California Medical Board probes octuplet birth..yea!

California Medical Board probes octuplet birth

Yea! Hope he gets what is coming to him/her...


" OK, here are my thoughts! I think the doctor is the father of these children. In an interview she said all of the children have the same father. I also think she did it FOR THE MONEY! I think the first 6 kids were failed attempts at the magic 8. With 8 she will have everything handed to her on a silver platter. Cars, houses, diapers. She KNEW what she was doing. This doctor has to be in on the mess. Otherwise why would he do this for free. I know several families that can not afford this procedure. My heart and prayers go out to those innocent babies that did not ask for all of this. Her 6 children that have been hounded by the media! I hope all 14 children have some peace and love in their lives!! "

Oooo... I never though about that...the Dr. is the dad? You might be on to something!

Did she get all of these prcedures FREE? ( i would really be sick then... when you think about all of the couples who want it & can't afford it....)

Not to be bitchy...(ok yes I am...) (see below) but do you think she TRYING to go for the Angelina Jolie look?


Anonymous said…
I'm happy to hear they are looking into it!
The Blonde Duck said…
I never thought about the doctor being the dad. That's a really good idea.

I don't think she did this for attention. I think she's honestly obsessed with children. She's got this weird need to share her views on children with the world--she's demanding a TV show to show she's a childcare expert and flaunting her unfinished degree. Plus, the other six kids aren't sextuplats--they're all different ages. I think the doctor is probably just shady or drunk and the dad is probably some scuzz that needed money.

The fact is that these children deserve a good, happy life--not a mom who seeks to solve her own psychological problems through them. I personally think they should be given to new parents. There are dozens of people desperate for children who could give them a happy home and not treat them like collectibles.
Kelly said…
There are so many rumors; it's hard to discern the truth about this whole debacle! I heard she worked at the fertility clinic; from personal experience working in that type of office, employees can get the procedures for free, but have to pay for meds, etc. out of their own pockets.

The Angelina comment is so funny; I was just thinking this AM that Angelina could play her in the movie!!!

I think there is much more to come on this story....and it will all be C....R....A....Z....Y....!!!
Candid Carrie said…
I believe during the Anne Curry interview the paternity issue was addressed. All the babies have the same father and it was a man she met while she was residing in a mental health facility. Perhaps the fertility doctor was an out-patient? My money is that it is a "boyfriend" from the facility that housed them both. And soon we will hear that it was artificial insemination on ALL the kids. That would make her a virgin. Oh yeah, she even out did Holy Mary Mother of God on that one, right?
sues2u2 said…
So all of the babies were born from AI AND all of the companies (gerber, huggies, pampers etc..) have come out & said that they will not be helping w/ anything. I watch a Lot of CNN/HLN!

I thought the same thing about her looking like AJ. Too funny.

I'm not surprised to hear that she spent time in a mental facility though. She is obsessed w/ children. It just exudes from her in the interview plus some of her other views. Still too sad.
Unknown said…
So all of the babies were born from AI AND all of the companies (gerber, huggies, pampers etc..) have come out & said that they will not be helping w/ anything. I watch a Lot of CNN/HLN!

I am so very glad to hear that!!!
I hope she does not get the show or the $ she is after.
Cristin said…
Yeah... something doesn't sound right... and I totally see what you are saying about Angelina...
Mammatalk said…
Oh, my. That's a theory.
binks said…
The first I've heard of the mental institution but that explains A LOT!
Rebecca Jo said…
Never even thought of the dad being the doctor...sounds like a soap opera!!!! But to me - the whole story has so much wrong with it... I feel so bad for the kids.
This whole thing just makes me angry. Why would any woman want to have IVF when she already has 6 kids. What about the woman who can't have babies.

stop by I'm having a giveaway
Anonymous said…
Dang, you are right! She is trying to look like Angelina Jolie...her lips are like a swollen tire that is severely out of balance though....she missed!
WheresMyAngels said…
It is just too freaking weird! Somebody has some explaining to do.

Also, I do not think she will get much out of this, except alot of welfare!
Corinne said…
Yay I'm back from a Blogger break, and finally caught up with everything! I agree, this story is madness.

What gets me, just practically kills me, is that the SPCA is more discerning with pet adoption than these fertility clinics are with implanting HUMAN babies. Seriously! The SPCA WILL tell you if you have too many animals and will stop adoption. I believe people adoption will do this too. But embryos? Sure! You got six kids, no problem implanting eight more? These doctors have the gall to say it's not their place to limit how many children a mother can have, but seriously? There should be a detour route to a counselor's office for this type of person.
Anonymous said…
yeah, her lips are totally abnormal. Did some of the babies come out of her mouth instead?

Debz said…
Well I've seen her and trust me, she's not pulling it off.
Bethany said…
Ohhh that's a thought! BTW, she totally does look like Angelina in that picture. CRAZY!
Ash said…
It was my first thought when I saw her - wow, she and Angelina could be sisters.

Then I watched another interview, and she looks like she's had some work done - her nose and her lips.

A lot of things here are odd, to say the least. So glad the doc is being investigated.

What a complete train wreck. Em
Sarah - Kala said…
This story gets more interestingly sad every day. Yes, I thought she looked rather like AJ myself. Funny, not bitchy!
Janet said…
I don't know if you have heard of this ( most likely since it won an Oscar, I think) but I just saw it and thought you (and your children) might enjoy - !

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