SITS Blogathon... my top 5 SITStas....

I am participating in the awesome, great, fabulous blogathon being sponsored by SITS today.

During my big day in the spotlight as SITS featured blog I had some of my non-Sits bloggy friends ask what SITS was?

SITS is the Secret Is In The Sauce; started by Tiffany and Heather who are self-proclaimed comment junkies. They wanted to create a blog that encompasses support amongst bloggers via comment love and support.

SITS has not only been a great way to become a part of the blogging community and find some fabulous blogs but they were a TREMENDOUS source of support when I was going through a really rough time with both Hubby & child in the hospital this summer... Just having this group of ladies pull around me when i felt sooo alone was AMAZING....

Part of the blogathon is posting about the phenomenon which is SITS, but also write about 5 other blogs you've found via SITS...

So here are my top 5... (this is so hard because there are so many of the blogs that I am ADDICTED to...)

1. Laural from Mamasphere ... this lady is F U N N Y... she had me hooked the first time she played Mortified Monday with me.... OMG. I think her moment beats mine... need a good pick me up & a laugh? head on over...

2. Carrie from Candid Carrie is there ANYONE who doesn't play carrie's Friday Foto Fiesta? Not only do I have a great time with her every friday... she has so many WONDERFUL stories & such a wise, wise woman....

3. Jill The Perlman Update .. Jill is like the sista from another mista... I felt an immediate bond with Jill.. could be that we are both Americans abroad... could be cause she is one cool mamma...
She is MOVING around the world with 2 beautiful girls in tow & she makes it look so EASY...

4. Shanna over at Smiles Miles & Trials I stalked her for a while... & then we became friends... She is so organized & such a funny great mom.... I like to get my daily does...

5.Anne Lefler....she blogs at "life just keeps getting weirder" I found Anne very recently...and I'm telling you people... This girl is FUNNY... OMG..we could so be friends in REAL life... & when she makes it HUGE... I hope she doesn't forget us little people.....

OK & finally... I didn't meet her through SITS... but I turned her on to SITS.. (does that count? ) One of my bestest friends in the whole world for like...E V E R ..Kelly over at Song for Whoever
Google the word FRIEND & Kelly's picture pops up... (no seriously...go try it...) Love this girl ... go give her some bloggy love

Go & share the love folks....


Jill said…
Awe T... what can I say? You know how much I love coming by here and reading you every day! SITS has been great - so glad it brought our blogs together!!

Hope you're having a great day. :)
jewelstreet said…
Going to check out those blogs as I am a newbie. lol about being addicted.
Stephanie said…
I agree! Laural is HILARIOUS! I didnt find her through SITS, i cant remember how I found her actually, but she is seriously one of the FUNNIEST people ever! I listed you as a five of the people! Your blog has been really fun!!
I had the hardest time figuring out how I found blogs in the first place. And yours is one that I can't figure out. Was it through Rhea? but then how did you find her?? I am trying to connect all my dots and it's quite an undertaking!
Jen said…
those are some great sitsa you have there. I know I am a new reader but I am so glad that SITS featured you. I really like it hear.
Anna Lefler said…
Hey, there!!! I featured you as one of my 5, too! Sing it with me: "Meant to beeeeeee..."

Awesome post - as always. But you know I'm a fan, even if you do have a looong piece of TP hanging out of your miniskirt there... [averts eyes]

Thanks for including me on your list and talk soon, SITSta!


Suzanne said…
I'm going to check them out pronto. Thanks for the SITS heads up.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Unknown said…
I love reading your blog. These days I'm not here every day ... but them that also gives me some great posts to read when I do get here :-)
Miss Kim said…
Wooo hoo! I found SITS through your link button just this week and my my is it cool or what? Thanks!!
Rhea said…
Great SITS post!! I know some of those blogs, and they are good. Happy SITS day, girlfriend!
Kori said…
Hey there SITSta. Hope you're enjoying the Blogathon. today is the first day that I've discovered SITS and you were listed in two people's posts. I HAD to stop by!

As a girl who took Norwegian in college (and all I remember are words/phrases like "Cheese", "Hi, my name is" and how to count to 100) and has a Norwegian grandfather, I am hooked.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
sista from another mista... LOL!!

If you have a chance, email me (link on my blog) your email address so we can talk about my trip to Gøteburg... :o)
WheresMyAngels said…
Hope ya win some prizes, as long as it is not George!
Michelle said…
You are a popular girl today!

Happy SITs blogathon day!
Aubrey said…
I'm sharin' the love! What a fun morning this has been!

Have a great day!
Khadra said…
Happy Blog a thon day!
Jen Sue Wild said…
You know ilove your blog!! Gave you some loveing onmine.
TisforTonya said…
happy blogathon! - as I travel around the SITSterhood I'm noticing that I could have shouted out a hundred times or more and still never covered all my bases!
@TiffanyRom said…
This is awesome! You are one of our favs.

We just love hearing about your adventures abroad.

Thanks you so much for supporting your SITStas!
Ash said…
You popular girl, you, I just keep finding you everywhere!

On to my blogroll you go - all the cool kids are doin' it.

I just saw this on Shanna's blog and I'm off to check the site out - what a great idea!
Heather said…
Happy Blogathon Day! You're an amazing SITSta.
Jennifer P. said…
This SITS day has been sooooo much fun! I'll be a day late on my post, but I just wouldn't be ME if I wasn't fashionably late.....we can't all be first ya know :)! (that was in reference to your comment status on SITS rollcall,btw!)

Proud to be your SITSta!
Thanks for stopping by my blog to make me feel so welcome today! I'm a proud new member in the SITSta group!

Have a great week,
Nessa said…
I love your blog so much!
Becky said…
I found your blog just recently through SITS, loved the post about how Americans are perceived. Have fun, hey what is the time difference, I thought of you this morning when it all started.
Becky said…
Major Bummer being 7 hours ahead! I hope you won something anyway. Good night!
Shannon said…
Anne is a new SITS find for me... yes, she is super funny :)

Enjoy the rest of your blog-a-thon day! Or night...
Avery Tales said…
Happy Bloggy Day!! Love your SITS post! Can't wait to check out your favs!
It SITS all around today...I'm going to have to go and check it out! :)
it does indeed feel good to be saucy!

i enjoy your blog a lot!

thanks for stopping by mine annndddd....

Tiffany said…
I am so glad you stopped by! I have seen your name splattered here and there all day today and had you on my list to get to. You beat me to it! I cannot wait to come back later tonight and read. Your blog is beautiful! SITS rocks!
Mom said…
Happy SITSathon!
Meaghan said…
hi :0) Hope you are having a great SITSathon :)

Frizzy said…
Happy SITSTAs BLOGATHON DAY! How are you doing it with the time change?
Anonymous said…
Some of your favorite blogs are mine too!
I've always loved your blog!
Have an awesome day!
Sydney said…
I discovered you thanks to SITS and I'm so glad I did! It's been a fun community to be part of. I've been slacking lately, and haven't been leaving comments as much as I'd like... but i'm still here!
Melodie said…
Happy Blogathon, SITSta!
Laural Out Loud said…
Happy SITS Blogathon day! Thanks for the shout out!
Unknown said…
So glad to have met you through SITS... although I have to admit to a wee bit of jealousy as in I am getting itchy feet from living here so long, I totally want to try abroad one of these times.
I have you on my list so I can keep up with your antics.
Kally said…
Hope you are having a Happy Bloggy Blogathon day!
SuZ said…
Happy Blogathon Day!!
Erin said…
Happy SITS day! You are one of my favorites!
:) Erin
Have heard of most of your recommendations (good choices), but there were a couple I need to check out. Thanks for sharing. Also... I need to spend more time on SITS. Haven't been by much. Well, haven't been around the blog world much lately at all :).

And speaking of this virtual life... is our GNO the wrong time for you? I know we have a gal from New Zealand joining us, but I was wondering if 6-12 p.m. Pacific worked for our friends in Europe??? If so, join in on the virtual fun! Whether you are new to twitter or only have a few minutes, it is a party you don't want to miss :).
Elisabeth said…
Hi! Thanks for stopping by today...I am just trying to catch up on the blogathon--kind of got sidetracked with Stink who has been a bit sick. Hope you had fun!
Megan said…
Happy SITS Blog-A-Thon Day!!
Kelly said…
I am so touched!!! But I love you more!!! I am so happy you turned me on to all of this...I feel that we are closer than we've been in Years!!!!

Happy SITS are one popular chick...I can say I knew you when... ;)
Love you,
Happy SITS day, I hope you had fun today!
Next blogathon I'm taking off work.
Anna Lefler said…
Omigosh! What a day! Looks like you got tons of comments - isn't that awesome? Your blog is so great...

Thanks again for linking to me..I really appreciate that.

It's after midnight here [yawn]. If my face hangs any lower, I'll have to unbutton my shirt to brush my teeth... Time for bed, I reckon.

Have a great night and talk soon!


Anonymous said…
Hey Hey Hey!
Happy blogging! :)
Tiff said…
I will have to check this site thanks!
The blogathon rocked my socks off! I have the biggest blog headache now! hahahaha

Sarah said…
I was wondering if you could help me with my header. I see that yours it's so huge. I want to make mine smaller.
Sarah said…
if you could email me at nifty484 at

please delete this after it is published...thanks
I find you so positive - all the time and that's why I keep coming back daily to get that perky upbeat feeling! Thanks!
Anonymous said…
Hope that you had a lovely SISTA day!! Please forgive the fact that I am only now just getting around :P
Love, love, love SITS and LOve Jill too. I see posts about Candid Carrie all over the place. I'll have to check her out!
Tara said…
stopping in from SITS to check out your blog (sorry I'm so late!)- you were recommended all over the place and I can see why!! Great blog...I'm off to snoop around, don't mind me...have a great weekend!
too sweet.. but it does look like he's got a boa on if you look really fast at that photo :D

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