Lets talk about....the benefits of blogging...

i have seen many a post about pissed off husbands & starving children due to our addiction to "BLOGGING"...
Bjørn & I even went through a little "phase" where he was getting, dare I say, a little JEALOUS of the laptop... He would come home from work and ask "Have you been blogging today?..." Of course I would lie and say..."NOOOO" (first sign of addiction is denial..right?)
But after I started trying to WORK with my ADDICTION...ie: get the kids fed & then go back to the computer... snuggle with hubby & then hop on the computer after he fell asleep, things got much better.... (I kid...kind of)
Bjørn & I talked about my love affair with his laptop & I think in the end he too, could see the benefits in blogging....
I started blogging in May after my little sister got me into it. I don't know what I expected my blog to be like.... an online diary? a place to b!tch & moan about whatever I didn't like about my life or where I live..... The more i started pouring myself into my blog... & reading what I was writing or thinking, the more i realized how silly/dumb I sounded.... seriously... the things i would complain about.... & then you get all caught up in reading other peoples lives... some really positive... some really negative.... the more I read, the more I thought about what kind of blogger I want to be... what kind of PERSON do i want to be?
I look back & read my posts from the beginning.. & think... I was kind of negative about living in Norway.... I don't like DEBBIE DOWNER blogs.... & I didn't want to be THAT BLOG... or more important THAT PERSON..... Debbie Downer...
Bjørn & I even went through a little "phase" where he was getting, dare I say, a little JEALOUS of the laptop... He would come home from work and ask "Have you been blogging today?..." Of course I would lie and say..."NOOOO" (first sign of addiction is denial..right?)
But after I started trying to WORK with my ADDICTION...ie: get the kids fed & then go back to the computer... snuggle with hubby & then hop on the computer after he fell asleep, things got much better.... (I kid...kind of)
Bjørn & I talked about my love affair with his laptop & I think in the end he too, could see the benefits in blogging....
I started blogging in May after my little sister got me into it. I don't know what I expected my blog to be like.... an online diary? a place to b!tch & moan about whatever I didn't like about my life or where I live..... The more i started pouring myself into my blog... & reading what I was writing or thinking, the more i realized how silly/dumb I sounded.... seriously... the things i would complain about.... & then you get all caught up in reading other peoples lives... some really positive... some really negative.... the more I read, the more I thought about what kind of blogger I want to be... what kind of PERSON do i want to be?
I look back & read my posts from the beginning.. & think... I was kind of negative about living in Norway.... I don't like DEBBIE DOWNER blogs.... & I didn't want to be THAT BLOG... or more important THAT PERSON..... Debbie Downer...
I found myself looking for positive things in my life to write about... fun things to do with my family... nice things about living here....
("come on kids...get dressed so we can go out & have family fun day, so mommy has something to blog about.... " ) really who wants to read about me sitting in my PJ's all weekend yelling at my children? I kid kind of...but reading about what neat other things y'all were doing made me think about what I wanted to be doing with my family....
("come on kids...get dressed so we can go out & have family fun day, so mommy has something to blog about.... " ) really who wants to read about me sitting in my PJ's all weekend yelling at my children? I kid kind of...but reading about what neat other things y'all were doing made me think about what I wanted to be doing with my family....
I think my online bloggy friends have had a huge influence on how I feel about living here... had most of my comments been ..."Poor girl...sucks to be you" I think it could be very easy to go with that flow.... I would be so easy to tell you all of the things I miss about the United States.. but the majority of the comments I have read have been along the lines of "that is soo cool..." & I have started seeing my life from a totally different view. "Yeah, it is kind of cool..."
You read about other peoples incredibly sweet families/husbands & it is easier to find the cute things about your kids & husband, that maybe before you didn't notice, or didn't take the time to comment on... (OK is this just me or?)
I feel like surrounding myself with all of this positive energy from all of you positive/creative/caring people is making me a better person... (am I getting cheesy now? )
But I see things in a different way than I did 5 months ago.....
I like clicking into your homes & taking your good ideas/positive thoughts and trying to incorporate them into my life/home....
So as you can see, I am out of my Debbie Downer mood... I am sure a large part of it was due to being sick & the other part was due to the crappy dark weather... (sun is shinning... and so am I)
I think I am going to start doing shout outs to the blogs who inspire me... good for them/good for me...
A blog that inspired me today...Keeper of the Skies Wife
i am just in AWE of her beautiful grown girls (who look like they could be her sisters...) & how much they enjoy spending time together... I found myself saying "I hope my family is like that in 10 years..." that Bjørn & I are crazy about each other & we will all enjoy spending time together....
Now I better hop off of the laptop & get something done...
Now I better hop off of the laptop & get something done...
Responseto Comments....
No offense to anyone named DEBBIE.. : ) Oh you all know I still enjoy a good WHINE every once in a while.... the point I was trying to make was that instead of focusing on things I wasn't so happy about... i have been looking at it in a different light, you think positive & good things happen....
I love reading other people's blogs. They inspire to me write more, be better, be more appreciative of my own mess, and in general make me feel connected. My "blog" friends around the world inspire me to be me.
Great post! :)
You're fine. But get something straight with your family. Everything is blog fodder. That's just the way it is.
- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
I was first inspired by my BFF's blog and am glad I started. Losing my job and having to relearn things is so much easier with this communities support.
And my husband is not thrilled about my laptop buddy either, but he is getting better about it. (I hope)
and BTW - I hate that Debbie Downer name (since I am a Debie)!
**sorry this got soo long! I didnt mean for it to, I just couldn't stop myself!! Next time I'll write an email, haha!**
I like what Suzanne said too - everything is blog fodder. It's a common phrase at our house ;)
I am now thinking of mine as an online magazine. My very own. lol. That really is the goal. Trying to figure out what you want your blog to be and making it that.
Totally awesome.
I completely agree with you on how blogging can be so inspiring. It makes me be a better observer.
Not to mention a better speller.
Debbie Downer? Never. A little kvetching is good for the soul, and what a perfect outlet!
Funny thing - my hubby doesn't get jealous because he is on his own compter sitting next to me doing his thing...lol. So even though we are on our computers we still are spending time together...lol. Silly.
I can't say I disagree.
I am so happy you decided to join the ranks of bloggers. You always make my day ever time I get the chance to drop by!