Winter in Norway... Carries Foto Finish...

OK... Norwegian Winters aren't always GLOOM & DOOM... Here are some of my Favorite Norwegian Winter FOTOS....
Dane picked this one out as his favorite..


Anonymous said…
Cold weather really can create the most stunning sunsets!

And your kids are sooooo beautiful! Great photos!
Frizzy said…
I will never get over how blue your kid's eyes are! You should have entered these pictures in the I Love Faces picture blog contest.
AP Mommy said…
BEAUTIFUL! I love it!
The housewife said…
Gorgeous photos! Enjoy the weekend.
Skogkjerring said…
Hey Hey! Your kids are gorgeous- I see a lot of you in them, at least from the photos I've seen of you! Bjørn might disagree, but hey, it's just a casual observation!

Very happy it's Friday too and yes, winter in Norway can be gorgeous if you look at it in a positive light. I think in another month if it's still around my positive light might get dulled some...but right now it's gorgeous!!!

Have a great weekend!
The Blonde Duck said…
Those are gorgeous photos!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful pictures! I love the way the colors pop out.
Anonymous said…
Your kids are so beautiful and photogenic! And the sunset picture is amazing as well. If you have to live in the cold, you have to find the beauty in it!
cat said…
Oh the photos are stunning - the colours just live against the white background.
Beautiful pictures! Your kids are precious!!!
jewelstreet said…
Look at the snow! I love snow pics as we never get any snow. There's those beautiful blue eyes again. So pretty.
Susie said…
Children always bring a light in our lives no matter when or where you are:-) Great photos.
Teri said…
Beautiful winter pix. Especially the wee ones.
Leah said…
fantastic pics! I love their eyes and super pink lips :)
ACR said…
WOW --amazing eyes! Precious! ;)
Frizzy said…
Here's the link to I Love Faces. This week's competition is over but they'll do a new one next week.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
the winter pic is gorgeous but the 2 snowbunny pics are even greater!
Khadra said…
So cute! love the pictures!
Those EYES! So sweet! Have a great weekend!
O my goodness look at those little cherubs! Beautiful pics!
Kelly said…
I like that scene too!!
Love the rosy cheeks!
non said…
Love your blog- I have to know what Camera you use to take these pictures- your children are GORGEOUS.
Candid Carrie said…
Your children are too cute to be residing in a foreign country. We need them brought back to the states immediately. Right now our nation needs an elevated cuteness level because we ain't got much else goin' on here!

Happy Fx4!


binks said…
Great pix! I hate the cold, but I love all the winter pictures!
Anonymous said…
Those are great pics!

I think Dane is a mini Bjorn and Eva is a mini you!

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