Tag, I'm it... better late than never...
My adorable friend Infectious Chatter Tagged me for random/weird facts about myself.
The rules:
List 7 random/interesting/weird things about yourself people may not know and then tag 7 people to do the same, so without further delay, here you go friends:
1. I see dead people- OK..I don't really see DEAD DEAD people...but I do have a SIXTH Sense... I know this is probably weirder than you were wanting but... I would have premonitions of things that would happen...usually bad. For a while I even had my sister asking me if she should fly or not.. Kelly over at Song for Whoever can attest to my psychic abilities...
2.I have an irrational fear of sliding into a body of water in my car... or driving through long tunnels... I tend to hold my breath & have to white knuckle it...
3. I have "middle child syndrome"... (yes it is a very real condition) & I am the WORST SPELLER EVER... (these were both Soo lame...I figured they only counted for .5 of a fact.)
4. My first name is Meri. (Mary) (these are getting lamer as I go on...)
5. I speak/understand 6 languages ...I am smarter than I look.
6. When I was younger my goals in life included, having an apartment in the city.. (any city...preferably Europe) to own a Red Jeep Wrangler & travel around the world for one year... before I was 26 .... (I did not accomplish any of the goals YET...)
7. I would like to be an aid worker...maybe working with orphans in Romania... I know.. RANDOM... but I saw a show on Oprah...& have never forgotten it...
I hope you leaned something interesting, do you know how long it took me to think of 7 interesting or weird facts about myself?? I really thought it would have been easier, seeing as i consider my self a "weird person." Oh well, that's whatcha got.
Oh & I am a rule breaker.... I am not going to tag this one...BECAUSE, the people I tag never play... & then I get this complex that they REALLY DON*T LIKE ME... & it ruins my week.. So instead I am throwing this out there as a an open...if you want to play leave me a comment & I will give you some linky love.....
I was also tagged by Heaven's Gift
4 Things...So here's just a little something about Me
4 things I did today:
**Went on a hike with my kiddies & MIL... BEAUTIFUL area..(will post pictures later)
My mother in law showed us the bomb shelters that the Nazi's built in the mountains & told us a lot of scary very interesting stories from WWII...
**Cleaned my office, did 3 loads of laundry...(does it ever end?)
**Made Sweet & Sour chicken for my baby boy...(his favorite)
**Gave the Christmas shopping list to husband who is in Dubai.... (EXCELLENT SHOPPING there!)
4 Random Facts about me:
**I am a hopeless romantic.
** I am a HUGE cry baby... I cry in movies, in front of the TV..in my car because of a song... I know... I am a FREAK
** I like "The Deadliest Catch" TV show... probably because hubby used to be on a Fishing ship in Dutch Harbor.... makes me sick to think about him being out there.... but is is fascinating..
**I haven't shaved my legs in 15 years.... Don't panic... I use epilady...I think I should be their spokesperson
4 Things on my To Do list for today.
**Watch a movie on itunes...
**Hang pictures up to get them off my dining room floor.
**Hang my bathroom blinds & get the tacky sheets out of the window... (C L A S S Y....)
** Snuggle with my babies.
4 of my Guilty Pleasures
4 bloggers I am tagging: Blogging Mama,Simple Answer ,Tiptoeing Through The Tulips,Keeper Of the Skies Wife
The rules:
List 7 random/interesting/weird things about yourself people may not know and then tag 7 people to do the same, so without further delay, here you go friends:
1. I see dead people- OK..I don't really see DEAD DEAD people...but I do have a SIXTH Sense... I know this is probably weirder than you were wanting but... I would have premonitions of things that would happen...usually bad. For a while I even had my sister asking me if she should fly or not.. Kelly over at Song for Whoever can attest to my psychic abilities...
2.I have an irrational fear of sliding into a body of water in my car... or driving through long tunnels... I tend to hold my breath & have to white knuckle it...
3. I have "middle child syndrome"... (yes it is a very real condition) & I am the WORST SPELLER EVER... (these were both Soo lame...I figured they only counted for .5 of a fact.)
4. My first name is Meri. (Mary) (these are getting lamer as I go on...)
5. I speak/understand 6 languages ...I am smarter than I look.
6. When I was younger my goals in life included, having an apartment in the city.. (any city...preferably Europe) to own a Red Jeep Wrangler & travel around the world for one year... before I was 26 .... (I did not accomplish any of the goals YET...)
7. I would like to be an aid worker...maybe working with orphans in Romania... I know.. RANDOM... but I saw a show on Oprah...& have never forgotten it...
I hope you leaned something interesting, do you know how long it took me to think of 7 interesting or weird facts about myself?? I really thought it would have been easier, seeing as i consider my self a "weird person." Oh well, that's whatcha got.
Oh & I am a rule breaker.... I am not going to tag this one...BECAUSE, the people I tag never play... & then I get this complex that they REALLY DON*T LIKE ME... & it ruins my week.. So instead I am throwing this out there as a an open...if you want to play leave me a comment & I will give you some linky love.....
I was also tagged by Heaven's Gift
4 Things...So here's just a little something about Me
4 things I did today:
**Went on a hike with my kiddies & MIL... BEAUTIFUL area..(will post pictures later)
My mother in law showed us the bomb shelters that the Nazi's built in the mountains & told us a lot of scary very interesting stories from WWII...
**Cleaned my office, did 3 loads of laundry...(does it ever end?)
**Made Sweet & Sour chicken for my baby boy...(his favorite)
**Gave the Christmas shopping list to husband who is in Dubai.... (EXCELLENT SHOPPING there!)
4 Random Facts about me:
**I am a hopeless romantic.
** I am a HUGE cry baby... I cry in movies, in front of the TV..in my car because of a song... I know... I am a FREAK
** I like "The Deadliest Catch" TV show... probably because hubby used to be on a Fishing ship in Dutch Harbor.... makes me sick to think about him being out there.... but is is fascinating..
**I haven't shaved my legs in 15 years.... Don't panic... I use epilady...I think I should be their spokesperson
4 Things on my To Do list for today.
**Watch a movie on itunes...
**Hang pictures up to get them off my dining room floor.
**Hang my bathroom blinds & get the tacky sheets out of the window... (C L A S S Y....)
** Snuggle with my babies.
4 of my Guilty Pleasures
4 bloggers I am tagging: Blogging Mama,Simple Answer ,Tiptoeing Through The Tulips,Keeper Of the Skies Wife

I loved reading these!!
Ugh! I'm so annoyed that I left you off of my award post. I guess that's what I get for not keeping up with them-- I do love you!!!! I'll fix it when I get home! :)
I have a 6th sense too but I in fact do hear and see spirits who have passed. I always have been able too since I was little. I developed it more in the last 8 years. It's cool annoying and scary.. My family always tease me have you seen ghost today.
Cool meme's
Your baby looks JUST like you!
I always wished I had a sixth sense... I think I've experienced ghosts before... coming soon to a Haloween post near you...
And I have a friend who has premonitions about women being pregnant.
I also agree with jen, you should blog about this 6th sense more. I'm interested.
I am with you on random #2 with both the car-in-water thing and the driving-through-tunnels thing (although mine extends to falling into lake/sea/river in my car with all 6 kids in back and trying to figure out who to resuce first. And I hate bridges over water too.)