the time "I threw my kid under the bus" Scary mommy

I'm a SCARY MOMMY.... (wouldn't you like to be one too?)

My imaginary friend Jill aka known as SCARY MOMMY
is having a contest over at her place.... where we all get to brag write about what
SCARY MOTHERS we are... She has some great little prizes like this little diddy which I would like to get my hands on...

(can you imagine? I would be the COOLEST scariest mommy with one of these in my bag!)

ANYHOO.... I think anyone who reads my blog can attest to my SCARINESS... but I think this post just goes to prove...
what a rotten, scary mother I can really be....

YES, this is a re post of one of my PROUDEST moments.... ENJOY ....

Mortified Monday.....

Lets all share our mortifying moments.....OK... anyone want to play? If so...get your moment posted, leave me message & I will link back to you...

I just thought we could all start the week off with a little laugh.. & so much the better when it is at somebody else's I right or am I RIGHT?

I have a LOT of very MORTIFYING moments... most of them having to do with my oldest child...god bless him... he is so much like his momma (especially when it comes to the big ol' mouth.) I remember being a child & my mother telling me that one day she hoped I had a child just like me... & guess what? I got him...

OK, one of my
took place about 4 years ago when I was very pregnant with Eva... Dane had just turned 5, & had wondered out of our front yard.

I found him hanging out down the street at the neighbors house.

Just picture .... the perfect little" nice" family... they were all in the driveway building a birdhouse & were nice enough to let Dane help.
I walked down just to make sure everything was OK... I told them to just send Dane home when they had had enough... " problem..." they smiled & waved....

As I turned to walk home, my adorable little boy calls ... (SCREAMS) out to me...
"Oh mom...Benjamin is NOT a DORK..." Me, shocked...MORTIFIED... say with a nervous giggle... "Oh honey, of course he's not...What the??..." Dane still SCREAMING down the driveway..
"But mom, you say he is a DORK all of the time...."

OK... now can't you just see the nice little family holding their hammers in mid-air, opened-jawed...just staring at me?
With my mind racing on how I could possibly get out of this "NIGHTMARE" I thought about telling them that DORK... meant "good friend" in Norwegian, but didn't think I would be able to pull that off... I am a pretty bad liar.

Instead, I patted my very pregnant belly & half whispered to Benjamin's mom..."I think he is having a hard time with the new baby on the way...he has been making up A LOT of stories lately..." I managed a very weak smile & waddled back to my house. (yes this was the day, that I threw my own child under the buss, in order to TRY to save face in front of the neighbors...)

Needless to say... Dane wasn't invited to Dorky Benjamin's Birthday party the following week, nor did his mother speak to me again....(I guess she didn't buy my sorry explanation)

Before you all think I am a horrible mommy/person... I would like to defend myself.... I wasn't really calling Benjamin a Dork... Dork....
I mean, I call EVERYONE dorks... My children are dorks.. I am a dork... Bjørn is a TOTAL DORK ..& I certainly never told Dane I thought Benjamin was a dork...I am sure he overheard me saying something to Bjørn)

To say the least, I learned a very, VERY valuable lesson from this experience... No, it wasn't watch what I say in front of the kiddos...
It was that I should start threatening them at BIRTH to NEVER... EVER... repeat what mommy says at home.... NEVER.... I started the day I brought Eva home from the hospital.... & still end most of my sentences with... "Now this is not to be repeated....D A N E .....

OK girlies... make my day... give me something to laugh about... I want to hear your Mortifying Moments..... PLEASE....
Happy Monday!

Make sure you read the funny comments & go on over
I've fallen and I can't get up - Karen's
My Most Mortifying Moment Carolina Girls...
My Most Mortifying Moment Lori's
Why Kendall Might Be Sorry I Work at Her Middle School from Mrs.4444
Thank you for everyone playing along.....


Corinne said…
Omigod, that is HYSTERICAL! Thanks for the laugh, Tressa!
MsTypo said…
OMG that is too funny!! Well we do like to teach our kids to be honest and always tell the truth. LOL
Doriana Gray said…
That´s really awful though that Dane wasn´t invited to the party :(. Sucky people!
Haven't we all been there. Ha Ha! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :-D
Scary Mommy said…
That had me laughing out loud!! Move back to the states-- we'd totally be real life friends!!
Anonymous said…
You are to funny AGAIN!..How do you do it!...I love your stories! You make me want to be a nieghbor in Norway...:)
Loukia said…
That was hilarious! Haha...
sues2u2 said…
Oh the joys our children give us. We had a similar moment & now try to talk a) where the kids can't hear us & b) if not we always preface w/ the now don't repeat thing too!
Jen said…
Yeah, you are the scariest! That was an awesome story.
Jill said…
My daughters were true pills today in the pool... not playing with their friend (who is a boy) because they saw another 'girl' friend there...

I got upset with their behavior, called them over and told them through clenched teeth to play with their 'boy' friend too... to which my youngest yelled out to him, "hey Jackson, get over here... my mom told me I had to play with you".

I looked at the mom and laughed. What else could I do.

Oh yeah, my middle child just said sh** today. I'm awesome!

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