You gotta be K I D D I N G me...

I know this sounds stupid...

I know it should be NO big deal... but....
(me - making my S A D face..)

yesterday after MONTHS of waiting..
I hit the big 150... (followers that is...)

I was doing my happy dance... whoo hoo... Why does it matter? I just does...
(thanks RennyBA for pushing me out of my 140's where I have been lingering
F O R E V E R)
So what happens when I log on this morning? (take a guess...look to your left)

Maaaaaan! OK, who stopped loving me last night?
SO now I am walking around with a sad pathetic look on my face... to make things worse
I have something the size of a golfball tumor on the side of my face.... & my kids & HUSBAND are taunting me with the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger
"its not a TUUU-MAR" (my family can be pretty ROTTEN at times)

Did I mention I have a very important meeting with Clinique next week? um, ya.. as in the cosmetic/skin care Clinique?

NIIIIIICE... you only have one chance to make a first impression... & me with my zit the size of Cleveland on the side of my cheek....

Its 10 am it too early to have a glass of wine? - I know... the things some of us have to endure...

OK I am off to make a Pumpkin Piñata over at the wonderful, beautiful, zit free Carolines

Lets hope her children don't know the " its not a tumor" line... although I am sure my adorable loving babies will clue them in on it pretty fast...

OH P.S. any Norwegian bloggers out there...please stop by Renny's & pick up this little diddy...

Hint Hint... since I KNOW all of my Scandinavian "sistas" are coming up-over for the shin dig... y'all feel free to pass the word along as well OK ? THANKS!

Wish me luck with my Piñata...


Doriana Gray said…
Can you get to a dermatologist for a cortisone injection in the zit? Desperate times call for desperate measures!
Unknown said…
Ooo I have never hear of that... I am pretty sure if I am nice to "it" it will be GONE by Wed. here is crossing my fingers.. but thanks for the tip.
Hmm - serious dose of Rooibos tea for the next week - both inside and out!!

I'm so excited about the pinata....... can't wait!
TUUUMOR that is freaking HILARIOUS!!! hahaha

hope it goes awau before your appointment with Clinique!

Good luck with the pinata.
Glad to be listed among your 150s lovers! ;-)

Thanks for helping me spread the word of Oslo Blog Gathering 2010! Hope to see you and a lot of other bloggers from All over the world in August!
MsTypo said…
What's with the Clinque meet? Sounds intriguing...

Pinata sounds like fun!!
Ash said…
Plain white toothpaste - a dab on that sucker every night until the meeting.

That should do the trick, and it will at least give your loving family another reason to make fun of you ;-)

And don't fret over the one up, one down follower thing - it's that widget issue. At least that's what I tell myself every time I lose another one.
There was an old cure for huge zits, called Preperation H.
It's supposed to shrink different tissues located in other places, but it might work?
Haven't you seen The Big Fat Greek wedding movie? The solution? Windex of course :-)

And for the fluctuate. Wildly at times. Right now you are at 151. I think sometimes it's a blogger quirk. At least I like to think that rather than someone saying yuck...don't wanna read that blog anymore!
Oh...and the tumor. We say that around here ALL the time!
Anonymous said…
Poor Dear!....Such stresses!...:) Hope you have a fun day though!...your to much I sware!..hahahah!
Robbi said…

I know this sounds crazy, but toothpaste will kill off the zit. It really does work! Just put a dab on before bed, and it will be gone by morning. It doesn't matter what color toothpaste, or if it's gel or paste.
Corinne said…
I'm at 27, so that means you're 125 people more interesting than me, if that's any consolation!

Hey! I got the big thingie posted on my blog! We'll see y'all soon!
looks like you picked up a couple in the meantime!!!

happy dance!

it wasn't i that stopped following. b/c i love your blog! :) hope all went well with the pinata!
Jemma said…
I am so not surprised you have 150 followers because your blog rocks!! Good luck with Clinique!!
Corinne said…
Hey, let me know when y'all plan on meeting. I've been emailing The Writer, and she's going to try and make it, too.

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