Friday Foto Fiesta..Ghost Busters

It's Friday, It's Friday, Thank Goodness it's Friday!!!


I'm playing Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Fiesta Finish again this week .So after you're done here, go over there and check out who's playing this week!!! Favorite FOTO of the week would be my children the GHOST BUSTERS....
Oh yes.... this is the way they entertain themselves when mommy gets wrapped up in her BLOGGING...
I really like the Baby Einstein DVD being used as ammo... Oh & P.S. their clothes really do fit them...(I'm not a bad mother...) It is just the GIANT GUN shoved down the backs of their shirts make them APPEAR smaller...


LOL they scared me in all that ghost buster get-up!
Cute kiddos!
Debz said…
Suuuurrrre, that's what they all say. "Their clothes fit, I promise."

They do look like they have fun when being neglected. I thought Ghost Busters was from my kids era - its neat to know that the kids still like it. (My kids are 23 and 21)
Lizzie said…
too cute! gosh, how long has it been since I've seen the ghostbuster movies??? i might have to bust out my old VHS and entertain the kids and I!
Scary Mommy said…
They're having fun, that's awesome Blog away!!

And thanks for entering my contest. Good luck! I'm also adding you to my blog roll, I thought you were on there already. Whoops! Have a great weekend! :)
Anonymous said…
This CRACKS me up :) What imaginations!1
Unknown said…
Love that photo !!!

They obviously both have highly developed imaginations... :-)
Frizzy said…
Good thing I'm not a ghost or I'ld be outa here b4 I could leave a comment. Cute kids!
binks said…
Super cute kids - great imaginations.
Bad mom because your kids can actually play and entertain themselves?
I say super-fabulous mom!
Shannon said…
LOVE it! What creative kids you've got there!
Kelly said…
Okay, just they actually know "Ghost Busters" or is this what you named the outfits?!

I love Eva's serious expression!! Don't mess with these guys!!
Unknown said…
Umm... My kids know Ghostbusters because I have allowed them to watch it since birth.... Cause i am THAT kind of MOM...scare the crap out of them at an early age...
Hillary said…
What adorable little warriors!!
Anonymous said…
adorable kids, great photo!!!!
love your blog background...
thanks for stopping by...
Anonymous said…
Love it! Ghostbusters, that's such a classic movie.
MoMo 2.0 said…
lord, you have cute kiddoes!

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