Baby BOOM! seems like I am in the midst of a BABY BOOM.... Two of my girlfriends have had baby girls this month.... Mia Elizabeth & Ryan Addison....

The Princess of Norway had a baby girl this week....Emma Tallulah.... (Princess Martha,...I know you are TRYING to be COOL...& CUTTING edge...but it just ain't working for you.....your not a rock star... you are an ANGEL teacher...part time Princess.... Bless... )

I have another friend here in town...pregnant... My sister in law just announced PREGNANT... #4 (we were both preggers at the same time with both of my kids...)

Eva just turned 4 & I can hear my biological clock TICK TOCK... once again...

It was right after Dane's 4th birthday I started wanting another baby BAD... Maybe at around 4 ,the kids lose all semblance of being a baby.... & I just HAVE to have a baby in the house.... I no longer have BABIES in my house...

Just this past week, Eva with both hands on her hips & told me..." But MOMMMM, I'm a BIG GIRL NOW!" when I asked her if she could walk back & put her shoes up at pre school.

Yes...she IS a big girl now...

My BABY BOY.... ? made me breakfast in bed last weekend... & we aren't talking cereal or toast... NOPE.. we are talking PERFECT Eggs & perfectly cooked BACON... yum.. (yes he is 9...)
When I went clean, dishwasher going.... (Have I mentioned I LOVE that boy?) I was so IMPRESSED... i taught him how to make coffee..... (can't wait for NEXT weekend...)

So back to the point... I have had BABIES on the brain a lot of late....

Bjørn is happy with the 2 we have... I am too... But as we snuggled in on Sunday morning... (because both kids are big enough to sleep over at my MILs now...) we talked about babies again... & must say hubby brought up some VERY good points.....

For the first time in 12 years I am REALLY content... the kids are happy..I love my job... we have things down pat.... do I really want to go back to having a tiny baby in the house... (part of me yes....) MOST of me, loves the life & family I have right now...

So why am I so afraid to leave this point of my life?? I am usually in such a hurry to get onto the next phase... married, house...babies...etc.... (OK..I know I have many more years with kids at home.... but I keep finding myself thinking..."It won't be long until Dane won't want to do our family outings... or Eva will no longer want to climb in my bed & cuddle.... I am going to miss these moments....)

Bjørn talked me off of the baby ledge this weekend.... no babies here....

& WHY is it... Anytime a woman says she MAY have something EXCITING to tell you... ya'll just ASSUME it is a baby? (got an email from my little sis this morning wanting to KNOW...)

My big exciting news...EXCITING for me anyway....

MY super ADORABLE ...LOVABLE.... Husband has booked a ROMANTIC getaway to ROME.. with another couple....NO KIDS..... YIPPEEEE.... We are staying right by the Spanish Steps... Can ya tell I am excited?


Diane Mandy said…
Yes! I can tell you are excited. I would be, too.

PS. Can you send some of those baby vibes my way?
The housewife said…
Aw...that's romantic.

We also decided no more babies but didn't really take 'preventative measure' so we ended up with our little English rose.

Sometimes I really think "God, I am too old for this!" - but then she comes with those butterfly kisses and my heart just melts.

It's nice with a big family - it ads a completely different dimension.
Very Romantic!!!

I don't think we ever get over wanting another baby. I still get the thought....but then I think of all my freedom!!!
Simple Answer said…
Booking a romantic weekend in Rome! What a guy!
Debz said…
From my perspective (the no more womb with a view perspective), I don't think the need to have babies ever really goes away. I wish I could, which of course is not even remotely possible. But that doesn't stop me from thinking about it.

Sounds like you have a great trip planned - sans kids. Have a great time.
Suzanne said…
Bjorn is right. Besides two kids fit perfectly in the back seat of the car! But if you're going to ROME and staying near the Spanish steps....... you never know what might happen. Just saying.

As for me, the Farmer might just whisk me off to romantic Iowa!!!

- suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Anonymous said…
What a guy! Enjoy your trip!
Frizzy said…
I'm thinking making a baby in Rome sounds like a fun challenge. Wink Wink. Like Caroline, sometimes God has other plans even when your mind has chosen another route. Othewise, I'd say you're so happy the thought of a baby helps you think it will extend this time in your life. I too would want another baby right now if only they would stay tiny and snuggly.
Romantic! And Rome? I am beyond thrilled for you and jealous all at the same time ;)!

And, I saw in one of your previous comments that it is freezing in your corner of the world. Send a little of that cool air our way. It was burning up here yesterday. Hoping it'll cool down a bit. We don't even have fall leaves anywhere but in the mountains. I am ready for fall!!!!
Jen Sue Wild said…
Rome How fun!! I am supper excited for you!!

My baby is 4 and I told my hubby the other day that I sometimes want another baby. He was a little shocked. He said But i thought you like being baby fee.

I wonder if it's just a woman thing to still want to nurture and to be needed..
Anonymous said…
A weekend in Rome - how wonderful! Now if that isn't a good time for making babies...

Ooh.. can I say that here?
scargosun said…
oooooooooo! You are Sooooooo lucky!
Rebecca Jo said…
Well, just think, it would be harder to go to Rome or jet off on fun adventures with a new baby in the house. So enjoy where you are in life right now...& if the Rome trip is "ALOT" of fun - who knows - you may get what you wish for! :-)

And enjoy those babies of yours now because they DO grow SOOOO fast!!!
Anonymous said…
Found you on SITs...I've seen you around and thought I'd drop by and say Hi! And that I'm completely jealous that you get to go on a romantic getaway! That sounds like fun!
Wow! A trip to Rome without kids. Now there's a good reason to stop having at babies at some point...traveling the world. Sigh. Not that I'm done with the baby dream, but still...that's the next step after babies for us.
Are you kidding? I'm totally jealous! I want to you mind another couple? :)

My husband and I are in the same position...we are just really comfortable how we are right now! :)

Never know though!
Sorry, I jumped on the baby bandwagon too. It is absolutly fine to BE CONTENT!
Kelly said…
If you get into the Vatican, can you send me a picture? ;)

What a sweet thing your hubby did...bonus points!! I'm thinking about shunning my hubby...he busted me for mentioning his - name on my dare I?! I think I'll make his new nickname, 'He who shall not be named' or just plain 'Butthead' Whaddaya think?
Anonymous said…
Oh how fun! Have a wonderful time :)

I admit, I thought baby first thing too.
Sarah said…
Stumbled upon your blog. I'm an American living in your neighbor to the South. I have a special place for Norway in my heart. I am almost all Norwegian, lived there for 9 months, and met my Husband in Norge. Can't wait to read more about your adventures.

Ohh..I love your header. I have been looking for a header idea and truly love yours. Did you create it in photoshop? I love the map and passports...very cool. If only I could figure out how to do that. I would love any tips you have.
Sarah said…
ohhh and a romantic getaway in Rome sounds lovely!
Scary Mommy said…
Ahhhh... Rome... I am super jealous. Lucky you!!!!
Ronda's Rants said…
How wonderful! I am envious a lot!!!
MoMo 2.0 said…
even better than peeing on a stick!!

Now you get to be the traveler and I will stay home!! LOL
amelia bedelia said…
ROME!! Good gosh, I live such a boring life. I'm excited about going to Walmart this weekend. Lucky Dog!
J-E-A-L-O-U-S!!!!!!!!!! But you SO deserve it!
Laural Out Loud said…
I'm hopping on the baby bandwagon, lol. My daughter is four, and if I don't have number two NOW, I think I'll get too content with how easy things have become.

I'm so jealous of your trip! Ahhh, to be able to jet off to Italy for a romantic weekend trip. Have fun!
Unknown said…
Rome !! You are so lucky !!!

I don't know if the urge for more babies ever leaves you, even when your biological clock has stopped ticking and the use by date on your ovaries has expired..
Sydney said…
I just went through a rash of friends announcing pregnancies or giving birth. Now that Alex is nearly potty trained, we'll probably jump on the bandwagon pretty soon and hopefully have another one.
Tiff said…
I felt the same way...after two more..not going back to diapers, bottles and sleepless nights...well...I have two more now and would not trade them for the be careful...we were and still ended up with two trip sounds soooooo nice!!! Can't wait to read the post and hear about all the fun you will have!! What a hubby...pat on the back to him for planning a great trip for you! :)
lynette355 said…
hummmm another baby to care for oh.....21 yrs or so? OR times alone with the big guy romantic or just snuggle time.

Think I will go for door #2.

My one and only daughter is 21, in college and still lives at home (cheaper) so I am holding out for those alone times still.

Hope you enjoy or enjoyed the great runaway!

Also your one Saucy (SITS) Texan!

oh for your weekend use these

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