Happy Halloween BOO!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I would love to write a super great post about our plans tonight, & that 13 years ago TODAY I met my husband at a Halloween party... (Love you honey..) But frankly... I am having 15 people over in a matter of hours & I am still picking pumpkin seeds off of the floor....

I got Boo'd by Song for Whoever someone I used to actually go trick or treating with in the old days... (OK we were too old to go trick or treating but I am sure we egged cars or something... )
Cute right?! So here's the deal:
Go to as many of your blog buddies as you want and tell them they have been boo-ed . Have them pick up this picture and add it to their blog and say with the link who boo-ed them . Put the picture in your sidebar if you want so then others know that you have already been boo-ed , if you post lots and it's not on the main page where everyone will see your boo-ed post!


MsTypo said…
Happy Meeting-Your-Husband Anniversary! :) At least its a big holiday so he can't forget either. LOL

Happy Boo day! :)
what a cool night to meet your love!

Have super fun tonight!!!!
Khadra said…
Happy hallow-versary :)

Hope your get together goes well!
Suzanne said…
Ahhhh, you met at a Halloween party? How cute is that? What were your costumes?

I'd love to participate in the "booing" but my brain hurts this morning and there are so many rules. YIKES.

Happy Halloween my dear. I sure wish I could attend your party.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Anonymous said…
Hope your party turns out great!! Happy Halloween!!
Frizzy said…
What a cool way to meet! Hope you had fun with friends. How were the pumpkin seeds? Do you plan on playing along in my drawing? I am including people overseas.
hexe said…
Happy Halloween! Hope you have a great party!
KimmyJ said…
Have fun and tell us all about it later!
Jen said…
hope you have a wonderful Halloween and maybe get a flippin' break.
Unknown said…
Happy Anniversary!!! :-)

Have a great party and take plenty of photos to post !!!

Are the kids going to be going out trick 'n treating? Or has it still not really taken off over there?
Lizzie said…
i promise to eat enough halloween candy for the both of us :)

good luck tonight!
Gutsy Living said…
So are those American friends or Norwegian friends you're having over?
Happy Halloween! Want to enter a writing contest with a prize? We're going to write about "Choosing a time in your life when you felt most embarrassed," in 500 words or less," and getting everyone to vote on the best story.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
And Happy Halloween back to you! I am just about to write my post from our Halloween adventures last night... who would have thought--"Halloween in the middle of Scandanavia"?!
Christelle said…
Happy Halloween! This is definitely a holiday/festival that should be exported round the world. Guess we're doing our part in that!
Becky said…
I'm so glad you found a pumpkin! Hope you had a great time with your guests. Happy late Halloween.
The housewife said…
Happy Halloween to you as well - hope the party was a great success!
Anonymous said…
Why arent you puttting out pictures of me anymore? The Handsome one!!!
So did your kids actually get to trick or treat?
Cristin said…
Happy (late) Halloween! Hope the party was fun!!
Just popping by to say thanks for visiting me on my blog of the day-day!
Angie's Spot said…
Can't wait to hear the details of the big party! And congrats on your anniversary of meeting. Woo hoo!
Anna Lefler said…
Hope you had a great Halloween...in spite of all the guests...[tee hee]

:^) Anna

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