Guess whos coming to town?

Guess who's coming to town?

WOW...the surprise that went around the world today.
never mind politics, I am just excited that the President of the United States is coming to Oslo...
I am excited for my children..
kinda like both of their worlds are meeting for the rest of the world to see & have already decided to take them down to Oslo for the big day...
Are you wondering WHY the Nobel Peace prize is handed out in Oslo & not in Stockholm with the rest of the prizes?
The reason why Norway distributes a part of the prize is that at the time of Alfred Nobel's death, Norway and Sweden were joined together in a personal union known as the Swedish-Norwegian Union.[3][4]
(ya, I totally had to look that up, but at least I am learning something everyday...)
Gonna leave you with my Favorite Norwegian band at the moment... (they have some pretty good music over here...)- wondering if DONKEYBOY has made it over to the states?
Enjoy...have a great weekend!


I'm so thrilled that he won! What a surprise! Going to be a madhouse in Oslo I bet though, when he comes to town.
MsTypo said…
When will he arrive for the prize? It'd be way cool if its while we're there. Yet another reason to be bitter that Hubby is cheap and won't spend twice his paycheque to get us a condo in Aker Bryyge. LOL
Corinne said…
LOL, Typ0. Maybe you can talk him into shovin you onto a plane for the celebration?

I say we have a Nobel Party. The ceremony is December 10th, which is a Thursday, but surely we can all work something out? Sure that Aker Brygge is going to be a madhouse on the day. I've got weekends off....
I just watched that video at home with speakers. I often read this at work but I try to avoid watching a lot of video while I should be working.. I looked up the lyrics and just watched it over and over. OK, there is alcohol involved. But I love these guys.
Laura said…
That is sooo awesome, I'm totally jealous!
beaverboosh said…
Hey love mr o but the Nobel peace prize... just goes to show you how ignorant Norwegians can be, at their worst...

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