25 Random things about me... an award

This is going around on Facebook....& thought I would play along...25 RANDOM things about Me.... (& yes...I did copy some of these from a previous post....)

1.) I see dead people- OK..I don't really see DEAD DEAD people...but I do have a SIXTH Sense... I know this is probably weirder than you were wanting but... I would have premonitions of things that would happen...usually bad. For a while I even had my sister asking me if she should fly or not.. Kelly over at Song for Whoever can attest to my psychic abilities...

2.) I have an irrational fear of sliding into a body of water in my car... or driving through long tunnels... I tend to hold my breath & have to white knuckle it...

3.) I have "middle child syndrome"... (yes it is a very real condition) & I am the WORST SPELLER EVER... (these were both Soo lame...I figured they only counted for .5 of a fact.)

4.)My first name is Meri. (Mary) (these are getting lamer as I go on...)

5.)I speak/understand 6 languages ...I am smarter than I look.

6.)When I was younger my goals in life included, having an apartment in the city.. (any city...preferably Europe) to own a Red Jeep Wrangler & travel around the world for one year... before I was 26 .... (I haven't accomplished any of the goals YET...)

7.) I would like to be an aid worker...maybe working with orphans in Romania... I know.. RANDOM... but I saw a show on Oprah...& have never forgotten it...

8.) Growing up, I moved a lot....I went to 3 different High schools, & 3 different Universities....
some of the places I have called home... Kingwood, Texas, Wilmington, Delaware, Kansas City, MO. Mannheim, Germany..

9.) Hubby & I decided to get married after knowing each other 6 weeks... you can read about that here...Flash Back... The LOVE Boat... and here... The Love Boat... Part deux...

10.) Working on cruise ships was the BEST & most difficult job I have ever had.

11.) I am a FREAK of NATURE when it comes to 80's music trivia..I LOVE the 80's

12.) One of my dreams is to pull the kids out of school & travel as a family, around the world for a year.

13.) As soon as my kids leave for college, I plan on going back to work at sea... or working as a European tour guide.

14.) although I have told all of my boyfriends that I loved them back...I have only been in Love twice. (I didn't want to hurt the other guys feelings)

15.) I plan on retiring somewhere warm... Bjørn plans on retiring in Norway... he is more than welcome to come for conjugal visits...

16.) While working on cruise ships my nick names were Samantha Fox & Hot lips (today they would probably be calling me Bea...as in Bea Arthur)

17.) I think I would be 99% satisfied with my life if I could lose my extra weight & get organized.

18.) I think I am probably fooling myself with #17.

19.) I pray & give thanks every night.
20.) I am very touchy... feel-y & affectionate

21.) Bjørn & I still hold hands anytime we walk together or drive together....

22.) Eva wasn't my first name choice for our daughter... I wanted Saylor... (Bjørn thought it would be weird seeing as he was a sailor)

23.) I graduated with a BS in German & Political Science (double major) with a minor in International Relations..

24.) I work as a buyer for Cosmetics & Perfume...

25.) I am a total procrastinator married to a total procrastinator.... not a good combo... no wonder things never get done.

So now on to my AWARD.... Bustables awarded me this little diddy...thanks chic...

She has the CUTEST cards...go check her out (just in time for valentines day.)


Christelle said…
Yay I'm the first to comment. I have seen this going around on FB too- good idea to use it in a blog. I share your irrational fear in #2 except mine isn't the car going into a body of water but just over a cliff- also hate long tunnels and have to talk myself down when I drive through them. I give thanks every night too AND I visualize what I hope for in the future- so far the universe has been very kind to me :)
Skogkjerring said…
I can so relate to a lot this post..Stig and I also have a bunch of plans for when the kids move out. I use to be hot too BK (before kids)and my nickname was Bubbles cause I was always so damn happy....hahahahaha..
Love how Bjørn is going to be in Norway and you someplace warm with conjucal visits..might have to do something like that with my sailor also when he finally retires, not sure I can handle seeing him ALL the time...but we'll cross that bridge when we get there...hahahaha..
jewelstreet said…
lol. Those are funny! My mom has the tunnel thing. When we go through the Chesapeake Bay Bridge/Tunnel, I always tease her by saying there is water dripping on the windshield.
aasheim424 said…
Funny what you consider wierd or odd and yet you share the same oddities with so many other people, must be comforting. I too married my Norwegian hubby after 6 weeks. And i also went to 3 high schools but only 2 colleges. I have never worked on a cruiseship, just vacationed, but i wanted to after being on a ship in the Navy. A little unrelated but i too find myself, lazy and tired, yet i cant sleep at night, i wonder if im adjusting to the weather?!
Small House said…
I always wanted a VW Bug and live in NY city when I was a young girl. Haven't done either. Love your list. Also don't like to drive past water either.
Stopped by from SITS!

Have a good day.
Diane Mandy said…
I'm totally with you on number 17 (and 18) sadly.
sues2u2 said…
My Hubby would be w/ you on the warm (part of the reason we moved 1 1/2 yrs ago to So Arizona!) but I am so totally missing the snow & cold. Although not so much this month when it is 70F here & 0F back home!

I can handle tunnels but not too fond of bridges; can you say extreme fear of heights?!

This was pretty cute!
Regarding no. 17 and 18 - *sigh* DITTO
Karen said…
I stumbled onto your blog today. I love your 25 random things. It was so much fun to read. I will be back to read more.
Anonymous said…
Great list! Everyone has been doing this on FB so I've been tagged.. and as I said to hubby, if I do it, then it will have to be a blog post...

But to come up with 25 random things? Difficult!

So - you did good, girl! (Love your first name, BTW.)
Simple Answer said…
I have #2 too! I have one of those hammers in the pocket of my car door in case we ever go into water in the car! Of course, I now live in the desert, so I may not need it for the next few years, but I like knowing it's there!

This was fun! Do 25 more!
Frizzy said…
You and I have a lot in common.

1st, I have a bit of a 6th Sense but not so much with bad stuff. I knew my neighbor was pregnant before she did. I usually dream about things to come in the future. Silly stuff but more often than not I am caught in deja vu scenarios. Ex. I dream about sitting in a place I've never been to with people I've never met. Then, poof! Weeks, Months or Years later I am reminded of that dream as I am living it in real life.

2nd, I am the same way with tunnels. Esp. the ones in Europe that go on forever. I hate them and feel like I'm going to be trapped inside.

3rd, I too would like to be an aid worker for an orphanage and would also love to be a tour guide. I think Samantha on the Travel Channel has the best job in the world!

4th, I moved all the time as a kid. I attended 3 different schools during my 1st grade year alone.
Frizzy said…
By the way, I posted about one of the places I suggested for your family's summer travel today.
Lacy Kline said…
Great list!! I totally understand your fear of driving into water. I have the same and even have a device in my car that can break a window in case you ever needed it. I love #15 - too funny.
Sarah Bee said…
I love these lists, it is SO true that EVERYONE is doing them, so I finally caved and did one myself and posted it on my blog too! So feel free to take a gander! haha

Stopping by from SITS!
yay! i enjoyed this! i haven't done mine yet on facebook... maybe i will do it on the blog...

i was a german major too! double major englsih/german. :)

saylor is a cute name, btw. so is eva though!!!
KCLC said…
Hello fellow procrastinator!
I enjoyed this very much. You are one smart cookie! 6 languages!!! Wow! I can barely speak my own. But what I want to know is....Do naughty girls need love too?? LOL
Kate said…
Hey - just saw you on SITS and thought I'd stop by. The "random things about me" posts are always great. We might be somewhat kindred spirits - I am an almost 100 percent Norwegian-heritaged American living in NoDak. Bring on the lefsa. I'm actually planning a trip to Norway with some relatives for next year. Some of our relatives who live in Norway have taken the house my great-grandpa grew up in before he settled in North Dakota and have made it into a bed and breakfast, so we're going to stay there for some of the trip hopefully. I wish I could remember the name of the town that house is near though. Anyway, wish I was in Norway right now! Who knows, maybe we'll meet some time.
Mary Ellen said…
I really like these random fact posts. It's a great way to learn some interesting tidbits about my favorite bloggers.

I'm totally with you in the tunnel-fear, but I don't worry so much about the water. No idea why.
Hepburn Hilton said…
6 languages? That is really impressive! I only have two and a half..
Kelly said…
#14 - Can I take a guess?!
#15 - Bill and I will be living separately after retirement also...he wants to escape suburbia and move to Idaho...to become more of a hermit!
WheresMyAngels said…
I keep getting hit on facebook with this too and figured I'll blog it one day also.

I swear that half your list might of fit me. Oh I so want to travel the world with my family. Come on lottery!

I'm such an 80's Triv girl also.

As far as other languages, I can't speak any, except about 5 sentences in Norse! lol
Ritch in Love said…
My great aunt's name was Saylor Jane. I now have a stepdaughter named Taylor so I can't use Saylor for my first biological daughter either. :(
tiarastantrums said…
I should post mine as well!! cool
ACR said…
I did this on FB too - it's going around like wildfire!!! I was working on a list anyway for the blog - maybe I should have posted that today instead.

Have you seen the new FB one about your 1st born child... the FB world gets CRAZY!! ;)
Anonymous said…
WOW.....that was random...but you are sooo interesting.

My nickname was Hot Lips too....but only because I kissed a hot muffler on my dad's riding lawn mower when I was little...hey, don't judge me..it was new and shiney.....but,it was hot.
Betsy said…
I am so with you on #2. I have one of those little hammers too. The worst tunnels we ever encountered were on our drive from Oslo to Bergen. I remember one where I floored it. I know I was exceeding the speedlimit, but all I cared about was getting the heck out of that tunnel!
Tiff said…
oh girl..hubby and i are soooooo #25..i know where you are coming from on that one!! :)

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