Friday Fiesta Fotos...A day at the Beach

It's Friday, It's Friday, Thank Goodness it's Friday!!! YIPPEE!I'm playing Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Fiesta Finish again this week .So after you're done here, go over there and check out who's playing this week!!!
I know it seems my blog appears to have turned into a photography blog....
I LOVE LOVE LOVE taking pictures.....& the more I learn, the more pictures I want to take...
yesterday I was feeling a bit under the weather...but felt like I needed to get out & enjoy the sunshine & warm weather... (you never know how long it will last here...)
I threw Eva in the car & drove out to the beach which is 5 min. from our house....

We had the entire beach to ourselves...
I LOVE days like these.... my little monkey ran all over the beach ... collecting seashells...(mommy snapping pictures...)
I really wanted to use one of these pictures in next weeks *I heart faces* challenge... the theme is HATs... I know she is wearing a hood...but do you think I can sneak one of the photos in?

I am feeling a bit better.... I am pretty sure it just a summer cold....
(Neither Bjørn nor I thought it could be the swine flu... but my mom was kinda freaking out.....)
Hope y'all have a super weekend...


Teri said…
LOVE these pix! I wish I was 5 minutes from the beach. Beautiful!
Unknown said…
These pictures are BEAUTIFUL! I'm so jealous...I want a good camera (and instant knowledge on how to use it :). Thanks for stopping by and checking out my pics. I've actually been to Disneyland Paris (when it was called that). Back in the spring of 99 I studied in England for a semester and we had an extended weekend trip to Paris. I enjoyed it a lot! I was worried about the language barrier, but I realized once I was there that there are so many Brits vacationing there that it wasn't a problem at all. Have a great time!
Beautiful pics. She is sooo pretty.
Thanks again for the awards. I will be getting them up on Saturday. Have a great weekend!!
Jen said…
What beautiful photos. I so want to come to your beach.
I love that one with the white background the best!!! Those are great Candid shots!
Sarah - Kala said…
Love these - that girl of yours is just too cute for words!
sues2u2 said…
Your kids & their beautiful eyes. Man, if you guys lived here you'd need a gun to beat off the teens when you're kids are older!
Corinne said…
Omigod, shorts! Yaaay spring has arrived! Beautiful pictures, and like everyone says, that girl of yours is too cute!
Debz said…
Oh Jiminy Cricket! That last one gave me vertigo! Why do you do those things to me?!?!
That being said, I love the next to the last one if your gonna sneak one into the I heart faces challenge.
LadyFi said…
Lucky you - having such a gorgeous beach nearby!

Great photos.
i saw you commented on kelli's blog about where to find american tv shows. I usually use to catch my favorite US shows online. FYI :)
These photos are beautiful...makes me wish I were there!
Cristin said…
oh yes, a hood counts as a hat... especially on an adorable head like that!

Gorgeous photos!!!
ACR said…
Beautiful pictures!! What camera & editing software do you use?
Mammatalk said…
Your little gal is gorgeous! And, yes, you have a great eye. I love your photos!
love the pix..wandered over from Keep of the Skies..being 1/2 Norwegian and 1/2 swede.. well love your site!!

Jan :)
Scary Mommy said…
Those are really incredible. And those eyes? TO DIE FOR!!
Anonymous said…
You do take really great pics.....but you're totally cheating because your subject just couldn't be any more beautiful!!!!
Karen said…
You always take beautiful photos. It helps that your children have the faces of angels and that you have some of the most beautiful landscape in the world. That being have a talent. I really love your photos!

Hope you are feeling better. Colds, flu, whatever....they all suck.
melissa said…
gorgeous!!! i wanna go there.
your daughter is absolutely beautiful! those eyes are amazing!

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