If you don't have anything nice to say....

As my mamma always says..."If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all..."

Not that either of us have ever lived by that advice... but i thought today I would try....
(and keep my mouth shut...)

As you know.. this week I am in my mid winter blues... a funk....

trying to find things to life my spirit.... what makes me happy?
Hmmm... Taking pictures make me happy....
But I tend not to take pictures in the winter....not unless I have to.
I like natural light, and in Norway, good natural light in the winter, is hard to find...

My plan this month, is to get some of my favorite photos printed out & actually framed.. before I end up losing them all AGAIN...

I found these little diddies...(actually I found about 600 I would like to share.. but I will spare you...)

Which remind me of SUMMER & SUN & WARMTH & ICE CREAM & CORN ON THE COB....... YUM...

Summer is on its way....RIGHT?


Becky said…
Your babies have beautiful blue eyes! I've always been a fan of black and whites, but only color would do those beauties justice.
jewelstreet said…
Love those blue eyes!

I'm in a winter funk as well. Hope it gets warm soon.
gorgeous eyes! yes... summer is on the way! :)
Debie Napoleon said…
Ohh...I hope so. I need warm sun on my face!
What A Card said…
Oh, CUTIES! Summer will be here...eventually. Hang in there!
Leah said…
soooo cute!! Thanks for sharing.
sues2u2 said…
If that doesn't help to lift your spirits I don't know what will! You have beautiful babies w/ gorgeous eyes!!
Heather said…
Those baby blues are to die for!! Summer better be on it's way. I'm DONE with winter.
Khadra said…
your kids' eyes are just amazing. Although Im pretty sure I tell you this everytime you post pictures of your kids lol! I just cant get over them!
Diane Mandy said…
Right!! Your children have the bluest eyes!
Lacy Kline said…
Man your kids have fantastic eyes! Thank you so much for the post on my blog and the words of encouragement. We are planning on seeing lots of the country when we come, so Fredrickstad is for sure on my list. It's a comfort knowing there's another American dealing with all the goods and bads of living in Norway.
SO stinkin' precious. I'm so ready for summer too!
Jill said…
Oh I know about funks and blues... I'm right there with you sista!

Your kids are gorgeous - love their eyes - so striking!
Jen said…
Oh those photos are just so amazing!
Lizzie said…

sorry about your winter funk, wish i could stop by with a bottle of wine (alright maybe 2...) and laugh it up to forget the darkness.

feel better, good luck framing all those beautiful pictures!
Mammatalk said…
Gorgeous, gorgeous children! Yeah, when is Spring coming??
Anonymous said…
Your babies are absolutely adorable and their eyes are just beautiful. They are like sparkling jewels. What a treasure!
Unknown said…
Great pics- I do the whole winter funk thing too, that's why I moved to Florida when I left Alaska.
*hugs* Hope it warms up soon.
Donna said…
Are his eyes really that blue? Truly stunning.

I'm in a funk over here, too - something about cold dirty air and that burning coal smell. Just hang in - spring is coming.
Rebecca Jo said…
waiting so anxiously for warm weather...

and HOLY COW... thoes blue eyes just blow me away!!!
like everyone else said...holy moly those EYES!!!

I'll take spring at this point
Kelly said…
Who's the last kid? Those eyes...INCREDIBLE!!
SabrinaT said…
Beautiful children!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
you make some serious gorgeous kids!! i know that EVERYONE said this but...those eyes!!
i know what you mean about the winter. it's starting to get old already!! we've had so much snow, here in michigan. usually, it melts then we get a dusting and so on but...no. it snowed. then...again. then...again. and...I. HATE. SNOW!!
warm thoughts honey!!
Karen said…
What sparkle your little ones have. And yes, Summer is on it's way. I have noticed the days getting slightly longer.
Teri said…
Those sweeties have the most beautiful eyes. Gorgeous!

(Hey, if you need a good place to print all your pix, see my post from yesterday. REALLY good prics)
binks said…
Your kids do have the bluest eyes!!
Love the pix, too adorable.

You should stop by and enter my little giveaway.
I am making a special exception for my long time, far away bloggy buddies and bending the rules for just 2.
Anonymous said…
Look at those eyes!!!!! Your kids are beautiful!!!
Bethany said…
Awww look at those summery, tanned faces! I long for summer as well-- or at least, spring!

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