The boots....

The boots.....
Beautiful ,black patent leather, ECCO boots.... I fell in love with the as soon as I saw them in the window..... I went back to the store 2 x's before I caved.... only one pair left... & surprise, my size......
I have been trying to find a reason all day to return them...
I really don't need them...(yes I do)
How long can I wear patent leather?
They are flat.... I never wear flat shoes....
they are twice the amount I would normally pay for boots.... (I am a cheapskate)
I won't be able to wear them to my meeting tomorrow because of all of the snow etc... bla bla bla....
BUT then.....
I was able to actually zip them up over my new jeans---(yes, I broke down & bought new jeans yesterday too....) So you can actually SEE them... & to my surprise, my thighs don't really look THAT fat with my jeans inside the boots.....
HOW CUTE are these going to be when I go to Rome next month? CUTE CUTE CUTE... no snow there....& they are FLAT, so I won't ruin the heels doing all of the site seeing.....
I'm keeping 'em.... & I am going to wear them to my meeting tomorrow... snow or no snow...


They're super cute! Don't return them. You always return things you splurge on. This is your treat. Your birthday treat!
sues2u2 said…
Good for you! Everyone deserves a little somethin' sometimes!
Cristin said…
They're Fabulous.. rock on with your bad self...
Jill said…
Oh SO cute!! Sometimes you just need a little somethin' somethin' to feel extra sassy.

You go girl!!
jewelstreet said…
LOVE those! Don't you know?! When you buy new jeans, you have to buy new shoes. Plus, you're going on a trip and that always means new shoes. ;)
Tulsi said…
You think the way I do!! Shoes really are a must, boots and all.
Lacy Kline said…
Those are damn cute boots! Keep them and enjoy them. I am a firm believer that a girl can never have too many shoes! You'll have to post a pic of yourself wearing them.
Debz said…
I think they were the last pair in your size for a reason. It wasw a sign. Don't return them. Enjoy them.
Lucia said…
Lets see. Last pair. Your size. It was meant to be. They're hawt. Plus you'll have them for years to come. Enjoy Rome!
scargosun said…
DO NOT RETURN! They are too cha cha for words. :)
Anonymous said…
Yo go! Love the boots!
Batgirl said…
Nice boots! And no returning them - it's your reward for having to deal with the freezing cold weather! :-)
Mary Ellen said…
You made the right call - they are so FABULOUS, and you will look amazing in them when you go to Rome!
Ash said…
O.M.G. - you return those and I'm totally going to stop following you.

They're fabulous!! Good for you for splurging. They were in YOUR size - hello? So meant to be.
Laura Marchant said…
So cute! I would keep them too.
Anonymous said…
Ok, it was an omen that the only pair left was in your size...of course you have to keep them! It was fate!
Kelly said…
Wow! You have to keep them if this post got Ali to comment!!
They are super cute; I like them...but I'm stuck on the sentence: "They are flat.... I never wear flat shoes.... " Really? You only wear heals?! I NEVER wear heals...funny....
WheresMyAngels said…
Your going to ROME! SWEET

I love the boots.I wear mine in the snow, even though it may ruin them. Ya only live once!! lol
Nicole said…
Enjoy them in Rome!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
ok, this is a totally multicultural purchase...just picture this..

a Texas girl living in Norway, on vacation in Rome wearing her new boots that are of DANISH DESIGN!!!
woohoo.. I love ECCO!
ACR said…
Never regret an awesome pair of boots! Yay for you!!!
cat said…
Oh they are gorgeous! I would have caved in as well. The boots of my dreams!
Tiff said…
love them...they will look good in that is a place I would love to
Ritch in Love said…
WOMAN! Even though they are flat, those boots are more than cute, they're sexy! Way to splurge!!
Heidi said…
Keep them. Those are hot! Love them and wish I had some. so be happy.
Anonymous said…
Nice boots.. so - is patent leather making a comeback?
Karen said…
Oh....those are cute!!!! I would have caved too. Besides that, hello....they were stalking you. You didn't have a choice.
Rebecca Jo said…
Love them... love the stiching around the toe!
KCLC said…
I love patent leather....but not in a fetish way.( Hold on a sec while I help the hubby get this mask off his face....) HA! :P
Those boots are hip and sassy! And something like that will always stay in style. Too bad my calves are too fat for something like that. When exactly is your bday???
Jenny said…
They are gorgeous!!
Laura Kay said…
You can never have too many pairs of boots - especially over here in Europe!
They are great looking. Gotta love ECCO!!! I wear my Yucatan's all summer long.
Laura said…
Love the boots. Hi from a sits girl! Love your blog keep it up. Laura

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