Carnival in Norway..Foto Friday...

Friday Foto Fiesta..Norwegian Carnival.....It's Friday, It's Friday, Thank Goodness it's Friday!!! YIPPEE!I'm playing Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Fiesta Finish again this week .So after you're done here, go over there and check out who's playing this week!!!

So today was Eva's Carnival at school... I remember while living in Germany carnival was a big deal...for children & adults alike... I think it is only celebrated in the pre schools here...

So the theme today was Jungle.... Eva wanted to be a Cheetah... NOT a Cheetah girl....

(remember, I have a little tom-boy on my hands....)

Um, I was unable to find anything Cheetah-ish, so she agreed to be a LION....

So we show up at school today & OF COURSE... she was the ONLY little girl NOT dressed as a Princess....
Good for her... cause she was the CUTEST darn lion I have ever seen....(my mother says i shouldn't say things like that out loud...good thing it is MY blog....hee hee...)
Hope y'all have a super duper weekend...


Karen said…
Your little Lion is beautiful. What a fun day.
Anonymous said…
What a gorgeous lion! My kids have never turned up to pre-school dressed up as they should. One year, everyone dressed up as Swedish Easter witches while my kids turned up with glitter butterflies on their faces.
Anonymous said…
Very cute Lion! I am very happy we will be on vacation during German carnival (we did that on purpose!)
sues2u2 said…
I say - say it OUT LOUD! Your daughter Is adorable & she made a beautiful lion. Did she like being the only girl lion? Betcha she did!
Ash said…
She gives me hope that this whole generation of girls won't grow up to hang their collective hat on "Happily Ever After!"

"I am lion, hear me roar!!" She's absolutely beautiful.
ACR said…
Oh goodness -she is a doll! So cute! Enjoy Carnival!
Anonymous said…
I agree with anonymous. Go Eva!
Hepburn Hilton said…
She is beauty! She will be so popula in vgs :)
The costume I great, I am guessing you made it and I am real impressed!
Stephanie said…
She is one cute lion!!
Nicole said…
Say it loud, because she is absolutely darling!
Unknown said…
She's absolutely precious- say it out loud, heck you should be shouting it from the rooftops!
Simple Answer said…
I'm going to have to send you an evil eye - to guard your darling girl from the jealous eyes of those who envy such cuteness!
Kelly said…
So stinkin cute!
I see DiAnn is being channeling through you!
Mammatalk said…
She is gorgeous! I've got a tomboy, too. Loves dinosaurs and bugs. Ick.
Cristin said…
What a pretty lion!
Mary Ellen said…
That little lion is adorable - and anybody who goes their own way is tops in my book! Go tomboy lion!
Diane Mandy said…
I am always so taken by how adorable your kids are!
Anonymous said…
She has the perfect hair to be a lion....great mane! She is adorable.
omg she is sooo cute! You're blog is adorable! What fun!
Anonymous said…
seriously...i have a son...probably her age. whaddya think?
Cutest darn lion I've ever seen!!!! :)

Btw, that darn troll posted "wah, wah, boo hoo" on my post about Mr. P and how I was worried things weren't going great. Lemme just tell you. If I could get my hands on those anon commenters. But it's SO weird. You go along thinking all your readers and followers are these happy, lovely loyal people and all of a sudden you get hit with a troll, and you realize that there are some creepy bastards out there too. Oh well. The good ones make up for the bad!!!
binks said…
I LOVE that she has a mind of her own and follows her own heart. She looks great!

Sorry if I haven't been commenting but for some reason, your page keeps turning into some strange search page. Driving me nuts really. So I will have to enjoy your posts in Reader and comment where I can.
cat said…
She was an adorable lion! That mane of hair did the trick!
Lizzie said…
oohh what a cute lion! i was not a "girly-girl" as a kid, my daughter very much is... she would have been in a princess dress :)
Lori said…
So cute!! ♥

(Stopping by from SITS) :)

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