all have THOSE days, anywhere in the world.
Kathy said…
Sorry Hon. You KNOW tomorrow has to be better! right?
Batgirl said…
Ah, the "planning days". They're just an excuse for most to have a long weekend. Although some actually do plan on those days, but I'd wager they're in the minority!
Rosana V. said…
i'm new to your blog, but cracked up over alexandra wentworth comment. i love a snide, good-and-catty comment from time to time. ;-)

feel free to check me out, comment, follow, etc.

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