Withdrawal ...12 step program


i need a 12 step program .

What a day I had yesterday! 300 PLUS comments from all of my SITS sisters! (340 but who is counting?)

Thank you for all of your bloggy lovin...I LOVE y'all!

But now, as i sit in my messy office with my tiara sitting crooked on my "up all night hair".. i wonder where do I go from here?

It is like the day after your wedding & you realize the big day has come & gone.....

& me...being the freak that I am... have already read EVERY SINGLE ONE of your comments.... (good thing I got my big day in the spot light while hubby was out of town & the kids were home sick....)

I would like to apologize for being FIRST so often on the SITS blog roll.... I got that in a LOT of comments... I kinda felt like a BLOG ROLL HOG... (Go see who was first today...oops)

But in my my defense....I do have a 9 hour time difference ... & all though You all may not have the 9 hour advantage... You do have TARGET & super Wal mart . so the way I see it... EVEN STEVEN....or??

I found soo many of your blogs that I want to follow...but I am not able to... Why? What am I doing wrong? Sometimes there is a link, other times not... I am sure it is something I am doing... but what? HELP!!

OK ladies... I am off to respond/visit to my FINAL 5 Visitors.... & then soak my throbbing fingers... OH ya, & check on my sick children who have been HOME FOR 3 DAYS now...

Thanks again for the best blogging day EVER! MUAH!!


Simple Answer said…
Oh! Am I #1 today? Yep, it's that time difference thing. And I have no car. So I have no life!

Glad so many people found you ~ cuz you are a hoot!
Kristen said…
Hi! Over from SITS. At first I was going to apologize for not making it over yesterday...but now I'm glad I didn't because today I can help you with your withdrawal! I love, love your blog. I've been a semi-lurker lately because I see your comments on SITS up there at the top and I wander over for a peek! It's so cute and I love reading about your life and experiences in Norway! Alright, I'm going to go have another look around. See ya!
Jen said…
if you find that 12 step program, I so need to join.
WheresMyAngels said…
So do we get to nickname you "First Hog"? lol

Glad you had a good busy day!
Lizzie said…
sounds like fun, i might have to go check that out... maybe i do enough bogging, maybe i don't want to check it out. Sorry, please ignore the argument going on in my head!

hey, i tagged you on this survey thing (SORRY, I HAD TO!!) come on over to my blog and check it out.
I love the comment high. But I am not quite ready to find a 12 step program. Because I like my addiction :-)
Unknown said…
I'm with imperfect, I missed yesterday (CRAZY day at work) but I'm here now!! I've lurked on your blog and commented now and then, and really enjoy your writing and your experieinces!!!

I hope today you don't have TOO much of a hangover!!!
I missed your day yesterday, but I'm here today! Can't wait to read your blog after seeing you at the top of the comment list!

You don't have Target??? Oh wow. I'm so, so, so sorry. It's like heaven in a big box store.
Gaspegirl said…
I love your thoughts of the day following the big day! Make this a great one too!
Scary Mommy said…
SITS day is the best, isn't it?! Glad you got so much love-- you deserve it all!!!!
I am all signed up or whatever for SITS but never venture over there very often...am going to have to change that habit now!
WheresMyAngels said…
I missed in this post where you said you were opps first again. I also mis read cause I thought you were going to stop being a first hogger!! ha ha
The Boss Lady said…
Amreican, thanks for visiting yesterday...I'm a brand new blogger and love doing it but how bad does it suck when you think nobody is reading? So I just keep whoring myself out for comments. I have a "follow blog" button on mine, let me know if you have problems with it? Toodles!
Anonymous said…
Here's a spoonful of sugar! And that's an amazing number of comments... Put some plasters on those aching fingers and check in on your kids...
scargosun said…
WOW! 300! Makes me wish I'd gotten to SITS later in the game. I was ga ga over my 40 something. :)
Becky W said…
I am so glad your SITs day was a success! My BATW day was great as well. Thanks for popping over to my blog. I hope you come back anytime you want! I know how you are feeling about adding new people and getting everyone written back!
Unknown said…
Glad you enjoyed all that love, you soooo deserve it... :-)

Hope the kiddies feel better soon..
Anonymous said…
I'm glad you had a great day yesterday! Hope the day after is just as good!
Heather said…
YAY!! I'm so glad it was such a fun day!!
KimmyJ said…
Sweet! I hope the kiddos are feeling better, keep us posted on that.
What A Card said…
Glad you enjoyed your day...hope everyone is feeling better soon!
Kristen Andrews said…
that is so cool, that is a lot of comments. could you imagine getting that every day? When they did a giveaway for my shine and saucy necklace I received more comments than ever before
Girl, congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't get a chance to post to you yesterday, but WOW!!! 300 posts! You deserve the bloggy love for sure! :)
Connie said…
Ohhhh NORWAY! Thank goodness I renewed my passport when everyone else was back in the day and waited for like 9 months! It was so worth it to run into a SITSta overseas!

Have a great day!
SuZ said…
Am I late? Congrats on being saucy!! :) :) :)
Erin said…
You are too funny! Blog Hog?? That's great! I really do love your blog! I can't wait to see what else you have to tell us!
p.s. Thanks for visiting my blog and for all the great compliments! :)
Allison said…
I love your blog... It is just too cute!

I hope your kiddos get well soon!

I have an advantage (not as much), but I am the pacific coast... gives me a 3 hour advantage on some!
Anonymous said…
Happy SITS day (I don't really know what that is. but hey, Happy Day anyway.)
Ronnica said…
Oh, oh, oh, do I know what you're feeling! I feel like I just got over the high myself, and it's been a week. Don't worry though, you should still be getting comments at a higher rate then you were getting before, which is totally cool!
Kelly said…
Don't forget waking up the day after with that stamp superimposed on your cheek from where you layed and drooled on it all night!!
Unknown said…
Oh yes... or going to class with a big stamp on your forehead from the night before.... those were the days!
Le said…
Hello - I am really a left over from your SITS day ... glad you had such a great day .... off for a good read now - my best to you - le
Mandy said…
I have loved your blog since your featured day. :) Glad you had a great one! :)
Anonymous said…
Keep up the good work.

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