Eurovision, 17th Mai, Birthdays & sick kids....

Whew...What a weekend/week.

We started celebrating NORWAY took FIRST in the Eurovision !! Yea...makes me proud to be an ALMOST Norwegian... This means the contest will be coming to Norway next year...(Dane has already asked for tickets for his birthday next year...lets hope it comes to Oslo...)

Sunday we had a FULL day of 17th of may FUN FUN FUN...

This was the NICEST weather I have experienced on a 17th of May... & YES the American went bare legged & in sandals... it was SCANDALOUS (at least for my MIL)

No post would be complete without my throwing my kids faces all over the post...

Here are some of theBEAUTIFUL traditional outfits... To answer some of your questions from my last post about the dresses....

-They are expensive because they are hand made & because of all of the silver on the dresses...
-I do not have one (although I kinda wish I did) ... because I'm not Norwegian ... you can tell where everyone comes from by their dress... I would feel silly wearing an Østfold dress because obviously I'm not from here... There were many foreigners wearing their traditional dresses... I saw many KILTS.. dresses from Germany, Ukraine... Hmmm what could I wear to be "American"

If the dresses weren't so CRAZY expensive I would have one made with things like Texas Longhorn, Statue of Liberty, bald eagle... (but I will have to wait until we win the lottery to do that...)

Eva has been sick since Sunday... Looks like she is feeling better... my MIL was pretty sure it was the swine flu or some deadly brain eating tick disease.... Thanks MIL!

Tomorrow is baby boys 10th B-day! How can I be the mother of a 10 year old? & where did all of the years go?

Baby boy has started his own BLOG... So I am hoping y'all will stop by & wish him a Happy he gets SOOOO excited when he sees a new country show up on his counter..

Why would any mother let her 10 year old start a blog?
I know y'all are wondering... It is so he can practice writing English & keep my family in the states updated... I will post the link tomorrow...

Now I am off to get things ready for Danes big day tomorow...


What is Eurovision?

The traditional dress is beautiful. I don't think that there is anything traditional about American dress since we are a bunch of mutts :-) Unless you go "old-school" and wear something colonial.

Very cool that Dane has a blog. I'll have to get my 11 year old to go by and say hello. She has her own blog, too!
I'm all about those red overalls! My aunt's in-laws are 100% Norwegian and belong to the Sons of Norway and have the traditional outfits. I bet they could go to May 17th celebrations and fit right in and no one would know. Well, until they spoke in that ever famous Minnesota accent "oh, now doncha know..."
MsTypo said…
Those dresses are gorgeous! Sadly i don't think i could ever pull one off...

Happy early birthday Dane!! :)
LadyFi said…
Congrats on the Eurovision Song Contest win - and on 17 May. And on having a boy now going into double figures!
Scary Mommy said…
Happy early birthday Dane! Where's the blog? I wanted to pop over but didn't see a link?
Design It Chic said…
Oh my, everybody in the pics look so fab..ja ja you included:)) although i find these traditional dresses hilarious, on the national day celebration ,they look kind of cute and they make you miss you own mother country..right?? Traditional German dresses are super expensive too, so i don't afford buying one either (not that i would necessarily want one.. maybe only to pass it to my kids one day). But my MIL has one so i may steel it from her one day :)) If only she'd know what my evil plan is... mwaahaahahaa :)

Anyway, hope your daughter gets better and happy b-day for your son. oh about the blog thing, my lil' 11yrs old bro' has a blog too.. i changed his blog settings tough so he can be protected and he can only communicate with his friends in the list i put up i time to time check on him.. so it's okay i guess.. i just updated his layout the other whohoo for the blog kid:))

And Eurovision??? Ooo seemed like nobody wanted to win actually ..cause in this economy who would want to organize such an expensive show next year right?? well seems like the cat is in your backyard guys:)

Oh and stop by ,y blog help me decide over smth..pwease:) Thanks!
Happy Wednesday!
Suzanne said…
Seriously, SERIOUSLY.....I can make you a traditional American prairie dress. There are lots of historical patterns available. I'm itching to do this. We have until next May 17th to put this together. You can WOW their stinking Norwegian socks off!

I'm cheering at the thought of you showing up bare legged in sandals. You're quite the rebel. HA. Love you.

- Suzanne
Suzanne said…
Oh, oh... I just went over to the pattern site and ther's also a Rodeo Cowgirl getup ... that would be great and have be a Texas theme.

Scroll down to find them.

- Suzanne
sues2u2 said…
Yeah for winning the Eurovision! Too cool!

I think for a dress for Tx you should do a really puffy square dancing dress. Gotta be less than the Norwegian one, yes? Besides what screams Tx more than a short, full dress? lmbo!!

Way to be American & show up barelegged & in sandals. You do us proud!
BenLand said…
i am so interested in reading about your experiences in norway.....i've never really left america so your giving me a nice little look into to norweigen life.....very cool!
your kids are beautiful too :)
Mrs. M said…
Visiting from SITS. A 10 year old with a blog - sounds very intriguing! What a great way to keep up on his English skills!!
Jen Sue Wild said…
These pix are amazeing!!!
They all look so old world..
Kelly said…
Gorgeous pictures! Did you take all of them? They are incredible! I'm glad you all had fabulous weather...I love the outfits too!

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