I made it! Woo Hoo... I. MADE.IT. You would really have to know me, to know what a
huge feat it is....

I have come along way baby.... I remember how EXCITED I was when I received my first comment... (I was wondering how in the heck anyone could find me .... & why wold they want to?) First time I showed up on someones reader.... my first follower....

and my posts? ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz (OK, maybe they still are...oh well....) but I was posting about Norwegian cake mixes & the tractor traffic on my way to work....

Just wanted to say THANK YOU... to all of you who read AMERICAN in NORWAY... it means a lot to me...

Thank you to all of my bloggy friends that I have made this year... thank you for being there to listen to me GO ON & ON & ON about my kids... listen to me bitch about everything under the sun... to offer support when I was going through the hospital crisis last year....
thanks for just being there.... & being NICE... I appreciate it more than you know...

Thank you for waiting for me to finish all of those stories that I have promised, but have yet to get around to.... like all of my cruise ship HORROR stories... my stint in the Turkish hospital... the Texan/Norwegian Ho Down which was my wedding.... (this WILL be the year... PINKY PROMISE!)

I would love to say I was going to host a giant big giveaway... so do something really special... but lets face it... I am just not that organized... I am lucky if I remember to pick Eva up from daycare...

I was thinking today I would do something I haven't done before.... I will let you ask me anything... Anything you you want to know but can't be bothered to search my blog is the day....

(watch, NO ONE will ask anything.. & then I will look like a total TOOL.. hope you have my back bloggy buddies....)


Jennifer said…
Congratulations on your anniversary! That is fantastic! I have a question! Do you speak Norwegian - is that the language they speak in Norway, or did I just out myself as an idiot?...

Stopping by from SITS! Happy weekend!
Anonymous said…
Wahoo! Congrats on your anniversary! I will have to think about the question....

Okay, why did you start blogging and why do you keep blogging?

(Okay I cheated some asked me that question but I will pay it forward to you.)
Doriana Gray said…
Congratulations on your 1st Year Anniversary! Well done!

Why did you decide to raise your family in Norway instead of the US?
MsTypo said…
Congrats on your blogiversary!! :)

What was the toughest part of getting settled in Norway?
LadyFi said…
Congratulations girl!! That's a big milestone!

Questions.. um... so tell us more about that tractor traffic on the way to work?

What do you work with and how did you get your job? Are you fluent in Norwegian? How did you meet your husband?

What is the best part about living in Norway?
Suzanne said…
Congratulations! I think I've been reading from almost the very beginning. You've done a good job Tressa.

My questions are similar to the others.....

What's the hardest thing about being an American living in Norway?

Why did you choose to leave the U.S.?

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
The housewife said…
Congratulations! Thank you for wonderful entertainments :)
Ronda's Rants said…
Will you always be an "American in Norway?"
If you were to advice me on what countries that would be "must see" what would you say?
Okay that's two but I am nosy!
Rebecca Jo said…

My question: what jobs can you see your children doing in their future?
Jemma said…
Congratualtions! as a fellow american married to a norweigan (but living in the UAE) I also have a random question for you! Christmas- do you eat pinochette (pardon the spelling if I am off there)and can you cook that?
Happy blogaversary! My question...what is the one food staple or condiment that you can not get in Norway that you miss?
Robin said…

um....How many languages do you speak?....How do you like your fish?.....why orange? :-)

Have a beautiful day.
Betsy said…
Congratulations! My question is were you fluent in Norwegian before moving there? Have a great weekend!
Frizzy said…
Congratulations on your blogiversary! I can't believe you've been blogging for only a year. You're a pro! I'm so happy I met you I think through Candid Carrie. The first time I met you I laughed so hard I thought I might wet myself at this post of yours.

I enjoyed reading it so much I decided to post my own MM here

I've been coming back to read more of you ever since. ((Hugs)) Thanks for a fun year of stories.
I always wanted to ask you what your heritage/ancestry is, since you always say you're not norwegian. You LOOK so norwegian, are you sure there isn't some in there? I don't have any, I'm English Scottish German and half Italian, but my Father could pass for a norwegian as he's was as blonde as I am dark.
sues2u2 said…
Happy Anniversary! My question is When will we see/hear about the wedding of the century? I'm talking 'bout yours!
Taryn Zerner said…
Stopping by from SITS to say CONGRATULATIONS on 1 year! Here's to many more to come!
Your blog is beautiful!

KCLC said…
Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary!!!!

Questions ~
What did you study in college and do you plan on having any more children..Oh! And do you have any pets?
Mammatalk said…
A whole year of blogging. Good job sticking to it! And, thanks for the entertaining reading!
beaverboosh said…
happy 1 year girl! what is the wing speed of a sparrow?
I love your blog!! Congrats on the 1 year.

Have a great weekend and a wonderful memorial Day
Joanna Jenkins said…
CONGRATULATIONS! That's a huge accomplishment and one I'm still working on. Thanks for finding my blog. I'm glad I found yours too. I'm having lookinga round and will be back soon! Keep up the good work. Oh, right-- the question-- What's the one "big uh-oh lesson" you learned to make blogging easier?
Scary Mommy said…
Happy 1 year! I was going to ask why you decided to live in Norway too, but see it's already been asked. Hmmmmmm... what's your favorite meal?
Congrats on 1 year!!! If I were to come visit NORWAY would you show me around??? I've always wanted to go there, but I would rather see it through a persons eyes that lives there than hitting up the coolest touristy places!
BenLand said…
hi! i'm so curious about your life in long did it take you to learn the language.....and, do you get back to the U.S.A. much?
No questions here - just CONGRATS and I have LOVED your blog from day 1. One of your biggest fans, heart you!!! <3
I won't ask a question. I'll just start following you. I feel your pain when you say what you planned on writing and then writing something else. I do the same. Oh well, I guess since it is our blog, we can do as we please -- or as our fingers lead us.
Kelly said…
Happy Blogiversary!!!! You are so much more talented, devoted, funny than I am when it comes to this. I am so happy you let me know you were doing this; I feel more connected to you than I have in years! I love knowing what's going on in your life!!!

Since I know the answers to a lot of these questions (insert air of superiority here ;) I'll ask, so after the kids are grown, do you think you and Bjorn will go back to the cruise lines?
Anonymous said…
I have just arrived in Oslo and missing my home land of Scotland:o(
However started reading your blog around 6 months before I came here. I used to work Cruise ships also and I get a big dose of Chicken Skin when I see all the ships down at Aker Bryke :o)
Will keep reading and enjoying your blog. Keep up the good work. Karen
Lizzie said…
happy (LATE) one year blogiversary!!! i didn't realize when we started commenting you and i were both new to the game. next week is my one year and you were one of my first followers :)

congrats agian!

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