Happy Birthday Baby Boy!

I can NOT believe it has been 10 TEN years since we brought this wonderful young man into the world....
There are so many things I can say about my baby boy....
He is SMART, FUNNY, KIND.. & a pain in the patootie sometimes... this is the kid who keeps mom on her toes...
I just can't believe how fast time has flown.
We have a big FAMILY day planned for Dane's 10th birthday... (birthday party will be next weekend...) here is hoping for good weather ...
as I mentioned in my previous post Dane has started his own blog to keep up with his English.... (Norwegian is his first written language..) American in Norway Jr. -very original blog title...I know...
He gets so excited when he sees a new flag on his blog... I know he would be THRILLED if y'all would pop over & give my baby boy some birthday/bloggy love....
I'll be back on Friday sharing Dane's big day...
(I can see you all holding your breath!)


How precious is he! So handsome! Happy Birthday Big Man!!! I left him some comment love on his blog too!!!
Kelly said…
I love all these pictures too! Isn't it amazing to think you've been a Mom for a decade?!!!

Happy Birthday Dane!!
K your son is an expert already at blogging. And I had NO idea about the whole RUSS thing... i would have LOVED to be a celebrity when I was a senior in high school!!! lol!
Karen said…
Happy Birthday to Dane!!! He is such good lookin' kid.
Simple Answer said…
Happy Birthday Dane!

There is no way you are old enough to have a 10 year old.
melissa said…
awww!! happy 10th birthday to your gorgeous son!!
sues2u2 said…
What a beautiful baby! I know, he's getting all grown up. Love his blog. He's doing very well.

Happy Dane day to you, Mum!
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday! I hope it's wonderful!
MsTypo said…
Happy birthday, Dane!!! :)
Elisabeth said…
Happy Birthday to your baby!

I am already teary eyed (and I'm sure the pregnancy hormones have nothing to do with it) thinking about Stinks 3rd---I can't fathom life 7 years from now.

How have those 10 years treated you? I know for me, each stage Stink is currently at is the best. I haven't had a stage that I haven't loved.

Happy Birthday Dane!
Roxane said…
I've said it before but i'll say it again, your children have the most beautiful eyes! Also, i'll make sure to stop by his blog :)
Lizzie said…
happy birthday to your little man! wow 10 years, we will be hitting 7 years with my son's next birthday and i am already in shock how fast it went! hope you all have a great weekend :)

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