Friday Foto Fiesta..Pumpkin PUKE

It's Friday, It's Friday, Thank Goodness it's Friday!!!
(Oh darn... just remembered I will be working ALL weekend)

YIPPEE!I'm playing Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Fiesta Finish again .
So after you're done here, go over there and check out who's playing this week!!!

So"MY" FOTO this week isn't really mine... I snatched it from my friend Richard.....

Is it just WRONG that a mother of 2 young-ish children, REALLY REALLY wants to carve her pumpkins like this ?
because sick or not.... I think it is SOOOO bleeding funny!?

(Note to self, I still need to track down pumpkins in this non-loving Halloween country...)

Happy FRIDAY... Go check out carrie & give her some bloggy loving!


Donna said…
Ha! I am going out right now in search of pumpkins. That is hilarious...
Anonymous said…
Those are like THE coolest set of pumpkins EVER! HAHA! :)
Skogkjerring said…
Hey! I stumbled upon your blog by accident and just had to say hi, I'm also an American living in Norway!! I've been here 13 years, we have lived 12 years on the west coast between Molde and Kristiansund and just last year moved to Helgøya which is an island in the middle of the Mjøsa lake. I LOVE it here, much better then the west coast! Yeah, pumpkins...I've only seen green ones at the stores here and they are 10kr per in other words incredibly expensive and I'm not paying for a green pumpkin!!!! Good luck in your pumpkin hunt!!! Have a great weekend!
Anonymous said…
That is too funny. But I would never have it if I had kids...
Simple Answer said…
That is too flippin funny!
KimmyJ said…
OMGoodness! That is hilarious. I can't wait to try that one out!
jewelstreet said…
No, it's not wrong! That photo is wicked awesome! Love it. I want to do that now.
Mandy said…
I posted almost the same picture yesterday! :)
Susie said…
I think it is hilarious!!
Becky said…
I doesn't have to be alcohol that makes the pumpkin sick, he could be lactose intolerant. That would be more kid friendly. No pumpkins! Ack! I would just die. Halloween I think is tied with Christmas in my book.
Khadra said…
They must at least have squash there. You can find something to carve I bet. Although a pumpkin would be best lol!

Great pic :)
The housewife said…
Bwahahahaha - that's excellent! How creative!
Anonymous said…
hahahaha i think the picture is hilarious!!
Stacia said…
I love the thought and imagination that went into that photo.
It must have been from many lessons learned. LOL!
Michelle said…
Oh my goodness, that is to die for funny!
Gutsy Living said…
I thought the Halloween tradition was coming to Europe, but obviously not the pumpkins in Norway. Can they grow in Norway?
MediMonsters said…
Too Funny!!! Love that picture.

Stopping in from Candid Carrie--TFS!
Kelly said…
I love it!!! You'd be the most popular Mom in your new neighborhood!!
JWilson said…
OMG I am dying of laughter right now, that is so flippin funny!!!!

We are carving pumpkins tonight and I may have to do that!
MsTypo said…
I received that photo as a forward a few days ago and LOVED it! :) It really makes me miss halloween, jack o'lanterns, and fun sized chocolate bars. :)
debi9kids said…
Great photo! Thanks for the gigglies!
Hope you find some pumpkins!
Happy FFF!
buffalodick said…
That is friggin' hilarious! Never came by here before, but if your mind works like this- I'll be back!
My POOR...POOR Friend in Norway...if it didn't coast 10 thousand bucks to send you some pumpkins I would do it...really I would...

Also if I were rich...then cost wouldn't matter!


That photo is all that beer suppose to make us assume that they were under the influence while carving those pumpkins? I hope there wasn't any serious injuries! lol!
Emily said…
absolutley postively priceless. I am going to steal your idea this year... would that be okay.
It is wrong in so many ways and that is why I like it so much.
Priceless. That is REAL Kodak moment!!!!!!
Love it.
Jen said…
that is so awesome!
Hahaha, that is SO funny. And so original. Seriously good stuff.
Jenny said…
That is brilliant.
Mum-me said…
That was so lifelike - what the bottom pumpkin was supposed to be doing - that I felt like throwing up just looking at it. Of course, the beer bottles just added to the illusion.
Anonymous said…
Tressa, that's hysterical. My favorite is the one who's just gotten sick ... reminds me of something I might have seen in a Calvin and Hobbes strip. Classic!
Shannon said…
Well, this mom of two kids thinks the photo is HYSTERICAL!

I 'specially like the expression on the middle pumpkin!
Anonymous said…
These are awesome!! I would love to be crafty enough to do this. Pumpkins here in Israel are a yellowish color and oddly shaped. We always have orange paint on hand!
amelia bedelia said…
that is so funny! I'd like to do that, but I have too many teenagers who will think it's "ok" to drink and puke!
WheresMyAngels said…
My husband carved a puking pumpkin. We just left off the beer bottles. I mean, maybe he just ate too much pie, pumpkin pie!! blah ha ha
Jen Sue Wild said…
I have sceen this lots Yuck!!
I hope you had a good weekend..
Rhea said…
I LOVE that vomiting pumpkin. I've seen it around, and it's hilarious.
Anonymous said…
Aw, that's awesome! I suck at pumpkin carving so I never bother. Maybe I should practice more!
Anna Lefler said…
Oh, that's AWESOME. Rock ON.

Hope all is well with you!!


Cristin said…
I love this pic... the puking one is great and the other two look wasted!!
MoMo 2.0 said…
this pic makes me proud to be from the "Halloween celebrating country" I LOVE THIS!
Erin said…
Thanks for posting this! I needed humor today! :)

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