Mothers day in Norway

It has been a BUSY weekend....
Yesterday was Mothers Day in Norway.... (lucky me, I get to celebrate 2 x's a year)
My adorable husband & children prepared brunch for me & my mother in law..... The babies gave me this super cool "Worlds Best Mom" pillow..which is going to look AWESOME in my family room if I ever get it finished...
The kids bought me flowers as well as the hubby... so the house smells awesome...
We had a great day....
(mommy tried some new eyeshadow yesterday... I look like I have been beat up.... note to self- get rid of dark whorish eyeshdow....)
Huge snowfall on Sat. so everything was bright & lovely... super day to take pictures of the kids outside.

We FINALLY bought the kids ski's... They each got 2 pair... one cross country & one downhill..
(I think I am more excited than the kids.... they were VERY excited..)
They each spent the weekend cross country skiing... refusing to come in until there little feet were frozen.
Dane even skied to school today.. LOVE IT! This is what I was looking forward to when i agreed to move back to Norway.. Beautiful summers, beautiful winters...
Today I went shopping for myself... first time in I don't know how long...
I NEVER shop for myself over here, but I had to get something to wear for a meeting in Oslo....
I was dreading the shopping trip but ended up getting some stuff that I really liked. I even splurged a little and bought a new pair of black boots which I have been loving/wanting all season.... (early birthday present....)

So the gloom & doom mood from last week as passed... it is so bright & sunny here I think I could seriously lay out & look like I have been in the Med.... (if only it wasn't so cold...)
Hope y'all had a great weekend...


Kelli Nørgaard said…
Happy Mothers Day !! Of all the holidays that should be celebrated twice a year, I DEFINITELY vote for Mothers day!! :o) Glad yours was great!!!
jewelstreet said…
Happy Mother's Day! You look beautiful with the kids. They look so happy with the ski's. I think it's so cool he skied to school. That rocks!
Ash said…
Happy Mother's Day!!

What great way to grow up - skiing to school. My Hubs would be pea green.

Glad you found some nice stuff for yourself - I want a shot of the boots!! Em
I am Harriet said…
Sure would miss the mother's day flowers. Happy Mother's Day!
sues2u2 said…
Happy Mother's Day! I love the photo of you & your kids. They are so cute.

We used to get out of school for half day ski days. Does that count? When I was younger we might have been able to cross country ski to school but not now. Darn that global warming!

So where's the photos of the new purchases? Give us a looksie!
What a fun day! Happy Mother's day to you! :)
Sarah - Kala said…
Happy Mum's Day! Okay so here's some sugar: you are just a gorgeous gal. Your kids are handsome and beautiful. Ya'll look a right lovely in the snows and skis.
How fantastic! It sounds like you had a great day. : )
The housewife said…
Happy Mother's Day! Love the photos.
The Blonde Duck said…
What a wonderful mother's day! Looks like you celebrated in style.

I moved to a new site! Check it out:
Skogkjerring said…
Happy belated mother's day! It really is a plus to be celebrated twice a year- there are some positives to living here and being American!! Your kids definitely take after you- really lovely kids and a beautiful mom!

It's amazing how much a little sunshine can affect your mood- here is to lighter days and warmer temperatures...
Anonymous said…
Wow - what a glorious day. And you are just glowing! Glad to hear you are over the frumpy funky period!
Anonymous said…
Happy Mother's Day! Ah, so cute! And he skied to school? How cool is that!
Julie said…
Happy Mother's the pillow!
MaricrisG said…
Happy Mother's day! Looks like you all had fun.
Kelly said…
How cool is that; you get 2 Mother's days!! The kids look very proud of themselves (as they should be!)! I hope you enjoyed your special day!
Cristin said…
Awww.. happy Mother's Day!!
Anonymous said…
Oh I love pic of you and the kids. You have such a beautiful family. Happy Mother's Day!
~T~ said…
Happy Mother's day, from an American in England :)
Jill said…
Happy Mother's day... how totally fun to celebrate two of them!

BTW - your kids are gorgeous and your haircut is awesome! Hello beautiful. :)
Tiff said…
Happy late mothers day..looks like you all had a great time outdoors..what fun!! We have had like one inch of snow here in Va this year...darn it..I wanted to see some snow..oh the pics!! :)
Karen said…
Oh My... your children are gorgeous. Happy Mother's Day to you. Skiing to school would have been my husband's dream. Would have never worked in San Diego, but it was his dream.
I love those pics of your natural and fun!

Happy mother's Day TWICE... Lucky you!
Frizzy said…
Happy Belated Mother's Day. Gorgeous pictures by the way!
binks said…
Did you change the photo because the one I see is fabulous! You look great!
Happy belated Norwegian Mother's Day!
SJK said…
It sounds like you had a great day !!! : ) Happy Mothers Day..

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