Baking THIS before I go to work....

is my middle name!
Wish , me LUCK...


Sues2u2 said…
Bet it turned out perfect! Is there such a thing as a perfect pumpkin? Have a great Halloween celebration.
MsTypo said…
That looks super cool!! Post pics of the inside of inside of the finished product. That looks super yummy!
I am with Cairo...I want to know what the inside looks like...and I'd love to know how you make that. Not that I ever's just that rampant curiosity. You are so amazing...never would I even attempt it...
Khadra said…
Omg that is awesome!!!
Corinne said…
Omigod, you are so much more creative in the baking department than I could ever HOPE to be! WOW!!!
I cant wait to see yours! A few of my friends have attempted this cake with varying results lol
Anonymous said…
ooooh! Nice..good luck..:) thanks for stopping by!..I love the color in that profile picture..But can't say I love the subject lol! thanks
Sandy said…
What a cool cake! I'm sure it turned out wonderful. :)

I'm lucky I can blow dry my hair before work much less make a cake and decorate it! Good luck!
Skogkjerring said…
Oh my goodness, how do you make this??? And before work? I'd need a whole day off from work to perfect this I think...hahaha...Happy Halloween, my kids don't want to do anything for Halloween this year- ok, I take that back, Thomas is going out with friends tomorrow but the girls say they are too big...have a great day anyhow!!
What A Card said…
Wow, that would take me all day (and who knows what it would look like...I'm sure it would scare people! ;)

I hope it turns out well, and I hope you post pictures!
MoMo 2.0 said…
I am guessing this is the BEFORE pic! Good luck!
Robbi said…
Wow, it looks yummy. Lykke til og ha en kjempefin helg!
Anonymous said…
That looks so awesome and all before work? What time did you set the alarm for? 4am? You are so ambitious you're making ME tired. Can't wait to hear how it turned out!
Um, That looks AWESOME and now I am going to tell you that you should re think that 40th birthday cake and GO FOR THE HARD ONE!!!! You can do it!
Oh my ....... Is that the cake? That is just amazing! You are like...super mom....
Laura said…
Holy guacamole, that's ambitious. And I was impressed with my cupcakes (on my blog now)-- but that's a whole other animal you've got there. Hope it came out awesome!
Lisa said…
The cake you made was cooler! I am super impressed with the marzipan usage as well! Uh, what's your job that you were procrastinating from? I am sure I could find it if I kept poking around on this blog,... ;)

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