Me or Blogger?

So I wasn't going to say anything...
stiff upper lip & all...
but I LOST several followers in ONE DAY...

What'dIdoooooo? SORRY....
I was trying to Shake it off, and be a big girl about it....

But you do start wondering....

Is it cause I am not being Mommy enough? American enough?
Norwegian-ish enough? Am I moaning about too many things?

But as I have been reading around the blogashpere that a lot of people have been losing a lot of followers in one day that blogger might be dropping them off...

True? false? Anyone know what is going on?

I have one friend that appeared to drop off... but when I looked on her blog it said she was still following....

Not sure I can take much more of this.... ARG....

I have a Hanne- Power of Prayer....update....waiting to see if I hear back from her... will keep ya'll posted....


Khadra said…
I am so bad at checking to see how many people are following me lol!

You are just perfect :)
Ash said…
I heard rumor it was Blogger's issue and that it would be fixed soon.

Doesn't mean I didn't get depressed over the six I "lost."

I think I need to leave the house.

(looking forward to the update)
Rebecca Jo said…
It happened to me too & to alot of others... its a Blogger issue... dont worry - you are still loved!!! :-)
Julie H said…
I am following you now :) I read everday in Google reader but just starting to do the following thing.
Hepburn Hilton said…
Yup, I've been reading that to... many people lost followers the other day. Me to! And today one of them came back that I lost two or three weeks ago... If you find out that there was problem, please share.
jewelstreet said…
I've lost 3 myself, and I have heard of others who have lost several. I have no idea what's going on.
I thought it was just me too. I am so glad someone posted about it so that I wouldn't have to stay in the fetal position on the floor anymore.

I went from 305 to 288 in an evening. Of course I also lost about the same number right after Michael went into the hospital. Now that was really depressing.

By the way...your pictures for the I heart faces...beautiful. Love, love, love the one of you!
Heidi said…
OMG> I totally did not steal your post. Holy cow I just read it today & I wrote one like it today (obviously you know that,) but I just wanted to tell you I sooooo didn't steal from you. Great minds just think alike, and get all panties in a wad when we lose followers.
You know, I've read a lot of bloggers have this happen to them lately. I'm wondering if it's blogger? It would depress me too!
Karen said…
Blogger seems to be a little wonky at the moment. I wouldn't let it get to you. That said, if I lost that many followers, I'd have none, which would be grounds for tears.
Debz said…
It's a blogger issue. Some 'friend integration' thingie their working on.
But if we're realy good boys and girls, they may let us have our followers back someday. Behave.
Simple Answer said…
Don't change one blessed thing!
Debie Napoleon said…
Yea, those Blogger folks made a boo-boo. Hope they fix it soon!
I could never drop your blog. It's a blog-staple in my blog-diet. :)
Rune said…
Adorable blog:) Just found it from Fort Thomson.

I am from Norway.

Kelli Nørgaard said…
my followers have not changed so not sure what is happening?!?! But those of us who love you will always be here!!
sues2u2 said…
I saw a post on this somewhere else that blogger had done something. Darn it! I can't remember where I saw it @. The person had contacted & then posted the google response. I'll try to find it. And, yes, I'm still here too.
Yea...I lost 4 or I'm right there with you...blogger put a lot of people following anonymously...and they have to go back in and put their follow thing on public or something like that...

I freaked a bit also!
MsTypo said…
I read on someone's blog that blogger hiccuped. They made a bunch of people suddenly go "private" instead of "public" following. I spent several hours beating myself up for offending people before i read about it.
Roxane said…
You've gained one today! ME!!! Found you on SITS, and look forward to following you (how incredibly creepy is that?!) Have a great day :)
Leah said…
Well, I still only have 2 followers (you are one)! So, now I'm not sure how to feel... By the way Happy Late Birthday! Looks like you had fun :)
AP Mommy said…
Yah its all Blogger! Check out my blog from a few days ago that explains it. Happy Wednesday!
I'm with Simple answer, and, these things kind of ebb and flow.
I love your blog.
Stephanie said…
It's a blogger malfunction! Do not despair!
Lizzie said…
yup... me too. i lost 2 and i about flipped!!! i know 2 isn't much but I only had 22 to begin with and i try to be loyal and visit them all as much as i can.

isn't it amazing how much self doubt that number dropping can cause???
Donna said…
Too funny. I have a whopping FOUR followers - I'm so popular! This morning I was startled to see only two. Either way, not the most impressive number. Oh well. I'm glad to know maybe it isn't my fault that 50% of my followers disappeared.
Anonymous said…
As far as I understand, lots of bloggers have 'lost' followers... but they have come back. Blogger has been doing updates or something recently...

So, don't worrry - it's not you! ;-)
cat said…
I have noticed the same, Thought I stopped being nice.
Anonymous said…
I'm still here! I still luv ya! Just been on vacation. Still following, still reading.
Cristin said…
I had a minor freak out a few months ago and stopped following all the blogs I'd been following... you're still on my blogroll though....

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