How to RUIN your life about 30 min....

OK, I'll admit it... I love me some bad reality TV....

I logged onto my yahoo account & happened upon this...

'Worst husband ever'

Have y'all heard about this guy..I mean JERK?

If you can, take the time to watch the youtube video.... OMG... seriously....

Although very sad for Gayla... I love that ABC went through with airing the show to show what an absolute A$$ this guy is....

I guess within a half an hour Smarty Pants Stephen ended up ruining both his & his wife's careers...... Wonder if old Stevie boy is in hiding or on his way back to England..... Ouch..

Once again, a horrible sad story for the kids.... but mabe Steve the genius & is "LIFE COACH", International wife realized what they are doing to their children....

Hats off to Gayla for being a trooper & sticking in there....(I would be a big blubbery mess curled into the fetal position if someone was this hateful to me....)

With all of the attention this episode is bringing to the show I think ABC ought to do something REALLY nice for poor Gayla & her family...don't you?


Ziggy says:
February 12, 2009 at 5:46 am
This Fowler guy is one sad excuse for a human. I may have missed it, but did he actually do anything during the show that illustrated or even hinted at his alleged high intelligence level? The inhumane comments he makes towards everyone illustrates his ignorance and lack of any smarts at all. He and his wife can only dreaam of having as much grace, class, heart and humanity as the “redneck” Longs. Sad stuff.
I almost feel that the network should issue an apology for letting that creep loose on the airwaves. I do feel sorry for the sad and almost drone-like kids. They seem like nice kids but they are unhappy and I do wish them the strength and luck they will need to grow up and out of that house. Hopefully leaving the horror of their childhood behind. They will need the kindness of strangers to shed the sins of their parents.

THOUGHTS? Talk to me.....

PS... I had an EXCELLENT time at my meeting yesterday...wearing my super hot new boots....
my boss & company ROCK... We had an all day meeting, started wine tasting at about noon... went to dinner & a show at the theater.... (my butt is dragging a bit today....but it was soo worth it!)


Anonymous said…
What an (trying to think of a PG thing to say...still thinking...nope can't do it.)

If he ever came across me I'd kung fu his you know what.
Debie Napoleon said…
I find this type of behavior so horrible and cannot beleive that a person such as this would be given even 15 minutes....
Sarah - Kala said…
Well, in the words of Red Roreman, "How would you like me to put my foot up your ass?" I loathe those who look down their noses - wait! they wouldn't condescend - that guy is a mess. Hurting people hurt people - so he must have a lot of issues he's not willing to take a swipe at.
Sarah - Kala said…
Sorry, I meant Red Foreman (That 70's Show)
Ash said…
He almost seems like a charactiture - surely someone told him to be the largest pompous ass on the planet?

Please tell me that!

I thought Gayla did an excellent job. I weep for the kids.

Just what the world needs, more self-righteous, elitists. Or a couple more serial killers. They could go either way in my book.

(Lord I hope I correctly spelled all those big words).


I'm sure your boots RAWKED, hot mama!
Leah said…
Oh, that is just awful and so sad. It makes my heart ache to think that what some people think is 'better' are money and degrees while at the same time insulting people and becoming farther away from connecting with others. They should send him on a trip to the slums of India or something until he finally realizes he has a heart.
Anonymous said…
he didn't deserve his 15 minutes of fame, that's for sure!! wow!

glad you had a great time at the meeting...except, you forgot to bring me. it's ok. i'll forgive you. there's always next time!!
jewelstreet said…
OMG! I just saw that guy last night and could not believe how arrogant and downright rude he was. I feel horrible for the children especially the boy who so obviously wants to be "normal".

I would love to give Gayla a high five for sticking it out for the kids sake and for trying to give them a little fun.
Teri said…
I think he is compensating for something...
KCLC said…
That is one of the very few shows I like to watch on TV and I missed it!!!! It shows that having a "higher" education and money does not give or buy you class. But what is amazing to me, all the t shirts this guy wore..." Tree Hugger", "Go Solar"...yet look at the way he treats his fellow man kind. I think he is that way because his momma ran off and left the family for a guy named Jim Bob.
Plus do you think he would talk completly that way if Gayla had been a MAN???
sues2u2 said…
The reason he became an American is that England booted his sorry butt out! Oh, wait. Them words is too big for his head to com-pre-he-nd. Do you think maybe HE'D understand that word? It might have been too big for him. Which honestly? I don't remember hearing too many words that I consider to be "large" words. If you constantly have to Tell/Show that you are so well educated don't you think this means that you aren't?!

Gayla deserves every praise that there is. What I thought was the most interesting is how his wife was very embarrassed @ the table but has totally reverted back now. SHE needs to get the backbone to actually leave & take the kids w/ her. Those kids are growing up to become just like him. Poor things.

You go, girl, in them boots! (lol)
Jen Sue Wild said…
Yep he is tottly a rude You know what!
Anonymous said…
Glad to hear you had a good time - and wine tasting at LUNCH time? Thought Norwegians were like Swedes and didn't do that kind of thing.. Sounds fun!
Karen said…
Wow......I am speechless on this topic. Are they for real????? I'm sure I will have some sort of organized thought on this, it is just going to take me a couple of days. Really???? HuH?

Yeah, for hot boots day at work.
Khadra said…
OMG OMG OMG!! I wish I hadnt watched that. My blood pressure is rising!!

I feel so awful for Gayla, and for his kids.
Haha. I watched this after I logged into my yahoo acct this morning... before I had checked the ol' blog. this guy makes me sick. I killed about an hour out of my workday watching this and felt like after watching. what a pretentious ass. I'm so glad my husband doesn't act like this... but then again I think you would know what he was/is like before you married him. She's crazy to stay with him, but truth be told she's just as bad as he is.
Batgirl said…
Oh, and those poor kids. I hope a family member sees this and tell the parents off!
The housewife said…
Me thinks somebody has got 'small willy' syndrome!
the ABC people must have known what they were getting into when they found him, I mean, a person doesn't just wrap into something that mean overnight, right?!
Anonymous said…
I just got a message that this video is no longer available....dang it..I wanted to be all mad at him too!
Mammatalk said…
I am a little green eyed monster over those boots, lady!
Rebecca Jo said…
Dang it - the video wouldn't play... there are some horrible husbands on that show... I gotta check more out on this guy... I can already tell I'm going to scream LOSER!
Mary Ellen said…
I couldn't get the video to run, but after reading about this guy on the internet, it might be just as well. What a horrible little person he is, and how sad for their children.

I want a job at a company that holds meetings with wine tastings, dinner and a show! So very very jealous am I.
Anonymous said…
That video wasn't working. Man, I wanted to see it because I don't get regular TV! Off to look for it!
Jill said…
Ok, I watched the video and was dumbfounded! It's hard to believe that people like that seriously do exist... and sadly, that the TV crew wasn't able to pull him aside and tell him that he was acting like the biggest frickin' asshole ever.

BTW - So loved your boots, and so thrilled that you had a great time in them!
Anonymous said…
'Worst husband ever'? It doesn't seem like his wife is much better.

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