OK..So I'll bite....

So have you y'all heard about that lady who had
8...E I G H T babies?

C R A Z Y!?
(People...I am KIDDING) The entire WORLD knows about her....

I usually don't write about current events... but I see people writing about Nadya Suleman all over the place....

My personal thoughts about the whole thing? (I am sure y'all really care) but here goes.....

Obviously the woman is a little screwy...I mean who in their right mind would do something like this?

I know this won't happen, but I think the BEST thing that could happen is that she just fades from the spotlight .... Just go away...& raise your babies....

I (like many) of you am pretty sure she thought she would be able to out do John & Kate plus 8..... look at what a hit they have been.

They have 8..but i have 14 BWAAA HAA HAAA ....

Can you IMAGINE the weirdos who will be coming out of the woodwork once Nadya Suleman gets her 15 min. of fame.??? Next you know, someone will try to have 14 at once.

I have heard all of the rumors about her wanting to host a parenting show....(you have got to be FREAKING kidding me....) how about a show on how not to have 14 kids in 7 years?

Obviously she IS OUT OF HER MIND..... & where the HELL were her parents while all this was going on? Yes, she is an adult...(LIVING IN HER PARENTS HOUSE)

I can tell you, if I had come home with an idea like "Hmmm..I have 6 kids already but I think I would like to take the chance on having 8 more..." ol' Bill & DiAnn (my p's) would have had me locked up before I could make a dr.s appt.

& speaking about the DOCTOR/S who are responsible for this... I think THIS is WHERE the media/law enforcement should be looking... what kind of KOOKY QUACK would do something like this?

I think we should be sending thoughts & prayers to her precious babies...
(all 14 of them)

SO any thoughts? Anything y'all would like to share?

(just to be PERFECTLY clear... I think large families are WONDERFUL... I just think this lady has been irresponsible)


wendy said…
HEY, thanks for dropping over to my blog. How awesome that you live in Norway!! My brother went to Norway when he was 12 on a Scouting thing (he won the trip with some other scouters) I have NOT been off the North American Continent (boo,hoo) I will be visiting your blog.
about the crazy lady with 8......I don't get it. She totally needs therapy and will probably be living off the system, which makes me mad as it comes out of our little pockets. Not selfish or anything, but sheeesh, she already had 6 .....did she forget?? And I agree the medical community needed to be more pro-active about this. Prayers indeed need to go out to all those kids.
Anonymous said…
I completely agree. Some days I don't know if I want to keep the two I already have (kidding kidding!)

I think it's absolutely irresponsible to have let this woman have 8 at a time. The doctor should and hopefully will have his/her license revoked.

(BTW, you asked about DisneyParis. Worth it. Smaller than the regular parks but my kids still loved it. And yah it's expensive but what Disney item isn't these days? I recommend staying around the Marne La Valle/Chessy train stop I think we stayed at the Golden Tulip? - it's one stop to the park or maybe two can't remember but it's so convenient and a fourth the price of the Disney resorts if you need to be on a budget.)
Sarah - Kala said…
I'm going to go out on a limb here, as a practicing Catholic: the girl has lost her mind. In what I read, she bemoans her inability to finish her college stuff and she was really close. Well, with invitro, you can sorta postpone pregnancy . . . she's really bleepin' looney. BUT, that said, I love large families, too - but MARRIED ones. Married is best for every kid - understanding that it's not always the case these days. I really lay the blame at the doctor who should have counceled her against doing this at this time. Not that she shouldn't ever do it - just not now with so many younger ones at home, too. Wait. They say she wasn't asking or counting on media help etc etc., but listen: we all know better than that! I don't mind helping in fluke situations, but when it's forced, I'm put off.
sues2u2 said…
I agree w/ letting the woman get back to her life. Just let it go, people. It's not our life & we Don't get a say in it!

Okay, I'm totally over that part!! The dr was waaay out of line here. Impregnating her @ all was wrong. Granted she has the support of her parents but sheesh, I would hate to be ultimately responsible on my own w/ no Hubby in sight. Really no breaks here. Definitely have them in my prayers 'cause it's gonna be tough.

Are you ready for this though? Her parents were the ones who spilled the beans & now they are the ones saying leave us alone! Are they freaking kidding me?!
Khadra said…
I seriously have no idea what to make of this woman. And I have no idea how she plans to do this alone!
Sheryl said…
Hi, I am coming from the SITS roll call, I agree with you, it's one thing to be the mom who had these babies, but what dr. in there right mind would have set her up for this. I go nuts with my two sometimes, how in the world do you take care of 8 at the same time and then add the other 6? What kind of quality time will she be able to have with her children.

We do need to pray for the 14 children that had no choice in this matter-could be a tuff life growing up.
scargosun said…
Just horrible. It's one thing to obsess about something and have it impact only you but to force your obsession on the innocent is criminal.
Mum-me said…
Yes, this is certainly a story which has caused a sensation.

First - I do feel that 6 children is a large family and a huge challenge and can't understand why she'd want anymore.

2nd - There are so many women who desperately want ONE baby, and I can't understand why Dr would agree to fertilization treatment for someone who already has 6. But that's the western society - if you can pay, you can have.

3rd - She was advised to abort some, but I can fully understand why she didn't. I couldn't decided which of my babies should die and which should live. I would have left it up to God too.

4th - Have you heard about the Canadian lady who this week gave birth to twins at the age of 60, after travelling to India for fertility treatment? At least the mum of 14 is young and has the support of at least two other adults to help her.

5th - Yes, I agree the media should leave the mum-of-14 alone so she can concentrate on the job she's chosen for herself.... raising 8 babies and caring for 6 other children.

6th - sorry for hijaking your blog comments!
ACR said…
I totally agree that she was way irresponsible. I think TWO are hard enough and to already have 6 and then have 8 more... My Goodness!! Maybe she was hoping for local/national handouts or to have been NewYearsBabies... who knows what she was thinking! Or her doctors!! I saw that she has 2 specials coming up next Mon&Tues in the States at night on 20/20 or DateLineNBC... Not sure if I should watch or boycott. I feel sorry for the kids though. ;(
That Girl said…
I don't normally comment, but just HAD to on this topic. I feel so incredibly sorry for the new babies as well as her 6 others. What SLAYS me is that I remember hearing somewhere that she is on public assistance??!!?? What the... Seriously? If she can't support the 6 she already has, why on EARTH would she have 8 more??? Boils my blood. I can't imagine having 8 babies to care for at once. She can't possibly be sleeping even with help. It should be against the law, and the doc should be held accountable for impregnating or pay child support--one of the two...

Okay, off my soapbox.
RBK's Realm said…
I agree with you on every bit you have written. Nothing more to add other than to say that the whole scenario is very disturbing and I feel very sorry for the children.
I wonder if she knows the dad? I agree this woman is crazy, an if not she will be! I heard on good morning america that she was a professional...a professional WHAT?
sues2u2 said…
Had to come back. Apparently she has a bachelors in childhood & adolescent development from CSU (cali) & was supposedly almost finished w/ a master's in counseling. And the reports I've heard are that she is Not on welfare/dole.

And the Dr is being investigated very seriously. Think someone should investigate His mental health. Although if she were adopting you know that it would be okay, right? Just playing a little devil's advocate here.
Jen said…
She totally wants her own show. Why else would she be doing all this? Because she loves kids, yeah right.
SabrinaT said…
OK, here are my thoughts! I think the doctor is the father of these children. In an interview she said all of the children have the same father. I also think she did it FOR THE MONEY! I think the first 6 kids were failed attempts at the magic 8. With 8 she will have everything handed to her on a silver platter. Cars, houses, diapers. She KNEW what she was doing.
This doctor has to be in on the mess. Otherwise why would he do this for free. I know several families that can not afford this procedure.
My heart and prayers go out to those innocent babies that did not ask for all of this. Her 6 children that have been hounded by the media! I hope all 14 children have some peace and love in their lives!!
Unknown said…
She might not be on welfare but she has been on the taxpayers dime- she is/was *ahem* all but crippled from a work related accident.
Hello 7 freaking pregnancies when you are all but crippled and collecting compensation. And of course if you get disability so do your children.
I hope that workmans comp or insurance or whatever fries her sorry butt. (Sorry, I really try to not be judgmental but WOWSA does this make me irate.)
Who is paying for all of these medical bills- I doubt the parents, aren't they all in a 2 bedroom house?
And HIRING A PUBLICIST and saying she's NOT after the money?
Yeah, right.
If anyone and I do mean anyone sponsors the whackjob and gives her a show as a *parenting expert* with her lovely 2 mil asking price, I will boycott the show and every single advertiser they have.
Can you imagine the screwballs and hair-brained ideas that will bring out of the woodwork?
Unknown said…
"Although if she were adopting you know that it would be okay, right? Just playing a little devil's advocate here."!

Ya maybe... but 8 at one time? when you already have 6 in the house 7 & under? I doubt it
binks said…
I was just commenting that she sounds like a reality show in pre-production.
Oh wait, she had the babies. Post poduction and waiting for the money train producers.
Betsy said…
I have read enough to make me think she is in it for the $. It is absolutely insane!
Anonymous said…
I totally agree with you.

My dad is one of 14 kids....it took her 28 years to have all of them....one at a time!!!
WheresMyAngels said…
I'm totally agree we need to send these kids some prayers!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
completely irresponsible........and I agree with several of the others...these kiddoes are the ones I feel sorry for. I saw her interview talking about how there are kids all over who are "never held by their parents"...how in the hell does she expect to have time (or arms) to hold all 8 as much as they need!! (not to mention the others that are left to find for themselves!)

Totally irresponsible, but hey, she got her 15 min.
Bethany said…
I'm a huge fan of large families (1 of 7 myself) BUT this woman seems to be "out there". She's single and already has six kids who are like..what? 8 and under or something? I'm sorry, that's irresponsible to have EIGHT more. Those poor kids, all of them.
If this was an attempt to get her own reality show, I'm willing to bet that the market is pretty much tapped out on that concept. John, Kate and the Duggars are quite enough, thank you.
From what I understand she had an obsession about having babies ~ a bit more than the average "I just want somebody to love me" theme.
Adoption would be an idea...maybe she's not quite that evolved, but the babies need a better life than she can provide for them.
Gramma 2 Many said…
Totally agree. I am so worried for her children. How is she going to support them? Next she will be on the dole if she isn't already. The most irresponsible thing I have heard of in a long time.
I too love large famlies, in fact I have one. I also have a husband.
Lacy Kline said…
I totally agree that this was over the top. Obviously the USA needs to get some laws in place regarding invitro fertilization. I mean come on eight babies. Even if she didn't have six already eight is insane. I have a hard enough time trying to take care of one. Besides the irresponsibility of having 14 children as a single parent, who is going to pay for all these kids. I'm guessing the tax payers. I'm thinking the mother is not all there and just has to have some sort of plan as far as financial gain she can get from this. The whole thing is too weird.

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