I know it is early...but here in Norway it is bed time.... (yawn)

Friday Foto Fiesta..FAVORITE FOTOS.....

It's Friday, It's Friday, Thank Goodness it's Friday!!! YIPPEE!I'm playing Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Fiesta Finish again this week .So after you're done here, go over there and check out who's playing this week!!!

as most of y'all who have been with me for a while know, I ended up losing A LOT of my pictures when both of my computers died.... So every time I find a surprise foto, which I thought might be gone i get sooo exited. ( I found this one today....YEA!)

Can you guess why this is one of my FAVORITE FOTOS?.... I was a first time...NEW, mommy (Dane is about 3.5 months here....) I walk in the bedroom & find my two favorite guys staring at each other...each of them amazed with the other...

Bjørn went to sea when Dane was 2 weeks old, & was gone for 3 months... this is right after he got home & the boyz were getting to know each other...sigh...

Are they not the cutest? (yes mom, I know I shouldn't say that outloud...)


sues2u2 said…
The sight of a daddy w/ his little baby never fails to make my day! Glad that you found this one since it's so sweet.
Karen said…
That picture makes my heart melt. I can see why it's one of your favorites.

I don't know why, but when you see your guy holding your kid, isn't he cutest, sexiest man alive? Really, why is that?
ACR said…
Adorable! Doesn't your heart just melt at Daddy's with their babes. CUTE!
Cristin said…
They ARE the cutest! What a great shot!
Shannon said…
That is the sweetest photo!
Skogkjerring said…
This is wonderful!!! Sometimes I think I was the luckiest one of Stig and I, he was always going out to sea when the kids were young- went out a week after my c-section with Thomas!!!! I've been with my babies every step of the way- so when you see a photo like this and understand the emotion behind a dad who hasn't seen his newborn son for several weeks- it's incredibly touching!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Have a great weekend!
Aww so sweet. I love pictures like that. They are bonding so well in that pic.
Carebear said…
This is a great photo! The expressions on their faces are priceless - almost like mirror images! BTW, I found you through SITSas today and wanted to introduce myself and invite you over to “Two Under Two. Whew!” for my super-fun-and-little-bit-silly giveaways, one of which is tied to our fellow SITSa, BlogBaby! You could win a collection from Tiny Two’s Baby Animals line, or some chocolate covered pretzels! See you around the blogosphere friend!
Susie said…
They are the cutest!!
skywind said…
Congratulations, you found yourself favorites photos. This is a precious photos. Reflects the strong fatherly love. : D

Aunt Julie said…
What a cutie-patootie...thanks for sharing!
Anonymous said…
What a sweet photo. I love how they look like there is nowhere they would rather be than right where they are.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
Hi Tressa,
God I can never think of your name without remembering my Tressy doll. It was a barbie replicant that you could pull the hair out to make her have long straight blind hair or a short bob. Of course me sisters and I destroyed it so the hair never could get wound back again, and then it got cut into a short destroyed fizzy do.
Anyway, you know I love your blog, and you inspired me to start my own.
Stephanie said…
that is an amazing and beautiful photo!
Doublebanker said…
Posted yesterday that you won the contest Gave you a day to find out a different way. But congrats...lemme know what you want or if you just want PayPal.
That is such a sweet photo. I'm so glad you found it!!!
Laural Out Loud said…
I love pictures like this. I have a few of Gabi when she was a baby, being held just like this by my husband, each staring at each other with total awe. Just precious! And that Dane was sure a cute baby!
Rune said…
Great pictures.

How do you like to live in Norway?

Betsy said…
Love that picture!
derfina said…
Absolutely precious.
SabrinaT said…
That picture is amazing... They do both look like they are sizing each other up a bit....
Doublebanker said…
So you want your gift card to Target Online?

Daily Gif Blog, check it out.

Doublebanker said…
dfweyer (at) gmail

Probably need some info to get this to ya.
Anonymous said…
That is so precious! I'm glad you found that one! :)
Jill said…
That is GORGEOUS!!! I hope you blew it up and framed it.
Lizzie said…
that is just precious :)

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