Mortified Monday.. you know you want to play....

Mortified Monday, OH YEA.. I am bringing it back!
You know you want to play. If you have a funny/mortifying moment you would share..leave me a comment & I will link back to you...
(check out the original..... for some FUNNY moments) Mortified Monday...

** I finally found someone to take a look a look at my computer which died a few weeks ago. A nice young man, (FROM MY NEIGHBORHOOD) came & picked it up yesterday...

So as I was drifting off to sleep last night it hit me.... HOOKER/ STRIPPER BOOB PICTURES.. Holy Crap! The HOLY SH*T Diet N I C E.. He doesn't know that I was just trying to show my sister that the dress didn't work... He is probably going to think I am some "Mrs. Robinson" with booby pictures on my computer...
Oooo.. I can't wait till I have to go pick my computer up... or bump into him in the grocery store.... So I haven't been humiliated yet... I know the mortified moment will be happening this week.... (something to blog about NEXT week...)

So my MORTIFYING Moment for this week..... ( doesn't actually have anything to do with my children...)

So here I am 7/8 months preggers with Dane... I am at a meeting/business lunch.. with ummm I dunno.. 200 people... I am of course, sitting up towards the front of the room... Being pregnant I of course need to pee ALL OF THE TIME... excused myself to go to the rest room... When I return from the restroom... I go through the buffet AGAIN (eating for 2 you know...)

Stop by a few tables chit chatting... "Oh Hello!..." Patting the big ol' belly, smiling, beaming really..... I finally make it back to my table, I sit down smiling.... when i noticed the odd expression on my table mates face... " Umm, have a something hanging out of your pants..."

I look behind & sure enough... I have a 3 foot toilet paper TAIL... stuck in my stretch pants... (HOT.. I know...)

I went around the entire FRIGGIN room, buffet line, tables...with a toilet paper tail & NO ONE said ANYTHING... You ...A-Holes.... (I have yet to forgive any of them)

This is a moment I will never forget, & the reason I have the compulsive need to feel my butt/back of my pants every time I leave a restroom......

OK...So who is playing? Come on...

PS (this isn't me... but I am glad to know I am not the only one who has had a toilet paper tail... at least mine wasn't all over the internet...)

OK--- Finally, I have a player... One Crafty Mamma ... go check her out! Mortifying Moment!
& another...

What A Card.... think 16 candles...that is what her moment reminded me of... Sweet...but mortifing for a 16 year old... Mortified Monday


MsTypo said…
I don't have any mortification tales of my own this week as that would require changing my hermit-like existence. And hey, at least it was a friend who told you and not a strange sniggering teenager. *blocks out shame spirals of the past*
Oh my Gosh! I have a fear of that happening to me!
Mandy said…
LOL!! Now I see what you mean! I like this Mortified Monday stuff....
jewelstreet said…
ROFL. Both of those moments are hilarious. At least you're not the only one who has had a toilet paper tail.

Bet you check now before you leave the bathroom. ;)
You gotta hate that. I do the compulsive feel-the-back-of-your-butt-and-check-your-zipper-four-times before I leave bathrooms, too. Even my bathroom at home. Kinda sad.
Kelly said…
I love glad you're bringing it back...I of course have to wrack my brains for a story because I'm perfect *cough, sputter* I'll be playing next week...I like my posting's inspired by you!
Jill said…
That's awesome! I've never personally seen a toilet paper tail... but I have to admit that I'd get a small chuckle if I did.

Howdy stranger... finally back around here! :)
Khadra said…
HA HA!! Im sorry to laugh at your pain, but it 's pretty funny! I cant think of anything at the moment but if I do I will come back and let you know!
Michelle said…
LOL! Your mortifying moment from when you were the featured SITs girl motivated me to write my own and I posted it today.

I didn't realize it was a regular Monday feature! :)
Frizzy said…
I so feel your pain as who hasn't had a close call or similar moment to this. I also check my zipper to be open,shoes and backside for the tp tail before leaving the bathroom as these are all things I've personally experienced and hope to avoid in the future. How bout when you've walked around with something in your front teeth all day and nobody has the nerve to tell you. Even worse a big green booger in your nose. That's happened to me too. I love Mortifying Monday as you know and played myself a few weeks back. In case you missed it...
Jen said…
that is mortifying but oh so funny.
Anna Lefler said…
OMG, this is hilarious!

I would totally tell you if you had a TP tail. And, if you said, "Yes, I know, isn't it cool?" I would understand.

BTW, I'm linking to you tomorrow for the SITS blogathon! WOO-HOO!

Have a great, double-ply, absorbent day! :^) Anna
Anonymous said…
I don't know when I've laughed so hard! That was fantastic (for a mortified moment). I can't think of any I'd be willing to share that could compare.
Anonymous said…
The litle boy in the picture is totally pointing to the weird lady with toilet paper hanging out of her pants. I think he's actually trying to run away!

Mammatalk said…
This made me smile. Nice. :-)
Too funny.
oooh fun! This has inspired me to post about my mortifing momemt ...come check it out!!
Lizzie said…
you poor thing! aaahhh, i'm going to check my pants every time now, thanks for making me paranoid :)
Jo-Jo said…
Oh my gosh! You have cracked me up! Thanks for coming by my blog! I do hope you come back!
Ohhhhh no!! I've heard that story too many times. It has made me triple check to make sure there isn't anything trailing 'behind' me! LOL

My moment has to do with me doing the morning announcements at school in high school and not realizing the mic was still on. I went on and on about a boy I had a crush on....the ENTIRE school heard every word. LOL

WheresMyAngels said…
I'm going to have to join you on my blog one day with this.

I have done that same thing TWICE!! At work, walked all over the store I worked it with that huge tail. After 30 minutes, someone told me.
hexe said…
Oh I like this game! Will join in next Monday as vacationing with my 62 year old mother in countries that don't speak english had so many mortifying moments.
Rhea said…
Oh, no! I can't believe NO ONE told you about your toilet paper tale! That's just wrong. I would have told you.
What A Card said…
Oh, I love this post! And I had to play along (got a bit distracted with my SITS post, but finally did manage to finish my embarrassing post...and back-posted it to Monday, even though I realize it's now Tuesday. I mean, T-Mortifing T-uesday doesn't quite work :)
Laural Out Loud said…
I went through that recently with EGG in my hair. What the eff is wrong with people? And you were pregnant to boot! No, forgiveness is not called for here. But is it okay to say that I'm kinda glad it happened because it made me laugh? No? Oh, because it didn't. I'm totally not laughing. At least out loud. Oh, okay, I am. Nevermind...
Here from SITS!

My BFF is getting ready to move to Norway. Her hubby got orders (Army) and they should be there next July. I'll definately be reading more of your blog posts!
Tiff said…
I cannot think of any at this moment..but I had to write in and say how funny this story was...I would still be ill as those people to...Tell me if something is wrong...let me know if something is hanging out my nose or in my let people know...
Cassoulet Cafe said…
I found your blog just in time! I just posted yesterday about a mortifying moment. If you wanna read it, you can click here:

Glad to find your blog, I'll keep reading! Mortifying moments are my favorite things to relate! :)
Anonymous said…
Hrm. My MOM reads my blog. I've spent a good deal of my life being mortified, but a lot of those are not mom-readable. Just not that ready to share! But if I can come up with one I'll link here!
Unknown said…
the joys of breastfeeding no book tels you about...
I am in GNC trying to justify a $300+ purchase for protein bars, shakes, and vitamins when I realize the teenage boy waiting on me is blushing redder by the minute. It is only then that I realize Lilith has her hand down the v neck of my shirt and is playing with my right breast. So I quickly try to pull her hand out of my shirt and start telling her, "no Lilith, not here". To which she turns to the teenage boy who is almost purple at this point, and looks him dead in the eye and says, "Mama Boobie , G-O-O-D!" with a big smile. I thought the poor guy was going to faint.
Ritch in Love said…
Laura said…
That's terrible and funny-- and I hope you don't consider any of those people in the buffet line your friends!

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