Flash Back...Latest Addiction

I was GOING to go to bed early tonight.... but thanks to The Bloggess & this post...
I can’t stop watching this. I have been sitting here in the computer again, forcing my children to watch me re live my youth through all of my favorite videos...

EVERY RANDOM song from my childhood...teenage years... like this...

Reminds me of the period in my life when I so desperately wanted to be British...
Don't mind me... it is late & I am stuck in the late 80's.... I need to go & compile my playlist with every old, random, one hit wonder I can think of...

And for all of you AMERICAN kids from the 1980's... you might actually recognize this one...
Despite going to every Depeche Mode & Inxs concert that came through Philly together this has to be the song that reminds me of
Song for Whoever


Khadra said…
I never wanted to be British, but the British music of the 80's was pretty good!!
Lizzie said…
DJ EZ, LOVE IT! thanks for making me feel old and young all at the same time :) have a good weekend.
Anonymous said…
OH...I need to come back and watch the videos...I just needed to come by and say thanks for stopping in on my SITS day. It was fun to have so many people stop in! (I'm just slowly starting to get back to all of you now!)
Happy Thanksgiving...since I'm from Canada!
The 80's were amazing! INXS was one of my favorites!!! Hubby still has the cologne (he doesn't wear it) and a t-shirt. Too funny!
Kelly said…
Okay, I'm trying to explain to my family why I am laughing so hard!!!

I've been trying to get Cameron to listen to the true originals of these 2 songs ever since there have been remakes and mixes done...she's not biting!

I wish we could do a gotomeeting or something so that we peruse all these together!!
Linda Sue said…
BROS- Butchest girls EVAH! '80's music, ouch...great for aerobics class on Tuesdays but nothing I would ever want to relive- I sort of did it anyway, just now ,on your blog and got a kink in my lower part. Thanks Tressa!
Cristin said…
I wanted to be British too!! I tried to fake the accent but sucked at it...
WheresMyAngels said…
I love all things 80's, except Rod Stewart and banana clips!
Simple Answer said…
All the teens here are hooked on the UTube video the Safety Dance! Remember it???
Debie Napoleon said…
You are a Philly girl? I'll have to read more of your blog and get some background on that. I am a born and raised Philly girl and love meeting others...
Frizzy said…
OMG! Too funny. I loved DJ EZ and guess I still do. Shhhhh keep that a secret.
Holy crap - I haven't heard that last song in FOR.EV.ER!!!!!! Wow, I just busted a kneecap jumping up from my desk to dance, so thanks a lot for that - I'll be sending the hospital bill to CARE OF American in Norway.

But seriously, I just found you via the SITS site, and may I just say...Cool Blog, Man!
Meridith said…
Ah, the memories!!
Makes me want to move to Norway. Seriously.

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