Welcome SITStas!!

Wow... to say I am excited to have my SITSta's here today is an UNDERSTATEMENT...

I am SOO EXCITED! I even threw a little leopard print under my welcome sign for y'all..

When I found out y'all were coming over today I thought I'd whip up some "Hors d'oeuvres" .. a little Norwegian Salmon, Caviar, a lovely Cream Cake... and some real Norwegian Aquavit to wash it down...

But then I figured heck, this is going to be a one time deal right? I might as well go all out..& SPLURGE.. nothing but the best for my SITStas.. So I grabbed the kiddies & made a "run for the border".... (Swedish border that is) & decided to pick up some real delicacies...

Oh ya, after only a 30 min drive across the border, I am able to pick up favorites such as the $15 can of "Spray Cheese" umm, a $40 case of Mountain Dew... or & don't forget the HO HO's for a mere $25... (they are all IMPORTED=FANCY..)
See...anything for you, my new friends! (Did I mention my middle name is C L A S S Y...?)

So about MOI... I am just your typical "Texan-ish" (-ish because I have lived all over the states...but spent my formative years in Texas) girl transplanted to Norway.... with my adorable hubby of 12 years & my 2 "Nor-erican" children. The first language at home is primarily Norwegian..however I still prefer to yell at everyone in English...I find it much more effective.

I found SITS a few weeks after starting my blog...not long after, my husband fell 3 stories from the top of our roof & our daughter contracted LYME disease... I had both of them in the hospital at the same time. I made a prayer request on blog roll & instant sisterhood followed... these super SITStas got me through a very rough time this summer... & I will be forever grateful.. So THANKS AGAIN.... Got all teary eyed there....

So go on SITStas, have a look around... hope you find something of interest...

just to save you some time... (cause it is a mess over here...)

The REST of the LOVE STORY & how I ended up on the other side of the world here is the final chapter...Flash Back... Meet the parents

Interested in some more info on my adopted home? 6 Random Facts (The Norwegian Version) Martini's...

Or maybe you would like to know how Norwegians view Americans/ME? go here...

I am soo happy y'all stopped by. I hope you had a good time & I look forward to making some new SITS friends!

Ha det bra! (Good Bye, Take care...)


THREE stories! wow. Nice to meet you. I'm an American in Norfolk. I've got to get kids to school, but then I'm coming back to read!
Anonymous said…
Litte, thank you for dropping by my blog. I agree with you that they're sponges - I grew up speaking 3 languages myself and think the constant exposure was the best thing my parents ever did for me. Good for you for making sure your kids are bilingual - you have a very important job, too! :)
Anonymous said…
My gosh- 3 stories!! It sure sound nice to have sisters all over the world. I am glad I found SITS too.
Suzi said…
Wow, what a great story. I am so glad I found this blog... off to read more. :)
Mom said…
Just wanted to stop by and say CONGRATS on being SITS FB today!
Anonymous said…
Congrats!!!! How interesting!!! I feel like I am actually learning something, which is quite impressive this early in the morning hahaha
Wow! Look at you - Featured Blogger on SITS!
You totally deserve it! I found you a few months ago - Thanks to Kelly at Song for Whoever.
I keep up with your blog now because your stories are so funny & delightful. Congratulations!!!
Anonymous said…
Nice to meet you. Hope your husband and daughter are feeling well now.
I'm just over the border from you: a Brit living in Sweden.
Christelle said…
Hi! I have a question for you, what is SITS? (This probably makes me sound really dumb). Thanks for your complicomment about my son on my blog :)
Yay!! Happy SITS day!

I hope you get lots of comment love!
Lisa @ Serah's said…
WOW...Norway. I've always wondered what it's like to live in another country. I'll be taking my trip through your blog to get my passport stamped for Norway.
Jill said…
Congrats Tressa on being the SITS gal of the day! Enjoy your day of glory - you totally deserve it!!

Can't wait to read those posts!!

Andrea said…
Congrats on being the featured blogger! Can't wait to come back and read more later.
Kaycee said…
Wow how neat!! Thanks for introducing us to you :)

Congrats on being featured!!
KimmyJ said…
Congrats SITSta! Glad hubs and daughter are better.
You can't go wrong with leopard print:)Thanks for the treats--just what I needed this morning. Yum...

Congrats on being oh so saucy!
The Nice One said…
Congrats on your special day. Wow, I hope that your husband and daughter are better now.

Great blog, lots of fun over here!
Kaycee said…
I couldn't find your email addy! I'm totally ready for labor!! LOL, bring on the tricks and tips :)
What a great pick for the day. I've visited a few times....and I remember you commented on my SITS day as well. Going to read more.....:)
~Trish~ said…
Congrats on your day!!!!!! Can't wait to read more!
Anonymous said…
Congratz doll!
Heather said…
Yay! Congrats on your big SITS FB day! I hope you get lots and lots of commenty goodness and love today! :)

Now I'm off to read and read - my kiddo's on the bus and I have housework to procrastinate on getting done!

Tracy P. said…
It's your turn! Yea for you! Happy SITS Day to you.
Kim said…
Congrats on your Saucy Day! Off to read about Norway:)
Aunt Julie said…
Uff da! Hello there, fellow SITS Featured Blogger! Your SITS Day in the Sun will be exhausting-but a whole lotta fun! We're all Norwegian American over here, so we can relate to your blog. Do you like lutefisk?
Jewel Allen said…
Congratulations on your SITS day! I checked you out a few weeks ago and loved the header and posts. Thanks for sharing a little bit of Norway with the rest of us!
lemonologie said…
Congrats on your SITS day! Off to read more!
Dina said…
hey lady, congrats and I love your blog its great!
Lorie said…
Wow! I am glad you found the support system and sisterhood you needed at that time.
Anonymous said…
Congrats on being the Featured Blogger! I've dropped by before but I will be sure and give the blog a thorough read today! Have a great SITS day!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on being chosen, & you have a great blog :)
WheresMyAngels said…
What the heck? I thought you had been already featured!! lol I thought I had hit an old SITS post. Guess I found your blog cause your always posting first!

Happy SITS Day. I'll have to come back later and see if I have read your featured post before.
How fun to be the featured blog. What an education for your family to live in a different culture.
Anonymous said…
Contrats on being featured! I love your blog, it's very entertaining. I love hearing stories of adventures abroad.
Stephanie said…
Congrats on being featured!! I love your story! I am going to add you to my list and follow you!! I may be moving soon to Brazil...we aren't sure yet, so i am fascinated by Americans living outside the country :) Thanks for sharing!!
TisforTonya said…
I was kinda looking forward to the salmon... but hey, who can resist spray cheese :)
S Club Mama said…
So excited to visit again. I think I lost you on my blogroll....so sad, I'll add you again. I can't wait to catch up!
Suzanne said…
Oh Tressa, I'm so glad you're in the spotlight today. You shine girl!!!!

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Megan said…
Happy SITS day!

Very cool blog!
Let me be the first to say that you rock. You are SO on top of your comments! I think that the day you are featured you might as well declare it a holiday from life! :)
Becky W said…
WOW!! Happy SITs day!! I am so glad we were able to stop by and say hello today. I know you will enjoy all your visitors!!
Oh, it's so fun to be the feature of the day. Revel in your comment luv...
Congrats on your day in the spot light -- Hope you enjoy it and have fun! Thanks for sharing -- Much Love

Three stories? Oh my gosh!

That is so scary and the LYME disease?

No way!

Girl, I've got to go catch up.

(Girl, woman? Well, you know what I mean!)
Tamie said…
that is so awesome---i'm glad that the SITSas were able to help you through a rough time--two in the hospital at the SAME time--that IS rough.
your site is a delight and what fun for you to experience a whole new culture--nto many of us will have that opportunity in our lives. to me: that is a blessing in and of itself.
Gaspegirl said…
Hey there - very nice to meet you! I am a Canadian in Quebec (hehe)... actually I am Quebecois but an English speaker :P I am going to have a look around ... Make it a great day!
C said…
Great blog. Love you style and sense of humor.
Lynda said…
Congrats on being our SAUCY SITSa today! I always enjoy your blog. Have a great day!!
Allison said…
I remember finding your blog through MBC and everytime I read it I thoroughly enjoy it!
Tessa said…
Linked over from SITS, love your site. Looks like norway would be great to live in.
Rachel Ann said…
LOL...I already like your blog and I've only gotten through the introduction post!! I think I'll have reading throughout the rest of your blog!

Congrats on being the SITS featured blog of the day!
Paige said…
This looks fun-- cannot wait to catch up on you!
$25 for Ho-ho's? Wow, I guess rationing those is the key. Had a great time on the visit from SITS. Enjoy your day......
Jen Sue Wild said…
congrats for being the fetured SITS>>
I love your blog.. You always bring sunshine to my day.
That Girl said…
What a fun blog! I can't wait to read all about you. ;)
Laurel said…
Yeayyy! So happy its your day!! I havn't been by enough - forgive me:). Enjoy, enjoy!!
Nicole said…
Yay! Congrats on being the featured SITS blogger! I love your blog. So fun and interesting!
Elizabeth said…
Congrats on being featured blogger today!
Ronnica said…
Oh, congrats, congrats! I hope you enjoy it! I just had my SITS day last week, and it was a ton of thrills! I actually just finished catching up on all the comments!
Thanks for the post you left on my blog :) I'm new to this and it's exciting to get some feedback!
I can't wait until naptime, so I can really get into your blog!!
angie said…
Sounds like a great blog! I'm on my lunch break now, but I can't wait to get back home read more! Congrats on your day!
Jodi said…
Hi! I discovered your blog last week. I still haven't gotten all the way through your posts, but in time I will!

I visited Norway in 1987 and remember that McDonald's was very expensive. I remember tasting goat cheese for the first time! After a few times eating it, I acquired a taste for it. I even ate it after I came back home. But soon after, I lost the taste for it again! :) I'd love to see some authentic recipes from you!!! My mom makes lefse and it's awesome! Her grandparents came from Norway...so I'm one of those Norwegian Americans (half Norwegian)!!! :)
scargosun said…
Yea! Happy SITSta day!!!!
Kally said…
Congrats on being the SITS featured blogger. Love your blog and I REALLY love the Kiss costumes! You Rock! :)
Michelle said…
Congratulations on your Day in the sun on SITS. I've been here before and loved a chance to read some of your earlier posts.
Congrats on your SITS feature! Wow... your husband fell 3 stories at the same time your daughter was hospitalized with Lyme disease! I'm glad you got support and prayers from this group!
Congrats!! ~ being SITS FB today!!!
I just found their site and Im sure glad I did!
"Surround yourself with positive likeminded souls!" ~
How wonderful you are to be able to live in another country!
I WISH I could speak many diff. languages!
Your children are lucky to have such a Positive creative mommy like you!
Best Wishes ~
Joelle XO
Ohhh LOVE your FRESH layout! XO
Ash said…
Congrats on your Sauciness!

Now I'm off to find your OJ piece...thanks for visitng mine, and appreciating my twisted sense of humor :-).

ChezChani said…
What a great story, thanks SITS for introducing me to this blog.
Avery Tales said…
Love your story. I'm new to SITS and you're the first featured blog I've read! So much fun! Congrats!
Chris Blue said…
OMG, wow, sista hood is so great... wherever you can find it. Seems like you lead such an interesting life! Congrats on your SITS day.

Kori said…
Visiting from SITS. I've been by here before. So glad I cam acrossed your blog again.
Stella said…
How fun! I have always wanted to visit Norway. I love your blog. Congrats on your wonderful SITS day. Have a good one.
Jennie said…
Congrats on being super SAUCY today... I am very excited to read more on your blog, I find it very fascinating to be an American living in a different country.... Again, big congrats and a big blog hug!
Hey there,

I am living in Virginia, but my heritage is from Norway! This was several generations back, but I received all of the recessive blonde genes.

I liked it here and I will be back by.

swilek said…
Welcome and COngrats on being Queen Sitsta of the day! Lovin your blog! I was a Canadian in Sweden for one year back in 1986-87. I LOVED Scandanavia and hope to go back one day! All the best! Have a great day..well, it's almost over for you as I write this! God Bless, Karyne
Mammatalk said…
What an adventurous lady you are! Very interesting! I look forward to reading your blog.
Beth said…
Congrats SITSa!

I will have to bookmark you and read all about you when I don't have a migraine. I promise!!

But wow, Norway? Way cool!
Anna Lefler said…
OK, check this out:

1. I grew up in Houston (which happens to be in Texas)

2. I yell in English. A LOT.

3. Spray cheese is the foundation of my lifestyle.

Can you say "meant to be???"

:^) Anna

PS...Thanks for the comments on my blog today!
Susie said…
Congratulation on your SITS feature today. I hope you enjoyed your day in the sun.
Natalia said…
Happy to "meet" you! My neice contracted Lyme disease, and it's such a difficult an unfair thing for little ones to go through. I'm off to read more now!
Whoa! Just look at you, all Fancy Pants!
Tulsi said…
Sorry to hear about you husband and child. What alot to deal with. Man. Are you in Norway for good? Is your husband Norwegian? My mom is in Switzerland for good and it was such a transition. I was was in college when I was asked to nanny in Norway. I'm not sure why they asked me. I met my husband a couple of weeks later and didn't go.
Anonymous said…
Wow!! I can't believe your husband fell 3 stories!! Yikes!! I'm looking forward to browsing around on your site. I'm also new to blogging and getting the hang of things. I love the sisters network and support. :)
Kelsey said…
Nice to meet you!!
I found your blog the other day and I was loving reading it, but than I never got a chance to comment, so I'm doing that now.
Your stories are hysterical. I just read your mortifying one (where your son told the kid you called him a dork..in front of his parents LOL) and I cracked up.
Thanks for getting all fancy for us, I'll join you in that $40 case of Mountain Dew.
Jen said…
A big congrats on your day. I really, really like it here. I think that I am going to check out your other features especailly the one about how the love story finishes.
And I can't wait to come back again, to see what other stuff you come up with.
Unknown said…
YAAAYYYY ... I was so excited this morning when I saw you were being featured on SITS.

You so deserve it !!! :-)

Cream cake, eh ? Lead me to it !!!

$15 for a can of Cheez Whiz ...wow !!!
April said…
congrats on being SUPER SAUCY! beautiful blog, btw :-D
Ritch in Love said…
Had a quick moment in the Phoenix airport to drop by and say congrats!!
Carla said…
Wow, so are you the coolest person in Norway or what?! And kudos for the kidos speaking two languages! Thanks for showing us folks who have not been to Norway a way to see if from your perspective.

From, Braziian in American. :)
Frizzy said…
I'm the 94th comment today. Oh my have you been busy! I hope you enjoyed your day in the spotlight!
Anonymous said…
OMGosh, three stories? I sure hope he's ok! Congrats for being featured. I'm new to SITS (too).
Jennifer P. said…
I was so happy to see you featured today! I always recognize you as the first SITS commenter and think---no fair! WAY different time zone :)! But you are as sweet and funny as you seem in your comments! I love my spray cheese and Mt. Dew! I remember buying a Root Beer in Paris once---$8.00. Bout fell off my chair. Darn fancy imports ;)

Hope you had a FABULOUS SITS day!
Erin said…
I'm so glad to have found you! Congrats on being Saucy!!
Janiece said…
Hello SITSta, from Idaho
$40 for a case of Mountain Dew! WOW! I'm craving the Norwegian Salmon, Caviar now. OK YUM!

LOVE your blog and love the welcome sign! You are a doll! :-) Can't wait to read more!

Tiffany said…
You are famous!

I love the leopard print tribute to SITS.

And, I love how everyone recognizes you from being the first commenter so often!
Anonymous said…
$15 for a can of spray cheese?! Yowsa.

Enjoyed reading through your blog!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
#1..spray cheese in Scandanavia??!! Seriously??!!

#2...love the stories you posted since I met you "post move and sharing of the story"

and #3... I officially am getting my BLOG EDUCATION from you!! :o)
Veronica said…
Congrats on being featured...wow..three stories? I hope he is OK now.
Lisa Petrarca said…
CONGRATS on your big day yesterday! I'm sorry I missed it, I was banned from the computer because my kids had tons of homework. I figured I would wait till later to check out who the lucky winner was and then...a miracle happened, I fell asleep!

I wanted to share some SITSta love with ya and hope you enjoyed your big day.

I guess I missed the big gormet feast too!
Kelly said…
I should officially be disowned as your friend!! I can't believe I missed your big day!! I am so lame!! Looks like you had a fabulous turn out...Congrats!!!

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