Ewwww ...SOO AMERICAN....

There have been many mixed opinions on the name of the new daughter born to Princess Märtha Louise of Norway & her Hubby Ari...
(OK so far the only opinions I have heard have been negative)

Emma Tallulah..

The news camera's were out in full force asking people what they thought of the name...

Most people did not like it... most thought that it sounded "foreign"

Then I heard...
"Ja! it sounds like it comes from A M E R I C A.... ewwww..." (OK they don't say EWWW here...but i don't know how to spell the equivalent... you are just going to have to trust me on this ok?)

HELLO? When did America get the corner market on the name TALLULAH? Granted, Americans can take credit for a LOT of things but coming up with the name TALLULAH ain't one of them....

I know I am bound to offend someone ..... but TALLULAH? Sounds like a name I would use to refer to my daughters private parts.... "Honey, did you wipe your little TALLULAH? I don't want you to get chapped...down there"

(Yes I am THAT person who refuses to use the proper names for private parts... I can drop the F BOMB several times a day... But ask me to say Va&INA or Pen!$ I get all red in the face.... ) I like to call them Te Te's, Pe Pe's or hoo hoo's depending on what I am talking about...

Fair enough, the Princess & her hubby have every right to name their children whatever they like... But I think they should take into consideration what they DO.... um...like being ROYAL... ( I think she is trying to be a POSER...& act all cool cause her sister in law, the OTHER Princess has been hanging out with Madonna & Gwyneth)

Introducing Princess TALLULAH.... maybe all of the really good ROYAL names were taken... like um, I dunno, Ann, or Margaret? Mary is up for grabs again....

Prime example.... I wanted to name my daughter SAYLOR... I still TOTALLY love the name.. however being that my husband was a SAILOR he thought it was a little lame....

Just wanted to get that off of my chest.... it isn't American is it?

***NO OFFENSE to any of you that have actually named your child TALLULAH... if you are into the "Arts" I am sure it works well for you.... I along with the rest of Norway, don't think it is the best name for a little Princess....


Jodi said…
I'm not crazy about the name Tallulah either, but at least it's her middle name. I do like the name Emma, however. I was thinking Demi Moore named one of her daughter's Tallulah. I could be wrong though, because that seems like awhile ago.
Frizzy said…
I'm glad I don't have to worry about naming a future princess. That would be a lot of pressure in today's day and age. I know not everyone has been thrilled with Yaya's real name either. Shhh it's Nevaeh (Heaven spelled backwards.) I can't take credit for it and hope she knows that she certainly was our gift from heaven so we kept it as it was.
Jenny said…
The only Tallulah I know is the bird in 'Maisy Mouse' books (which we love). I think that Maisy author is English.
Laural Out Loud said…
Demi Moore and Bruce Willis have a daughter named Tallulah. She hates it, though, and wants it changed to Lulah (not much better, in my opinion). I wonder if that's why they think it sounds American.
Anonymous said…
I don't mind the name so much. It sounds kind of dignified. But honestly I don't like Emma Tallulah. It doesn't fit. Whatever...I was going to give an example of what I thought would go together but that would require brain mass that I don't currently have ;)
Anonymous said…
I'm with you sista! I think if you really love your child you shouldn't punish them with an awful name! :)
Simple Answer said…
demi moore and bruce willis do have a tallulah. might not have originated in america, but that is probably why people think it is.
JEDA said…
As the mother of an Emma, I'm just pissed off that the stole MY baby's name and attached it to such dreck.

We got our new car (a Touran) the day the name was announced. We've been calling it the Tallulah ever since. "Hey, can I take the Tallulah to the gym, or do you need it for something?" "Hey the Tallulah needs gas already, your turn to fill 'er up." "Dude, whose dirty ass shoes mucked up the floor of the Tallulah already?"
MoMo 2.0 said…
Tallulah is the name of a city in Louisiana..middle of Cajun country...deep in the bayou....
nuff said.
Heather said…
Can you email me? I have an important SITS question to ask you. ;o) mindlessjunque@gmail.com
Linda Sue said…
HAHA fell off of my chair! Tallulah, Chapped! HAHA! Ridiculous name for a dear little baby. Can't imagine going over to her cradle cooing "TUH-LOO-LUH", sounds like a speach impediment.
Kacey said…
This made me laugh out loud. Thanks! And thanks for stopping by my blog! I enjoyed my little visit on your blog. Your kids are gorgeous! Hope you had a great weekend...and didn't run in to anyone named Tallulah. :o) I'll be back!
Tiff said…
I laughed at the calling private parts a different name...I do the same thing...lol...cute pic....we have been trying to figure out what we are going to dress up as this year to...hard to come up with things...we will figure it out tho... :)
Ronnica said…
That IS American, and really random for a royal baby!
That Girl said…
I am rolling over here!! You are one great blogger! Love your blog!

About Talullah, it's actually the better name of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore's daughters. The other daughter is named Scout, which sounds more like a name for a puppy. That is the only time I had ever heard of that name until now. Poor little girl... And yes, it totally sounds like another name for a hoo-hoo.
I must confess, I love Tallulah. It's on my list of names I love but could never use due to people thinking I'm crazy. Mehitabelle is also on that list.
What A Card said…
I love when people use "American" as an insult. I don't know why, it's just funny to me. I think I'm a bad American.

And I must admit that I do think of Tallulah as an American name...deep south is what it makes me think of, though you might be a better judge of that than this Yankee. And double shhh, I kind of like the name Tallulah. Emma Tallulah doesn't scream "I'm royalty!" (more like "My parents gave me a crazy middle name to make up for giving me the most common first name"), but I still think it's okay.
Mum-me said…
Tallulah is the name of the little bird from Maisy Mouse - which is a British show I think.

So I agree that it's not what I would say it a good 'princess' name. And Emma is such a common name (at least in Australia - every second girl is either Emma, Emily or Jessica.)

My Grandmother, who is a German/American, is called Beulah Tilila. Ever heard of that one before?

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