'Why would she do this?'

'Why would she do this?' Oh & now grand mamma is playing the "poor me" card... Well I guess you should have gotten off of your butt & found some help for your CRAZY daughter? !

Serisouly, I would have had the girl committed... I just feel like the entire family is out after something... UGH
Remember how I said I thought she was TRYING to look like AJ.... I think she may ended up looking a little more like MJ (Michael Jackson...) Girl, lay off the lip injections, botox etc...
I just want to know where she is geting all of the cash for this....


jewelstreet said…
Did you hear she had the in vitro done in Beverly Hills? I think she may still be committed yet. The woman seems a little off her rocker. She wanted kids to help her depression she supposedly had. Plus, she had such backpain but could carry 8 babies at one time.

When I just think of all the people that want one child but can't do it or can't afford in vitro, it just upsets me. Okay. I'm done.
grrrrr crazy woman.

she does look like ol' MJ, you're right! much more than AJ.

poor kids...
Briya said…
I just think it's sad she's using those babies for gain.

It's crazy to have 7 kids when you're unemployed, but to have 7 kids and THEN go out and have EIGHT more?! That's just plain ridiculous.

Yep, I said it.

Judgy McJudgerson.
Mum-me said…
How funny - I just finished reading that news article and then opened up my dashboard to see this post.

Yes, it sounds like the whole family is a bit loopy.
Jen said…
I thought the same thing when I saw her interview. Where did she get the money and the time to get her nails done? ]
Now I only had triplets but getting my nails done, lip injections and hair done were the farthest thing from my mind. I just wanted sleep.
MaricrisG said…
It's so sad for her mom who is already feeling the burden of too many kids. Makes you wonder what she was thinking of!
Kelly said…
Okay, I've got it...she's a cross between AJ and Alanis Morrisette! What do you think?
sues2u2 said…
I think the mom's interview was in retaliation for the daughter's! I mean up to that point her & her husband had actually been happy to claim the kids & the loony mom.

I would be willing to be after having seen the photos of the house they are living in that state investigates. Anyone willing to bet against that?
Mary Ellen said…
Some things just make me shake my head...what is going on with her? Honestly, she seems to be totally crazy to me, but if she's looking for attention, she's certainly getting it - and maybe that's what the whole thing is all about.
Cristin said…
There is so much wrong with this whole thing... her own mother is disgusted with her...
I find this whole thing appalling, a true life WTF moment!
Anonymous said…

I haven't been following the story....well, only in the blog world. ;)
Anonymous said…
Umm, because she's NUTSO! Who knows why anyone would have 14 kids in so little years and to do it alone. Well, that screams unstable!
I'm having Two on Tuesday today if you want to stop by :)
Vodka Mom said…
It made me NAUSEOUS to watch her. For real.
Brooke said…
i think the whole situation is very sad. :( those poor kids...
Jill said…
Um... she did it for money. And notoriety.

Flippin disgusting!
Laura Marchant said…
Uh, this lady. Each day the more I learn about her the more I can't understand why they let her do this. Now they are saying she has no job and is on welfare. I think she is one crayon short of an 8 pack.
Michelle said…
You are one of the first bloggers I have seen say anything about this woman. Something is not right with the whole situation. I'm sure it won't take very long for the media to figure it out.

I heard that she has been having plastic surgery so that she will look like Angelina Jolee.

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