What cha think?

OK... I know y'all could really care less...but just had to ask... which do you like better... for an INVITATION... I was planning on doing B & W everything.... but then I kinda liked it in color...


B & W with a B&W background?
(it can be any b&W background...I find something else tomorrow...

Or B&W with a bit of color...(again..can be any color...)
Wanna guess what I got down today? Ummm
I was planning on using O N E picture for Bjørns invite....
But ended up spending the day going through pictures from his mother...

LOOK at HOTTY here...
I sooo would have been chasing him down the street in his uniform!

HOT mullet & that outfit.. probably not so much...
But does this not just CRACK YOU UP...?
He looks like his name ought to Be Bjørn or Sven or something...

Wonder if my husband is totally going to DIVORCE me when he finds out I put his TOTAALY 80's picture on the internet?


Stephanie said…
I definietly think you can do the B&W party with a color invitation. It really just looks better in color! I love it! The pictures are too funny. And you know, I have a thing about men in uniform! They almost always look great and your husband is no exception!
I like the B&W - can you add a touch of colour to a few of the photos?
MsTypo said…
I appear to be in the minority but i like the first one. Those photos of your husband from back when are awesome. You shoudl blow up the 80's one to have near the door when people come in. LOL
I love the full color...supa cool! Keep the 40 in B&W so it sticks with your theme!!! Love it!

Also- He may contemplate divorce but once he has the party you will be his favorite *WIFEY* on the planet...;)

The Mullet photo...PRICELESS!
Scary Mommy said…
I love them both!! I do prefer the color though-- so fun!!
Lacy Kline said…
I like the first color the best! LOVE the 80s pic too funny!
Mammatalk said…
Wow. What a great idea. Love the color one!
Jennifer said…
I love #1 or #3. You did a great job, they all look so cool!
Frizzy said…
I like #2 with a little color. Those pics are great! He should be proud of all those pics. Could be MUCH worse.
Batgirl said…
I'd go with the color one - looks great! :-) LOL @ the totally 80's picture!
Sandra Wilkes said…
Maybe he won't find out! :) I love the color! Have fun!
Astrid said…
I like the colour one too, but I would add the background of the first b&w invite (I like to complicate things;)
Anonymous said…
I love the color one. You HAVE to include those pics at his party. I mean the memories alone would be worth the divorce papers ;)
Cristin said…
I like the color one.

And the picture in Uniform? Holy HOTNESS. Lucky girl.
sues2u2 said…
Count me in the b & w group but I really liked the idea that Suburban Princess had to maybe add a little color to one or two of the photos. Maybe a little highlight here or there?

Bjorn would never divorce you! You always do the best things. All of his Norwegian friends have gotta be thinking "why can't MY wife do things like this???!!!!"
Kelli Nørgaard said…
I vote color! And what a great tribute to him!! these pics ROCK!
Looks like no contest here.. I'm for the color one.
I love the mullet husband pic. So cute. Still like the long hair I guess.
Thanks for visiting my site!
I thought that all the photos are pretty cool, but I think I prefer the b&w, or maybe the colour...em, I've always been terrible at making up my mind! They all look fantastic! Especially the one with the mullet!
The Blonde Duck said…
Great invites! I vote for color.
Anonymous said…
i vote for the color version!!

what a totally rad mullet!

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