Fatty? Give me a break

Sigh....opened up yahoo today to find yet ANOTHER article on Jessica Simpson & about how she has BALLOONED (to what? a size 6-8?)

I don't know if it is living in Europe or having a daughter I can finally see how CRAZY the media really is PICKING on these celebs.... Can you imagine having to live with someone judging you every time you gained a few pounds or had a zit....
( No wonder Britney went crazy & shaved her head....)

Of course I get sucked into the article...(which is what they want...right?) & you have all of these 15-20 girls calling her all sorts of remarks about her being a pig...etc. Are you kidding me? WHAT IS WRONG WITH US? You wonder why we all have body issues....gosh, if she looks like a pig...what do I look like? MOOOO MOOOO

Jess, I only wish I looked this good... (not loving the outfit...but to each is own)


MsTypo said…
I'd hate to be the fat size 6. You know instead of the giant extra large size that i am. The media really gets to me about these things. Like the size 10 girl who won the last "America's Next Top Model" who was described as plus size.

I blogged about it at the time. Size 10 isn't plus size because plus sized stores don't carry size 10's because size 10 people are skinny! God i hate teh media sometimes. *sigh*

Sorry for the rant. :)
Anonymous said…
I agree the outfit is a definite miss. But now at least she looks like a human being :)
I heard on tv about a woman size 6 who tried to get a modeling job and was told the agency didn't handle plus sizes..

When the heck is a 6 a plus size??
Rebecca Jo said…
that's what gets me... when they gain a few pounds, they hound them & I bet she starves back down to the "Dukes of Hazzard" size which I thought she looked too small & sick then....

Personally, I just think it was a horrible outfit choice... calling Stacy & Clinton to the rescue there!
Debie Napoleon said…
I think it's the bad pants and the crappy camera angles.

I think that's true in so many cases of "fat" celebs.

It's all just a wad of crap and should just go away.

My 2 cents.
Jen said…
I feel that same way. If she is fat then I must be, well i don't know what to call me.
This really is just terrible. She looks so good, like a healthy happy person.
Scary Mommy said…
I've thought the same thing-- I'd kill to look like that. Maybe I wouldn't wear those jeans (I mean, really!!!) but her figure looks great to me and so much better than the size 0 waifs. No wonder eating disorders abound. Jeesh.
Khadra said…
it is ridiculous isnt it?!
but yeah her outfit sucks lol!
What A Card said…
No kidding! I'm so glad I'm not famous!

Being 12 weeks pregnant currently, I'm at the point where I'm easily mistaken for having gained a bunch of weight. I have to stop myself from telling strangers "I'm pregnant, not just gaining weight!". I hate when I get all ridiculous about my weight.

And I think she's very pretty, though that outfit was very horrid. I wish I was as tiny as her! I haven't been a size 6 since, well, never! I'm pretty sure I went right from kids sizes to a size 8 :)
Julie H said…
What's funny is that if she was Marilyn Monroe she would be all so hot you know? Our view of what is "normal" is so messed up these days.
Karen said…
Oh to be as fat as Jessica!!! I think the "catty media" should be tarred and feathered.
Lacy Kline said…
I totally agree with you on this one. Wish I looked as good as the "overweight" Jessica! The media really does suck sometimes.
Jen Sue Wild said…
Yep what was she thinking with that fashion don't of a belt and don't get me started on the pants. But fat no way she is just curvy the way I wish I was.
Lizzie said…
yeah i agree. makes me never want to be in the limelight. poor thing. i think she looks fine :)
Anonymous said…
I sooooo agree with you. It's just sad, really.

I also must agree that her outfit leaves much to be desired ;)
Immodesty Blaze said…
I found you while blog surfing, and first of all let me say I agree.. What is even worse than the magazines picking on celebs is that so many ppl seem to be interested in reading about it.

I am just about to import my own boyfriend to the cold north of Scandinavia and am looking for advice on how to make it as comfortable as I can for him.. any pointers in your blog??
she's so beautiful. peeps got a screw loose saying she's fat.

the media and all of the drones who are obsessed with talking about other people (to make themselves feel good or sell a magazine)... are on CRACK. serious crack.
po said…
Hi, I am hosting the next round of Strange Shores, if you want to join in, just post your links to this blog post: http://southafricanseamonkey.blogspot.com/2009/02/strange-shores-unbunged.html

and I will include you.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for your advice! I shall start digging around for other Brits in the neighbourhood..
Anonymous said…
it's her clothes that are making her look...not waif thin. she has a cute figure. america is nuts!!!
Anonymous said…
Grrrrrrr!!! What the heck is wrong with society if they think that she is big? Come off it! SHe's not even normal...

What worries me most are all the wrong crazy messages we send out to our kids: no wonder we are already seeing anorexia in girls as young as 7 or 8! It's sick...
AMEN to that sista!!! She looks just fine...what HAVE we done to ourselves!!!


I don't like the outfit either!
Mary Ellen said…
I think we need to get over this celebrity-mania and give them some space. Her figure looks great and healthy, although that outfit was not her best look.
Laural Out Loud said…
It makes me want to hide under a rock! Or at least under lots and lots of layers. It's such a shame. I think all women should rebel and gain 10 pounds (except for me, since they'd just be catching up).
LuckyMe said…
I think it's just a bad outfit, too.
Check out latest post concerning Body Image, tell me what you think.
I know! It's totally rediculous. They just have to find something to pick at. That's how they draw people in I guess. I wouldn't be surprised if they make them look fatter on purpose in their pictures the put out.

I think some of the Celebs don't give a crap. Now they are talking about how Oprah has gained all that weight back. So What!
Julie said…
Yeah, I wish I was that fat too. Sheesh. Hopefully she know she's fabulous.
WheresMyAngels said…
Oh I HATE them early 90's looking jeans! But FAT, WTH ever. It is ridiculous how critical the media is.

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