Fatty? Give me a break
I don't know if it is living in Europe or having a daughter I can finally see how CRAZY the media really is PICKING on these celebs.... Can you imagine having to live with someone judging you every time you gained a few pounds or had a zit....
( No wonder Britney went crazy & shaved her head....)
Of course I get sucked into the article...(which is what they want...right?) & you have all of these 15-20 girls calling her all sorts of remarks about her being a pig...etc. Are you kidding me? WHAT IS WRONG WITH US? You wonder why we all have body issues....gosh, if she looks like a pig...what do I look like? MOOOO MOOOO
Jess, I only wish I looked this good... (not loving the outfit...but to each is own)
I blogged about it at the time. Size 10 isn't plus size because plus sized stores don't carry size 10's because size 10 people are skinny! God i hate teh media sometimes. *sigh*
Sorry for the rant. :)
I heard on tv about a woman size 6 who tried to get a modeling job and was told the agency didn't handle plus sizes..
When the heck is a 6 a plus size??
Personally, I just think it was a horrible outfit choice... calling Stacy & Clinton to the rescue there!
I think that's true in so many cases of "fat" celebs.
It's all just a wad of crap and should just go away.
My 2 cents.
This really is just terrible. She looks so good, like a healthy happy person.
but yeah her outfit sucks lol!
Being 12 weeks pregnant currently, I'm at the point where I'm easily mistaken for having gained a bunch of weight. I have to stop myself from telling strangers "I'm pregnant, not just gaining weight!". I hate when I get all ridiculous about my weight.
And I think she's very pretty, though that outfit was very horrid. I wish I was as tiny as her! I haven't been a size 6 since, well, never! I'm pretty sure I went right from kids sizes to a size 8 :)
I also must agree that her outfit leaves much to be desired ;)
I am just about to import my own boyfriend to the cold north of Scandinavia and am looking for advice on how to make it as comfortable as I can for him.. any pointers in your blog??
the media and all of the drones who are obsessed with talking about other people (to make themselves feel good or sell a magazine)... are on CRACK. serious crack.
and I will include you.
What worries me most are all the wrong crazy messages we send out to our kids: no wonder we are already seeing anorexia in girls as young as 7 or 8! It's sick...
I don't like the outfit either!
I think some of the Celebs don't give a crap. Now they are talking about how Oprah has gained all that weight back. So What!