Debbie Downer....

Yes. I live.... but I am afraid I am a bit of a Debbie DOWNER....

My fun family weekend? I was flat out sick the entire weekend... (but I understand the rest of the family had a good time...) I am still sick-ish. Not sick enough to stay home from work... but sick enough to whine about it to E V E R Y O N E... (sorry to all of you who have had to listen to me over the past few days....)

I am irritated with myself for procrastinating on a couple of things... ie...AMERICAN taxes... (yes, the ones due on April 15th.... ) finally got around to mailing them off today... after paying the $100 to Fed. EX them so they would be there by the 28th...

Hit me last night that I had forgotten to renew my residence/work permit here in Norway...
this time next week, I might be better know as the American in America... OOPS!
So Guess what I will be doing during my afternoon off tomorrow? .... waiting in line with 500 immigrants & the one case worker.... J O Y .... to see if I can stay in this lovely new home of mine...

Lets see, what else has irritated me since my last post....
Oh ya... my freshman homecoming date who I found on FaceBook ... does NOT want to be my friend. (OK he didn't say that, but I am PRETTY sure he hit the ignore button)

"Come on man... let it go... sorry I was a little BI-OTCH, but I was 14, & I didn't know your totally HOT friend was going to ask me too.....(my mother MADE me go with date #1... & maybe I wasn't the best date) but can't we just let it go & be friends?"
& WHY does this bother me 23 years later?

There have been a lot of little things bugging me over the past few days.... but I know what I am really upset about... I lost a classmate this past week... 37 years old... "healthy" guy who I had grown up with... We all ran around in the same crowd in Jr. High /High School... Although I hadn't talked to him in years... I still feel the loss... I think about his poor family... his pregnant wife & can't help but ask WHY? WHY, WHY, WHY??? He is the 4th person who has passed away since this summer... 3 unexpected.. I feel sick, & blessed at the same time.... I am so BLESSED, & THANKFUL that I have my hubby with me after his accident this summer...

So now that I have done my best to bring everyone DOWN.... S O R R Y....

I will try to be back tomorrow with BELLS on...

PS... I have had a number of people asking for information about moving to NORWAY... however you do not leave contact info....So I am NOT ignoring you (like my freshman homecoming date...) but I have no way to get ahold of you.... send me an email & I will be happy to respond..

Thinking positive thoughts for tomorrow... : )


Jill said…
Oh T - What a crappy weekend!! Here's wishing you a much better week...

And hey, if you add me to your facebook I'll accept your request! :)
jewelstreet said…
What a horrible weekend! I hope you feel better soon.
Cristin said…
Oh Ick....Good luck tomorrow.
Anonymous said…
Dear Debbie--
Everyone has those days. And being sick is the pits! I was sick last weekend and wrote a crazy long email to Laural about my lifes woes. So don't feel bad, you deserve this day. And since my back is hurting terribly, I am going to join you.

But look up buttercup, the sun will be shining tomorrow--in norway or america :) just kidding! get that fixed fast!

Hope you feel better Tressa!
Khadra said…
aww, sorry you were sick :(
Hope you feel much better tomorrow.
scargosun said…
Sickness, death, taxes, dealing with gov't agencies and an 'ignore' on FB. You are allowed to have a downer day. When you get home, make everyone wait on you. :)
That Girl said…
Dear Debbie Downer,

Thank you for this post. I, myself, have been in a bit of a slump lately. (Understandibly so, lost my fav brother, gained 20#s because I've been eating my emotions, and just plain tired.) I thought your post was refreshing--it's nice to know that I'm not the only one who is down sometimes. And I think we're all entitled to feel down when things aren't fantastic. Sorry for your loss, and I, too, am bugged when people ignore my friend requests on Facebook.

Here's to a better tomorrow. :)I always enjoy reading your posts. Sorry for the novel...

Thanks again.
MsTypo said…
Sorry to hear you're on a downturn at the moment. I hate it when people won't friend me. Or worse - UNfriend me on facebook. "What did I do!?" I scream not to silently at the computer screen. Facebook is really just high school - but in cyber space. :D

Hope your week gets better!! *hugs*
Mammatalk said…
Nice to know I have so much in common with someone living on the other side of the world. :-)

Love your posts....although sorry you've had some bad luck.
Ritch in Love said…
I always thought Facebook was a fun place to connect, rather drama free! BUT I tried to request an exboyfriend that is now married to be my friend and I'm pretty sure he (or she) hit the ignore button. How dumb, we're all married and adults now, but 10 years later he (or she) isn't over it!
Jen said…
I will have some wine in your honor and hope that it gets better tomorrow.
Anonymous said…
Aw, feel better chica. Sorry about your friend.
Linda Sue said…
Poo! Sorry for you Tressa. Be glad that you are in Norway- the election this time is the usual ad upon ad BS. craziness. You can feel the intensity everywhere! I want to be in your shoes even with the flu.
Kally said…
Sorry you have been sick and feeling down. Hope everything starts looking up soon for you.
Jen Sue Wild said…
Sorry you are haveing such a hard bit of it..
I hope you feel better soon.
Frizzy said…
UGH! You have every right to feel the way you do. Why is it that when it rains it poors? I'll be keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you tomorrow. Sorry about the guy from Jr High/HS. I have a few guys I would love to get in touch with to appologize for being a not so nice girl to them. No luck finding them so far and they aren't exactly lookin me up now. Can't figure out why for the life of me. HA! Don't beat yourself up over these things. Stuff happens and you do the best you can to fix the problems and move on. Hang in there!
Rhea said…
The only people I ignore on Facebook are people I have no idea who they are. Bygones are bygones, you know?! Hope he doesn't continue to ignore you. Maybe he just doesn't deal with his facebook account often...
Hoping you have a better week!!!!
Kelly said…
Okay, I am very confused about the tax situation...I guess I assumed that you are living in Norway that you were "excused" from our taxes...a bit naive aren't I?! Do you also have to pay Norwegian taxes?...I'll follow up via e-mail so that I don't manipulate your comment section with my ignorance...

Sorry your not feeling 100%...sometimes I think I'd rather feel really,really bad enough so I could stay in bed until I felt better! Hope you feel better soon!

Also, sorry to hear about the recent does make you feel bad for taking things for granted...

Don't be too hard on yourself...allow yourself to be whiney...we all need some poor me time.
Gutsy Living said…
It shows you're human when you can express the negative as well as the positive. I found my first love in college, through LinkedIn and he responded to my invitation to write, but when I asked him questions about his wife and daughter, he simply never replied. Why? no clue, but I think he takes a look at my blog once in a while.
Anonymous said…
Maybe it's the weather in addition to being sick. We had beautiful weather on Monday and totally crappy weather yesterday and even my kids picked on the depression on my face.
I hope you are feeling better soon. It's never fun to be sick and feeling in the dumps in other areas too!
Wow rough weekend! I hope you have a great Monday....who says things like that?

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