Friday Foto Fiesta..Hubby..

It's Friday, It's Friday, Thank Goodness it's Friday!!!YIPPEE!I'm playing Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Fiesta Finish again this week .So after you're done here, go over there and check out who's playing this week!!!

It has been a LONG, tiring week...
Bjørn finally got home 1 am on Wed. night after a week & a half in Dubai... I had to get up at 5 am for work.. so we didn't have a chance to speak until after work yesterday.
After finally making it home almost 2 hours late ... I drove up & the kids told me I had to wait in the car for a min. (daddy had to get the candles lit...) When they told me it was ok to come in, I walked into a CLEAN house... dinner on the table, with wine, candles& kiddos...
AHHH... can we say HOW SWEET?
Gosh I love this guy....
& for all of you who have made comments about my childrens BLUE BLUE eyes... you can see that they clearly come from their daddy....
Hope you all have a SUPER DUPER weekend...
I know we will get so much missed family time...


Scary Mommy said…
Wow-- that's impressive!!!

And, those EYES!! Gorgeous :)
The housewife said…
What a wonderful start to the weekend - may it continue in the same fashion.

Now why can't my hubby blow bubbles like that.......
Vodka Mom said…
That is unbelievable. A clean house? Red rover, red rover, send that hubby RIGHT OVER!
Diane Mandy said…
Great picture and what a sweetie your husband is!!
Susie said…
What a sweet husband you have! He even posed for a bloggable picture!! Awesome!
Ronda's Rants said…
That man is a eyes and all!! Good for you!
Jen said…
That is one awesome man! Good hubby are just so great.
And thanks for the birthday wishes. Jeff 'forgot' you b/c I just added you to my roll and he did this before you were apart of my bloggy friends.
Khadra said…
So sweet!!!
I hope you have a relaxing weekend.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
wow.... "blows" me away....

ok, that was weak.. lol but I am tired today...
Yeah, us Norwegians have that blonde hair/blue eye gene that fights it way to the top. Those Norwegian genes are scrappy fighters I tell ya'!

However, not in my case. I got a combination of the blue and green eyes and blonde hair that turned dark in my teen years.

Enjoy your family time!
hexe said…
Don't you just love little surprises that make your day a little easier. Enjoy your family time this weekend!
Sounds like he's DEFINITELY a keeper! Lucky you. :)

Wordful Wednesday is for those of us who can't keep our mouths shut. It's like Wordless Wednesday, but WITH words. So, you take a photo and talk about it. Any subject.....totally your choice. You can then link to me so others can see Mr. Linky and visit other participants if they want.
Becky said…
I don't think much is more sexier than a husband doing dishes and cleaning up like that, atleast in my book. My husband learned that little trick years ago, maybe that's why we have so many little monkeys running around.
MsTypo said…
You have an incredibly sweet husband. :) He's a keeper!! :)
scargosun said…
WOW! Those ARE some blue eyes! I love a guy who can still blow a big bubble. :)
Anonymous said…
They are gorgeous eyes!! And that is soo sweet :) You gotta love a good man!
Emily said…
Two scoops of sugar...
nice bubble
nice hubbie...
Cristin said…
You lucky girl.

He's got some sexy eyes there if you don't mind me sayin....
Rhea said…
Wow, he does have some amazing blue eyes!! And what a sweetie, to clean up and make dinner. He's a keeper!
Tiff said… nice!!! Go hubby!!! Enjoy your nice clean home.....have a great weekend!!!!!!! :)
Debie Napoleon said…
Man, I wish I had eyes that color. Just beautiful.
Michele said…
Good man. Good for you! Enjoy.
debi9kids said…
Wow! He is a GREAT guy! Does he give lessons????

GORGEOUS blue eyes too!
Ash said…
Wow - so wonderful! You've got to love a man who still has the boy's heart, and talent, to blow bubbles.

Do you rent him out?

Have a great, relaxing weekend!!

Linda Sue said…
DANG- i want your life!! If something like that occured here I would think" hmmm, wonder what he has done...."
KimmyJ said…
Aww, that is so awesome. I guess you'll have to keep him now. :)
Frizzy said…
Awe! You should also be doing a post on My Husband Rocks today. Your husband totally does. Enjoy the time together. Dubai sounds so fun. Did you enjoy the things he brought you too?
Michelle said…
He totally deserves a big ol' kiss!
jen721 said…
You have one of the good ones! A clean house, dinner, wine, candles sounds like a great night!
binks said…
Oh, those blue eyes, they get me every time.
Erin said…
Good to check in with you again! A clean house is always the BEST present for me! Have a good weekend!
Anonymous said…
Ah, how sweet!
Frizzy said…
Come over and see my blog from today, Sunday. I talked about you and have something for you there.
Suzi said…
Hi, I tagged you in my blog.. :) Check it out and pass it on!
What a sweetie! I guess you should keep him, huh?? ;)
Kelly said…
Such an awesome surprise to come home to!!! Kuddos to Bjorn!!!

Hope you had a great weekend! Miss you!
WheresMyAngels said…
I love that bubble!

How sweet your man is. My husband just bought me a diet Pepsi home, I guess I will take what I can get.
S Club Mama said…
awwww...I see why you moved across the world for this one!
Laural Out Loud said…
Look at those gorgeous glacier blue eyes!

What a great night you had. I'd keel over dead if I came home to a clean house, so no one dares.
aasheim424 said…
Hi, my name is brittany and and i moving to Fredrikstad in Dec with my husband who is born and raised there, really glad to know there are other americans residing there, most are in Oslo. I have been many times. You sound like you are enjoying it. Have you met other americans in Fredrikstad?
Anonymous said…
Wow.....that's sweet! Glad he's home safe and sound. You all have a great weekend!!!

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