MUAHHHH Love you baby!

First let me just say it is WAY tooo easy to do a BITCHY post.... to tell y'all what bugs me & who is driving me nuts.....

But this morning I woke up with a smile on my face... & I thought I would tell you why...

Once a month Hubby & I will have a fight about Who does what... Who does more....

These DISAGREEMENTS ...begin when hubby makes the mistake of coming home & asking
"So honey, what did you DO all day?" That is ENOUGH to say "Game ON baby, lets compare notes..."

Yesterday, I had a day off & must confess did pretty much NOTHING around the house....

hubby come home after a 14 hour work day... house was NOT tidy....dinner, still all over the kitchen, with my big rump parked on the couch watching GOSSIP GIRL....Shhhhhhhhh.... ( NO talking while it is on....)

despite everything, hubby was an ABSOLUTE doll...didn't say a negative word, didn't ask me what I did all day...just let me be & watched the end of Gossip Girl with me.....

I just wanted to say PUBLICLY..Hubby, YOU ROCK!
& today I will make up for everything I didn't do yesterday beause you didn't BUG me!

My children...ADORABLE... ok, maybe not adorable... but very good....
Dane went with me to the dentist & was a very polite young man... everyone commented on what a nice boy he was...(yes he is)... Eva-no whining... the kids got along & played well together ....

LOVE IT! Little things mean a lot... & I appreciate how nice my family was yesterday
for NO REASON.....

thanks for letting mommy recharge her batteries.... (now I don't have to run away...: ) ) y'all


Gutsy Living said…
Great post. That says a lot about how to handle a spouse. Quit nagging. I happen to nag when I'm tired and feel like no one's helping me around the house. Glad hubby let you relax, and you feel more energetic.
Rebecca Jo said…
ahh - see, people dont get it - the more husbands DONT nag, the more WILLING you are to do things... if more men would get that concept!!!
Debie Napoleon said…
You are very sweet to thank them in public.....
MsTypo said…
When husbands let nature take its course it always works out better for them in the end. I'm not sure why more men haven't figured that out.

YOu def have a keeper there! :)
Stacy Nyikos said…
Oh, a day of rest. What a gift! Hubbies and kids come through every once in a while in the biggest way.

I lived in Germany for six years, way up in the north, Kiel. Where do you live in Norway?
skywind said…
It seems that your husband is a very nice person. Your families are also very good. I wish you Happiness Forever. And share with us your happiness. : D
Khadra said…
I always say Im going to run away and not tell anyone where I went.

Glad you had a good day :)
3 Bay B Chicks said…
That is one great guy you have there. Maybe he could give my guy a few lessons in letting a girl catch up on very important TV viewing such as Gossip Girl.

How else are we to go forward in life without it?

sues2u2 said…
That's romance in my book. When husbands get that sometimes we just gotta do what we gotta do.
Scary Mommy said…
It's the little things isn't it?! I need my husband to read this!!!

(And, NO, I did not stop following you!! I have no idea what the hell is going on. All of a sudden I was not following ANYBODY. So bizarre. AND my blog keeps disappearing. Like, totally gone. And then it's back. Blogger is going to drive me insane.)
Karen said…
I must have the smartest husband on the planet. He has never utterred the words, "What have you been doing all day?" And really, I mean never. Though I am confident he has thought it.

The kids on the other hand, are another story all together. I am so glad you had such an awesome recharge day.
Anonymous said…
First time visitor to your blog. I loved this post.

Ah, the fight at home about who does more. LOL. Been there done that (and it still happens).

I'm a good husband and I always come through. My wife travels a lot for work, so it is unbalanced, but I'm OK with it!

Will visit back! Thanks.
Jen said…
It is nice once in a while when things go as they should. Love it.
Sometimes ya just need a nice, relaxing day!

Scootch over. I wanna sit on the couch and lounge a while! ;)
Ritch in Love said…
Love it! Seriously when I am not nagged I want to do everything 100 times better!! But when I am nagged?! Ohhhhhhhh....let's just say I'm really stubborn!
Ritch in Love said…
Love it! Seriously when I am not nagged I want to do everything 100 times better!! But when I am nagged?! Ohhhhhhhh....let's just say I'm really stubborn!
ACR said…
Some days, at least once a week, we need to do NOTHING!! Glad you got to sit & relax - and not even get nagged about it! Mr.R knows when he comes home and the house is a mess and dishes fill the sink, and he sees the bottle of wine already opened that it's been a doozy of a day and he best not say a word about it! :)
Cristin said…
Hubby and I have never actually HAD that conversation.... the who does more around the house one... I have it all the time IN MY HEAD though.... I work full time... and do the house, kids, bills, shopping...I'm taking tomorrow off... Promise. Long walk, TV, nap, WINE.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
glad you posted this...
we do tend to find fault so quickly, but this is a testament to how we should be!!
Stephanie said…
Glad you had such a good day :)
Julie said…
Sounds like an awesome guy. It is nice when the fam is getting along..I love it!

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