Yawn..... I'm back.....

I would love to tell ya, I had nothing for you.... I have lots of great things...
(great in MY opinion) for ya... I just can't seem to get them written...

I am in a totally FUNKY.... FRUMPY....FUNK

I feel & look like a total FRUMP... you know those weeks? & it has nothing to do with PMS...

I am SOO tired. I am really hoping it has something to do with the weather. I could sleep 12 hours a day.. & still feel tired. (on Monday, Eva actually did sleep from 5 pm until 6:30 the following morning...)

Trying to combat my "FRUMP-I-NESS" I did something I haven't done in 5 years.....

I painted my nails.... (Bjørn tried to bust me on this one.... I have had clear polish...OK...) But this time I painted them a deep dark red.....
(sad, that this is something I see as blog worthy isn't it?Even more sad...everyone at work noticed)
Once upon a time long, painted nails... my reddish lipstick & heels were the NORM for me....

Now I am the short nails, clear polish, neutral lipstick...(because it makes my teeth appear whiter) & mom shoes... (literally, shoes my 67 year old mother sent me because they were too small for her & I WEAR THEM!)


I wonder if I am having the birthday blues.... (yes, believe me... Feb. is a VERY long month for all of my family.....)

As a child, my mother made the mistake of telling me, my birthday was right after Christmas.....

SO the day after Christmas the count down would be on...
" Guess what is in 55 more days? Hmm Hmm? Can you guess.....Hmmm "

" Hey Daddy, Guess what is in 53more days? Hmm Hmm? Can you guess.....Hmmm

Now it is more of a "

"Whaaaa...Guess what is in 16 more days?..."

I don't mind getting older... ( I don't really have a choice do I?) I just don't want to LOOK older...

I am guessing this FUNK I am in is either because of...

A.) the Crappy Norwegian Weather....

B.) My birthday this month

C.) I have decided to go back to my 20th class reunion.

I have a day off today... I was going to go to Sweden to get some much needed grocery shopping done. ( if Bjørn has to eat another sandwich, I think he is going to divorce me....)

But I am thinking the day might better spent improving my mental well being? yes? I will let you know what I come up with.... (I know y'all are holding your breath.)


sues2u2 said…
I actually know what you mean. I thought I'd have tons of stuff to write once I got my torture device from hell off but sadly all I can think of is... Nothing!

I have solved my problem a little though. It's 70 F during the day here so I've been making an effort to go out into the sun. It's amazing how easy it is to hide in my house cleaning or doing crafts. sigh...

Can't wait to hear what you decide to do to get out of the blues.
Anonymous said…
It's the weather! I slept for nine hours at the weekend and was totally exhausted when I woke up. It's been cloudy here so we're not getting enough light... I went out for a long walk and I perked up after that.
Debie Napoleon said…
I understand - my bestest and I call this the hibernation month. We have to work hard to get out and see other people - family does not count!!!

So I suggest a mental health for you!
Anonymous said…
You made me laugh with the shoes comment.

Ah we all have the FUNK and the weather certainly doesn't help. Try wearing bright colored clothes. I'm in a nice lime green today. All it's done is give me a headache (could be the four solid hours on here reading blogs but.. nah.)
Kelli Nørgaard said…
I am quite sure that AGE, like WEIGHT, is just a number!!! Said the almost 40, very curvy American!
Lacy Kline said…
I swear it's the weather! Here in MT we've had cloudy cold crappy days for like three months and everyone I talk to says how depressing it is and how sick of winter they are. Luckily only what three more months of this winter crap :) Oh and I totally understand the painted nails, I haven't painted mine in years - hope it cheered you up!
Kelly said…
I was wondering where you had gone to!! Make a spectical of your birthday; throw yourself a party...get out of the funk! Frumpy? I don't think so, I've see your recent pics...not even close!

Take a mental health day for yourself...enjoy!

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