Halloween in Norway
Scary Mommy has inspired me to write about Halloween... one of our favorite Holidays... or at least it USED to be until we moved to Norway...
Halloween is still pretty new to Norway... Not sure how long it has been over here... but not long enough for people to know WHEN they are supposed to go out Trick or Treating... or get excited about decorating... or even to know that you need to go buy some good candy... (NOT clean out their junk drawers with whatever they might find...... some loose change... old gum.... a LIGHTER........)
I love when Nowegians get all excited & ask me questions about Halloween... like "Why do you celebrate Halloween?" "Ummm..free candy..." I know there is a story as to why we celebrate Halloween ... but whatever
..."when do you go out trick or treating for Halloween? ***crickets*** "Ummmm, ....ON Halloween"
being a busy working mom...I haven't had a chance to spread the news to EVERYONE over here, that we need to trick or treat ON Halloween... so it is not unusal to have trick or treaters the week BEFORE or AFTER Halloween...
A co worker told me she had trick or treaters 3 weeks early... (I think the kids were just trying to pull one over on her & get some extra pre Halloween candy )
I also haven't had the time to tell the Norskis that if they don't want trick or treaters... turn off your porch light... No need to yell & a bunch of 6 year olds & slam the door in their faces... (yes, this was my first
experience with trick or treating in Norway & i have been scarred ever since...)

Costumes? Good luck if you want to be something other than a Witch or a Pirate...
Last year we came up with this little didy... & all we needed was 5 rolls of Aluminum Foil & some black clothes...
I couldn't believe hubby went along with it...but I think he really enjoyed the aluminum foil " nut cup" (look closely.. you can see it) & prancing around in his silver boots...
So the delimma this year.. what can we go as...a family of 4? I kind liked the idea of Pippi Longstocking &Mr. Nelson the monkey.... (very big over here...) With Bjørn as Pippi & Eva as the Monkey... but that leaves Dane & I being the 2 boring Swedish friends.... Any suggestions?
I am also debating on whether I should decorate the house this year...... I don't have the cute Martha Stewart decorations... I have the "rat in the can" & singing Skeleton variety.... mind you ...NO ONE else decorates around here.... Any thoughts.... hmm?
Back to Scary Mommy See this great basket?! Scary Mommy is giving this away...it's easy to enter...just go here and follow the directions.
I don't think I am able to get any of this really cool stuff in Norway... (going for the pity vote...) Poor Me.... Go on over & check her out....
I dunno how I'm going to decorate. I tried 'carving' an orange yesterday to see if I could do that with the girlz. Nope. Lame. So, I may be forced to make paper maiche jack-o-laterns. Heaven help me! Desperate, desperate, desperate~! BUT, I am going to make Martha's black rats and have the girlz cut them out and put them all over the front entry way. That I can handle.
Now, for decorations. I am sooo uncrafty. BUT...everyone in my neighborhood does this. And it's easy. Just take a white trash bag. Put a little newspaper or something in it, and put a rubber band around the bag to hold it in place. So, now you have the ghost head and body. Then just take a black sharpie and draw on a face.
everyone here has one hanging from their mail box. Everyone! We have a few more - because the girls couldn't stop at one - and those are hanging from our trees.
I usually do get dressed up as a witch tho - gives me an excuse to not wear make up!
This year we're having trouble figuring out costumes too!
I'm going to have to check back to see what people are suggesting... :)
My husband and I were jailbirds last year. It was easy to pull off. hehe
And I'm with you on the Princess baby name...it is in no way American...except for maybe the Emma part, but I believe even that came or started first in England?
I think you should decorate with whatever you've got. Someone's gotta start a tradition, right? Show them Americans know how to have fun.....
You guys could be the Incredibles....does your husband like tights? hahaha
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Love those costumes! Priceless.
And, thank you a million for all the bloggy love!!! I will totally ship the box to you if your number comes up. I may regret saying that, but I promise! Thanks again! :)
Go ahead and decorate... you never know, you might start something going there, especially if you do some really awesome decorations.
Apparently, Halloween is slowly.. maybe ..beginning to become popular in NZ as well. Not sure if it will or not.
I did pick up two pumpkins yesterday, they are still uncarved sitting on the porch. I need to get moving I suppose.
Congrats on being saucy!!!
Oh the family that 'KISS's together stays together ya know!
Great costumes by the way!