Birthday BLOW UP...

Remember the 40th b-day party I was planning for hubsters?

Ya, well... it is BLOWING UP IN MY FACE!

All of those absolutley FABULOUS Martha Stewart-ish ideas?

Um..not gonna happen..

Right now... I will be lucky if I can manage to thow a bag of chips on the table ...while running around sweating like a pig..(I know..ATTRACTIVE visual)

I talked Bjørn out of the Norwegian Food...simply because I know I can't make the dishes... & I certainly don't want to be JUDGED by a room full of Norskis first time I cam going to try to set up a Koldtbord - yea... all of the little dishes I WANTED to make?? snag after snag... Not being able to find the RIGHT meat .. damn my lack of knowledge when it comes to buying meat in Sweden.. I think I am going to go COMFORT FOOD... Soups/Chili? (it is Nov. in Norway =COLD)

Caroline was nice to send me the link to buy the fondant for the cake... FOR MY ABSOLUTLEY FABULOUS b day cake... (let me remind you... never tried anything like this but...oh well..)
went to buy last night.. the site has been closed down.. Seriously, I am thinking I may have to BUY a cake... (can you just smell the defeat?)

so the food = 0

cake= 0

decorations = 0

But at least I have a REALLY GREAT BIRTHDAY PRESENT right? No?

thanks to Bjørns best buddy...(I am just going to start calling him FLIP FLOPPER)

After WHOLE HEARTEDLY agreeing to the Boys weekend in DUBLIN... he called me back a few hours later asking if WIVES COULD GO? Hello?...

BOYS WEEKEND does NOT include the wives

So what did I say or do? Do you think I stood up & told "flip flopper" to be a MAN... be the BFF I know he is & take my husband off to Ireland for a MAJOR piss up?--Nah.. because I am a giant wimp like that... I himmmed & hawwwed & told him I would check on getting a sitter for the weekend. (I KNOW, I need to get a spine)

I decided to wait & let Bjørn decide who he wants to take to Dublin...(totally NOT what I had planned)

Then FLIP FLOPPER called me back this week just wondering if it wouldn't be BETTER to "surprise" Bjørn with a trip to Poland to go to the Christmas Markets for his birthday... (ya, he'd be surprised allright)

***C R I C K E T S***

Dude..when did you become such a GIRRRRRL?

(he is already doing this trip... umm, thanks for inviting us along..)

Not that we wouldn't we wouldn't want to do the Christmas Markets...but for Bjørns 40th? -not so much

SO the only thing that has worked out (knock on wood) is the surprise guests are for sure comming... one is flying in & needs to be picked up -right in the middle of the family b-day dinner.... guess I am going to say I have a work emergency & have to run out.... (then he will think I am a really cruddy wife- hee hee)

K y'all.. I REALLY should not be sitting here BLOGGING when I have so little time to try to save this party...

IN other "news"

Met up with a bunch of fellow Norway bloggers.... TOO MUCH FUN! Started working on idea for the BLOGGER Fest 2010... I'm telling you.. it is going to be one GOOOOOD TIME. Interested? click on the link to the right---->

Baby girl Eva has her first OVERNIGHTER... a "LOCK IN" at the pre school... can you IMAGINE that happening in the U.S. ...seriously, I dropped her off this morning & don't see her until I pick her up after school on FRIDAY... lets hope I make it through this....

Sat. Halloween of course! -Party over at Caroline's... did I mention that Halloween is 14 years since I met my Sexy Sailor? - yep.. picked him up at a Halloween party... : )

Sunday... Walk with the Dinosaurs in Oslo... the kids are so excited! - not sure what I am going to threaten them with when we get through this weekend!

OK seriously I have to go get SOMETHING DONE... wish me luck!


cat said…
Oh gosh,that friend of his is a girl! Or his wife is seriously scary. Good luck girl.
Anonymous said…
If you want to attempt to make fondant, here is a do-able recipe, as long as you can get yer hands on some Crisco (Sweden).

If you need some recipe ideas for the birthday, I've got billions. Just call me:)

Christina said…
Oh, wow, it sounds like you have a lot on your plate. Good luck with everything! I'm sure your husband will be thrilled no matter how it goes down. :-)
Doriana Gray said…
Full sympathy to you trying to pull off a party with foreign ingredients - its the same here.
btw, which Christmas markets in Poland are the popular ones to go to? I have done the German ones to death obviously.
Have fun and I can´t wait to hear how it all comes off!
Stephanie said…
UGH how frustrating! But Im sure you will pull everything together! Maybe you are just one that works best under pressure ;) At least that is what I (used to) tell myself!
Corinne said…
Sounds like wifey is calling the shots for BFF.

It was waaaaay too much fun to meet up with everyone! I'm totally excited about this meet up. I think it's going to be great!
Skogkjerring said…
Doesn't Bjørn like American food? Make something American...I never make Norwegian food for Stig, he's married to an American..if he wants Norwegian he makes it himself or waits until his mamma comes for a visit. You could do spinach dips or some other dips, crackers and maybe spekemat. You must be able to find jalepenos near Oslo- make some stuffed jalepenos...chilli if you like that stuff sounds great too or any other soup and some good bread...munchie stuff..too bad we aren't closer, I'd help you out, I LOVE of luck, he'll love ya no matter what for whatever you come up with, even a trip together with friends to a christmas market. Heck, Stig is lucky if he gets new underwear or something for his birthday from me- he'd flip out if i gave him a trip are putting too much pressure on yourself!!!
MsTypo said…
I want to meet cool Norwegian bloggers! How about early december? *innocent*

Sorry to hear about all the problems in setting up the party. I really wish there was something i could do to help but other than an empty flat in oslo i got nothing. Sorry :(
Melissa said…
Good luck with the party! I'm sure you will be able to pull it off fabulously ;)
Roxane said…
All that sounds so frustrating! Try and keep your chin up, your parties are always all the rage :)
Anonymous said…
I can help you with recipes for the koldbord if you want! It's really not that hard. Any questions about how to make norwegian food just ask! (except lutefisk)You are so close to all the cheap food!!
Betsy said…
I like Amy's idea. Make him some yummy American treats. His mom can make him Norwegian food whenever he wants it.
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh, you are like a friggin wonderful soap...oprea! i just love you!..laughing all the time..i come her for therepy anymore!...I hope it all goes perfectly...Sounds like you are SO busy..Fun times..blessings :)
Desperate times call for desperate measures- just buy the cake ready made.

We can start preparing for his 50th birthday cake whilst celebrating Halloween, birthdays and anniversary meetings. Cause for an extra bottle of wine or two.......

And I promise I will paint the pinata today. Really I will....

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