Overwhelmed Wednesday

OK.... I hope this won't be a weekly thing... but today is definitely
Crap...is it Wednesday already?
I have been working my tail off since last Thursday...lots of extra hours at the office trying to get everything done before the end of the month... throw into that kids, MESSY house... class mother stuff... AARRRRGGGGHHH!
OK, I am going to break this all down into BABY STEPS & then MAYBE, I won't be SOOO BLOODY OVERWHELMED....

On top of working 10-12 hour days... (I know in the US this is pretty normal..but here in Scandinavia, where the work week is between 35-37 hours... I am pretty sure I will be receiving a medal in the mail for all of my hard work....)

So on top of all of the long hours, messy house etc... I have my first "Class mother" meeting at Eva's "Barnehagen" (preschool)

First order of business... to start planning a
REAL old fashioned Christmas Tree Party....
The other mothers are throwing ideas out there left & right whilst I sit...like a bump.on.a log. *crickets* I don't KNOW what to do for a
Norwegian "Juletrefest" I have only been to one ever... so for me to start planning the party... I feel a little dumb. to be honest.... (People...I am a FOREIGNER!)

I can see that this is going to end up a really LONG post...if I don't start getting to the point.
In the "REAL WORLD" (the United States) I am a very outgoing"hop right in" kind of person... but in the "New World" I think I suffer from social anxiety...
Socially I am "Special" I tend to be very quiet/shy.... & as this isn't my nature I am very uncomfortable..... none of the other mom's asked where I was from... so I am guessing they think I have a drippy personality instead of just being foreign....
To make a LONG story short... Not only did I get sucked into being the treasurer.... they told me I would be leading the whole "class mother" thing next year, because all of the other mothers are leaving...
(Have I mentioned I have a real issue with saying NO?) CRAPITTY.. CRAP... CRAP....

So as is tradition, I am having the Americans over for Halloween this year.... Usually, I throw a huge BASH... with homemade piñatas, full blown decorations... games & prizes ...the whole 9 yards.... This year I am having them over for PIZZA & TRICK or TREATING... I feel like a big Ol' LAME-O... to make it worse... the kids don't have costumes... (I normally order them from the states 3 months before hand....) this year.... we are going to have to dig through the box of Halloweens past & see what we come up with... no decorations... I DID find pumpkins... however they are still UN- carved....

When I started whining to Bjørn last night, he asked what the big deal was... the kids don't seem bothered about it so why should I? I think my problem is, every year my kids get less & less American... & more Norwegian... (can't they just be 50/50) ? Sigh... (we didn't celebrate 4th of July (Bj was in the Hospital)...Halloween is going to be LAME, Christmas will be typical Norwegian....)

So I am having 12 people over to my NEW HOUSE... which is still unfinished... we have unpainted trim... bare windows....crap out where the front yard SHOULD be .... I just wanted it to be finished... ya know?
We did finally get THE nightmare...BATHROOM in.... (anyone looking to buy a bathroom here in Norway, email me & I will tell you where NOT to go....(rocka.no)) did I mention that this isn't even the bathroom we special ordered? it is some crap he had sitting in the warehouse... & we accepted it because he didn't return our calls & he just wore. us. out... its not that bad...but not what I wanted either.....

So today is the day... I WILL GET EVERYTHING DONE.... (lord I hope..) be nice if I can just get the laundry off of the floor before everyone comes over.... .

Guess who was invited to a FABULOUS wedding in a CASTLE in TUSCANY??? Can you Guess who probably won't be able to go to this FABULOUS life styles of the rich & famous wedding... CRAP... The wedding is in May... & we have already booked our tickets for ROME in March... but for this trip I would be willing to fore go Christmas & Birthday presents (even for the kids...OK.. I JEST...) I would be happy to eat NOODLES for the next 6 months....

I am off now to do 2 weeks worth of House Work...Halloween decorating.. good mommy doing, all in one day... wish me luck! Hope you all have a super HUMP DAY!


Skogkjerring said…
I think that is the American in you stressing to make everything perfect. Especially when it comes to celebrating holidays in an American way. I tried also the first years I was here but after awhile just kinda gave up. I have halloween candy to give out to the kids who show up (I've been warned some are coming) but no pumpkin yet. Have some homemade costumes for the girls (they want to go as the Invisible family- using bandages bought at the pharmacy to wrap around their heads and sunglasses) Still haven't got anything for the little guy yet. Halloween is more important to we Americans then Norwegians so don't stress it is my humble advice.

You weren't the only one who has been suckered into positions in the PTA. No one volunteered to be class contact for my 8th grader's class so guess who raised her hand in protest of all the parents who said they wanted to be active in their kids school days but never volunteered to help out as class contact...yep...I hate taking on extra jobs when I have so much to do as is...yeah yeah...shouldn't complain I do it to myself.

How long have you been here???
MsTypo said…
Sorry your day is going all upside down. I think you should to go Tuscany and call it next year's bday gift. Or better yet, your Keep Mummy Sane gift. There is little that husband's won't do in the name of keeping us off the ledge of insanity. :)

Good luck! :)
Anonymous said…
Ahh, I feel for you. Nothing like getting stuck with something you don't want to do because you don't want to be rude and say NO.

We rush ordered a costume from amazon.de for the school day party. So 26€ for something he'll wear for about two hours at most. Lovely.
At least you have pumpkins, that's a start, I can't find anywhere to buy some.

I find that even though our entire family is American, we don't even do the holidays anymore. 4th of July? Just another day. Hubby will likely be in the US for most of November so no Thanksgiving either.

Being foreign stinks.
The housewife said…
So ad a little element of foreign excitement - what do Americans do at childrens Christmas parties that the Norwegians don't do? Or any other culture for that matter. It's for the children - children love to learn new and exciting things.

As for the Halloween party - make them carve out their own bloody pumpkins - you have enough to do. Just make sure there's enough food and drink!

And a wedding in Italy -hold me back baby. Make a plan - use the credit cards, sell the family pet. Hell, sell hubby if you have to!

I have taken the day off so now I'm off to buy pumpkins and sweets and find myself a nice pair of boots!
buffalodick said…
Have a Happy Halloween anyway!
Anonymous said…
EEP! That's quite the to do list! I hope you can get the important stuff accomplished and that the not so important stuff can wait till next week ;)
hexe said…
I hope you get everything done and if not, pizza for everyone will take care of it. Somehow the holidays always seem busy - hope you have a chance to kick back and enjoy them.

I agree with the others that the wedding is a must - a mental health vacation.
What A Card said…
Whew, I'm tired just thinking about it!

Maybe you'll need to work some tricks into the trick or treating this year :)
binks said…
Plan a nicr big American style Christmas party. That will be easier for you and give you a much needed reminder of "home".
I think you need to do a big Texas style Christmas party. Complete with longhorns as reindeer :-) When my girls were in preschool we loved having my friend Susi help plan the Christmas stuff...because she was from Germany and we could add a unique touch to the party. Texas would be really unique :-)

And you must go to Tuscany. Really. There are things that you must sacrifice for sanity. Or for blog fodder...
I think you need to do a big Texas style Christmas party. Complete with longhorns as reindeer :-) When my girls were in preschool we loved having my friend Susi help plan the Christmas stuff...because she was from Germany and we could add a unique touch to the party. Texas would be really unique :-)

And you must go to Tuscany. Really. There are things that you must sacrifice for sanity. Or for blog fodder...
Kelli Nørgaard said…
I am confident that if you book the tix to Tuscany, the stress of all this other crappity crap crap (which I must say is a GREAT TERM!) will fade away!!!!
Suzanne said…
Oh my, you're a stranger in a strange land. I guess we Americans don't realize the elements of our culture until we're living outside of that zone. Norwegians would be the same if they were plopped in the middle of Dallas.

This is an opportunity for you to educate them on another culture, or the American way to celebrate Christmas. You certainly can't bake Christmas cookies at school but perhaps the kids could decorate them and take them home in a sack decorated with stickers or rubber stamps. Need some rubber stamps? I've got tons of Christmas stamps that I will never use. Let me know.

Learn to say NO, it's the best advice I can give you. Not saying no and stressing myself to some insane level got me hospitalized and in therapy.... long enough to learn to say no.

Tuscany? Cancel the trip to Rome. There might be a fee but the trade off would be fabulous. You seriously need to go to this wedding and report back to us.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Anonymous said…
Overwhelmed is definetly the key word there! Whew! I was overwhelmed just reading! Well good luck with everything. Just remember you are your own worst critic and Im sure at the end of the day, even if everything isnt completed to your satisfaction you are the only one who knows that! And it's a halloween party! People are going to have fun just getting together! No worries :) Try and have a good day!!
Angie's Spot said…
You are my hero! I have enough trouble trying to keep up with regular mommy stuff and event celebrations WITHOUT living in a foreign company. Just try not to sweat the small stuff. And you simply must learn to say NO. (For what it's worth, I'm still working on that too. LOL!)
Angie's Spot said…
Oh, and if you need an escort to Tuscany, I will find a way to be there for ya. LOL! A Tuscan wedding. Sigh.
Lizzie said…
good luck! we have the house inspector coming today and i seem to think if the house is clean enough and i bake him cookies he won't write down any bad things he may find, YEAH RIGHT! one can dream. :)

if it makes you feel better my kids are wearing last years halloween costumes because our minds are on the big move and they still fit in them.
Jen said…
that is one crapy wednesday. I wish you speedy cleaning and good ideas for the class mother stuff.
Jen Sue Wild said…
Good luck girl at least know one thing you are at least giveing us a good giggle makieng me at least fell better about some of the things going on in my life right now!

Good luck with the Halloween party..
KimmyJ said…
Geeesh, we share the same life - or lack there of, right?
Diane Mandy said…
Treasurer AND head of class mothers? OOOOH. It has been a tough day, eh?
Frizzy said…
Try looking some things up on line. I found some awesome European Christmas Cookie and Tradition sites a couple years back. Here's one I found today http://www.scandinavianchristmastraditions.com/

It has tons of things to select from. Who knows, maybe you'll teach them a thing or two.
Khadra said…
You have a lot going on!!
I hope this week is over with fast for you.
WOW seriously GOOD LUCK!!! And I have NO idea what wedding you are talking about...but I want to go also...just because it's in a castle!

Good luck with everything...I feel your pain!
Laural Out Loud said…
Not to overwhelm you more (well, okay, maybe), but where are the pictures of the new bathroom? I'm dying to see it!

My husband has the same issues with our daughter not being Brasilian enough- I totally understand your need to make our traditions special to them. So far I think you're doing a great job of that. And a happy, stress free mom with a few carved pumpkins and some candy is much better than a blow out party where you're about to lose it. They'll get it either way, so don't feel bad at all for the easy party!
eating noodles for six months sounds like an excellent trade-off for a Tuscan wedding. OH DO TELL US THAT YOU ARE GONNA GO!

Even if the house isn't perfect and the kids aren't decorated hope you have a great time with your get-together. It isn't so much the surroundings and decor as it is the company you keep. Hope you just shovel everything into the closet and have a great time!

You deserve a medal ~ 12 hour days and mommying are a difficult mix!
Kelly said…
Oh Man...your day is sucking...Try to break it down into little pieces so it's not so bad...and get the kids and Bjorn to help out!! Bjorn also needs to help advise you on the "traditional Norwegian Christmas" so you feel a little more comfortable.

And May is a whole 2 months after March...you can find a way to swing the Tuscany trip...Doesn't Bjorn have frequent flier miles? Don't you love the American wife solution to dump most of it on hubby?! ;)

Feel better! Love you!
Take a deep breath girl!

Ok it'll all work out.
aasheim424 said…
Wow, i am really suprised to hear of someone working a 10 -12 hr day in Norway, my husband raves about how everyone only works 8 hrs max over there, because overtime is huge! I agree with Amy, you know your still American when you stress about everything, Norwegians are pretty laid back. And halloween is pretty new to Norway so that works in your favor too. Do you know many Americans in Fredrikstad? I hope i can keep in touch so when i am in Norway i will know another american is close by when i become overwhelmed and feel home sick!
Mammatalk said…
Ahhhh...we'll carve a pumpkin for you.

If it makes you feel better, your blog rocks! :-)
Mum-me said…
Oh! We mums beat ourselves up over these things, don't we? (Me included - totally!) I have just read about 4 different blogs today written by mums who are stressing about the upcoming holidays. Men are too laid back and unconcerned about these things, but I think women go too far in the opposite direction. (Me probably worst of all!) So anyway, I hope you get a chance to enjoy all the events that are coming up, and I think your children will have fun if you do too!
Christelle said…
i can't believe how many comments you get now!!! Just reading your post made me tired. Looking forward to hearing how your halloween works out. Mine is finished already, they don't really stick to the dates here in Japan, but at least I got to take my baby out for his first trick or treating (he prefers trick or teating- haha!) I was actually working- at least they didn't add it to my classload, but replaced my classes with the event.
Samantha said…
Oh my goodness, that's a lot going on! :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog and the birthday wishes! (on top of everything! :))
Tiff said…
Wow girl..can you say overwhelmed....I hope you managed to get all of that done...it made me tired thinking all what you have to do...But I have to say I agree with you on the 50/50 your kids should celebrate American things to...my husband is Canadian and we do both American and Canadian...and for the love of Lord he makes us watch Hockey...lol....Hope your day is better today...and hope you get to attend the wedding in May :) keep us posted on that!
Cristin said…
Crappity Crap Crap is right!!! I can't imagine!

Happy Halloween anyway...
Rhea said…
That post was too long and I'm too tired. I tried to read it all but I'm in a funk. I'll come back when I can read it fully...

I did catch something about a wedding at a castle in Tuscany! Very cool. Can't miss that. You can see Rome any old time...
Kelly said…
Sending some Halloween love your way...You've been Boo'd! Stop on by and see what I am talking about.
WheresMyAngels said…
I'm sick sick sick of my 12 to 16 hour days also. I'm so sick of working. I was suppose to be off on Halloween to take my daughter to a church party, but no, I had a staff call in :(

Oh, guess I am not helping your spirit. Make sure you post up some pictures, I am sure it will be fun!
Sydney said…
Take a deep breath. In... out. there. you should feel a little better.

As for a WEDDING IN A CASTLE IN TUSCANY? You must find a way to make that work. WOW. Once in a lifetime experience!!!!
L.R. M-J said…
Hang in there, I feel your pain! Halloween is one of my all time favourite holidays, and now I'm just forced to live vicariously through others and occasionally throw a party, but as most of our American friends are gone now...siiigh. On the other hand I can tell you as a child that was raised multi-culturally not to worry too much about the kids, tell them about your American traditions, show them when you can, visit when you can and eventually they will take what they like best and incorporate it into who they are. I love that I'm Norwegian sometimes and American others!! Bon Courage!

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