Much needed Tree-sa Time...

I KNOW...ya'll thought my name was Tressa didn't you? It is ..however it is pronounced TREE-sa (go & dad thought they were being "different") I promised myself I would NEVER do that to MY children... however, I did.. without meaning to... Eva Gabreille is pronounced Ava Gabreilla... (Norwegian pronounciation) so we have to correct everyone when we are in the states.... & Dane..bless his heart... in English... it is DANE...however on Norwegian it is pronounces DONN-A (NiiiiiiiiiiiCE for a little boy) So he has to correct everyone.... He wanted to change his name to Dan in first grade just so people would stop calling him DONN-A
Oh & hubby? it is pronounced B-YERN
So now that I am WAY off of track... I didn't intend on doing an entire post about our names.... just thought I would get that out there...

Today I had some MUCH NEEDED MOMMY TIME, before I went to work....
I love my children more than life itself, however 3 days with them both home sick & Bjørn out of town is more than enough...
I got the kiddos off to school & then I went for an hour walk around our house... through the hills past the church... & just snapped away..... ( have I told you how much I love my camera?)
I made myself a proper lunch with chicken & salad & drank lots & lots of water.....

I really need to start taking better care of myself.... I don't realize it until I finally do something about it....
I hearyou about the dark winters it is the same way probley wose here in Alaska. It is 8:30 am and it is finally dawn.. Crazy ..
Well I can't wait to see more of your amazeing pix..
congrats on getting "me" time. Don't feel guilty.
It sounds like you had a great day, you deserve it!
And your pictures are just gorgeous. So...when do leaves change for you? And have they all dropped now? We are still pretty green here.
Such incredible pictures!!
Thanks for the pics :)
I loved the name learning part too. I had no idea your name was pronounced TREESA.
Mine is always pronounced wrong too. People say REE-AH but it's not. It's RAY or RAY-AH.
I also like to use my child-free time taking photos. It's very relaxing.
P.S. My husbands grandparents came to America from Stavanger, Norway. My fil still speaks the language fluently.
Congrats on your alone time. One of these days I hope to have some myself!