Happy Birthday to...ME.... Friday Foto

Happy birthday to Me... Happy Birthday to Me...
I am now OFFICIALLY in my LATE 30's..EEK...
This is one of my favorite "baby pictures"
1.)because it is the only one I have over here in Norway...
2.)I was REALLY blond here, without any help... : )
3.) I look just like my daddy
Plans for my big day? I am off to a fire fighting class for work....(ya, don't ask...) should be a really good time... never mind the massage I had planned...
Then a fun filled day with my hubby & babies....(Bjørn took the day off work to spend the day with me...CUTE? yes very....) I'm not sure what the day holds...but I think it has skiing involved....
Friday Foto Fiesta..Happy Birthday.....It's Friday, It's Friday, Thank Goodness it's Friday!!! YIPPEE!I'm playing Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Fiesta Finish again this week .So after you're done here, go over there and check out who's playing this week!!!
Be sure to have your cake and eat it too!
Go enjoy the sun & snow! Happy Birthday!!!!!
What an adorable picture!
I turned Thirty-Old this year ;)
You are only as old as you act.
Hope you had a GREAT day!!!
Being in your late 30s only means you have been one sexy gorgeous hot momma for a little bit longer time !!!
Have a wonderful day with your hubby and babies.
Also...tell those boots of yours I said hello.
Happy Happy Birthday and Fx4 and again, you are way to cool for that country you are in and the American's want you back.
Hope your birthday has been wonderful and that you were spoiled rotten....as you should be!!!
It's Saturday here, does that mean it's Sunday in Norway?
Happy Late Birthday! Hope you had fun after work!
And didnt you know - 40 is the new 30 so you're still like in your 20's... right?
Jamie :-)
I just had one a few weekends ago and how I wish the late 30's were all I had to worry about.