The video...

This is half as long... but You can still get an idea of this couple..... & lets be honest.... she is as horrible as he...

If I found out my husband was this big of an a$$ I would refuse to do the rest of the interview...

she says something about not being able to spend too much time with the kids or she gets grumpy.... HELLO? Their kids are little robots... I love the fact that they were exposed to EVERYONE that knows them... She has had to shut down her website... (maybe they can use the time off of work thinking about the kind of people they want to be....Hmmmmmm)


Anonymous said…
I hate them both. Can you imagine how screwed up their kids are going to be?? At least they are rich, they can pay for their own therapy!
Anonymous said…
OMG! Ok, I live in he really pissed me off!

I loved that lady's line "You're lucky a midwesterner doesn't come here and kick your ass.".....cuz I was totally thinking that!

Yeah, I think if I was her...when he was demeaning me in front of his kids...I would have beaten his ass in front of them......yeah, I'm not prone to violence unless subjected to extreme rudeness such as that. Those 2 nutballs deserve each other and every bad thing that happens to them. I hope when their kids grow up they aren't like that....
Anonymous said…
Those poor poor kids!
Elisabeth said…
I can't believe this! Really. That couple is so awful--those kids are going to be totally screwed up.

I'd really like to see this couples familys reaction to their show.
Leah said…
I think it is kind of funny that they agreed to do this show... wouldn't that be beneath them?
Debie Napoleon said…
I think this whole thing sucks....their time needs to be over.
Karen said…
Still in shock. I have known people like them and I am still at a loss. My perception of the world is that most people are good, honest and caring. Then when I see something like this, I get an error code in my head that just won't let me process it.

The Missouri husband looked like he was going to kick some butt. Maybe he should have. If someone spoke to my spouse that way....there would be a price.....
Frizzy said…
Saying this is a sad situation just doesn't cut it!
Stephanie said…
awwwwwww man, they took the video down! I have heard about this but haven't seen it yet!
Lizzie said…
i tired to watch, but it said "video no longer available" :(

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