C R E E P Y.

I am being stalked by my husbands, cousin's, 13 year daughter ...
(did ya get that?)

No matter what time of the day I get on..
with the whole instant messaging... "what are you doing?" "what are you doing?""what are you doing?"

"guess what I am doing" "Hee hee can you guess?" (ummm, being CREEPY?)

...5am...2pm...11:30pm... She must have an alarm that goes off every time I log on.

At first I was nice.... but then I started to ignore her..... but still, she DOESN'T STOP.
To the point of being W E I R D....

What 13 year old doesn't have something, ANYTHING, better to do than STALK an old auntie cousin, not even blood related person....?
stalk little boys your OWN age... not old, grumpy, mothers like me...

So the dilemma... Can I dump her off of my friends list without things getting AWKWARD?
I would have dumped her a long time ago but she has so few friends on FB that she would totally notice. WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

So now for the C O O L...

I get the totally random email from my College boyfriend...
He is in Ireland on business... sitting in a bar & starts talking to this American Comedian who is on tour in Europe.... he says something about going to Oslo...

Old boyfriend tell him to check out American in Norway... the comedian tells him he already has- he totally knows American in Norway.. has been by reading...

Hmmm how cool is THAT? your ex & some famous guy discussing your blog over beers in Ireland. Doesn't that make me totally ALMOST famous?

I thought is was TOALLY COOL...(then again that could be from the lack of anything more exciting going on in my life at the moment....)

I dropped American Comedian an email (in part to see if ex boyfriend was pulling my leg-he wasn't) & we are totally gonna have a beer when he gets to the frozen tundra... (I know, I am holding my breath...) anyhoo...

In the same email.. ex tells me.. "I tell people about your blog...but I don't READ your blog...because it would be an invasion of your privacy... "

hmmmm... now I ask you...
if your ex had a blog.. & you knew about it...would you read it?

Now back to CREEPY....

Friday afternoon I get a call in my office....I was away from my desk & the yoo hoo who answered my phone didn't get a name...

Just said it was an American male calling from overseas...

"How did you know he was calling from overseas?"

"Because he SAID..I am calling from overseas...I'll call back"

Why is this sooo creepy?
Because, NO ONE except Dane & Bjørn have my office number...
not even my MOTHER has my office number...

(only because I always have my cell phone with me...-not because she bugs me : ))

I checked with all of my guy friends in the states (even though none of them have my office number) & it was none of them....

I am sure it is something really simple... but WHO?WHAT?

then you start thinking how much information am I really putting out there on the Internet... hmmm..
it is kindda creepy isn't it?
Bru waa haaa.."is treeeeesa there?-I'm calling from overseas...."


Doriana Gray said…
Hmm, if I´m the first to comment does that make me creepy....? ;)
Doriana Gray said…
But seriously- is it possible to block people on FB chat if you put them in a certain "friend list"? She sounds lonely though to be doing that.
Doriana Gray said…
Last post!

How do I prevent a friend from chatting with me?

You can block a friend from chatting with you by putting them on a Friend List, and then choosing to go offline to that Friend List.
MsTypo said…
I'm always on "away" on facebook to avoid the chat stalkers. You can check who is on and chat with cool non-stalking people but ignore the creepy kids.

I would totally and utterly and without remorse read the ex's blog. And probably comment anonymously every so often. (that last part probably makes *me* creepy. LOL)
starfish264 said…
Hmmm - you wonder why she's stalking you, but you're cool enough to have random famous comedians reading your blog ... and ex-boyfriends, who even know random famous comedians!! I think that's your answer - I'd say she's got a bit of a "crush" on you, in the old fasioned 1940's sense!

Just set your status to Away and that should cure the problem.

As for an ex's blog - hell yes, I'd read it ... until I saw something which completely offended me, and showed that he was 100% over me (how??????) and then I'd prob go off in a huff and stop reading it for ever lol
Can you dump the cousin's kid? Yes. But personally, I'd just ignore the "chat" part. Send her a nice little note and let her know that you are happy to be linked on FB, but really, the chat is not your thing.

Would I read an ex's blog? yep. I have and will continue to do so. If you have a blog, all bets are off. It's open for anyone.

: )
Yes, I would not "DUMP" her on facebook because if she does have only a few friends that might be worse than just ignoring her.

As for if my ex had a blog would I read it...YEP. No question there. I would have to know!!! ;)

PS are TOTALLY famous how else would Ex and Famous comedian know about stop..OSLO to visit you!!! ;)
I'm so glad that I can touch ur blog cause ur famous! That is way cool!

I have the same problem with one of my nieces on facebook ignoring her worked for me though!

Yea, I don't think about the creeps on the internet! Let us know who it was!
Bwhahaha - just put your chat offline then she can't see when you're online.

Of course I would read the ex's blog!
Heidi said…
you can totally block from chat. That solves that. Hmmm. I am so curious as to who got your work number? That is a bit creepy. But the comedian...very cool. And of course he would read your blog, who isn't reading your blog!
Wendy said…
Doesn't your younger relative have school? Even if she is homeschooled, shouldn't she be, you know, schooling at some point?

Someone has been looking up my blog's ownership. Where my home address is listed, I just realized. Sheesh.

In better news, I thought three different bloggers hated me & were trolling at my site - turns out they're all the same person, with different blogs. LOL. Get after it, crazy pants!
Anonymous said…
Hi Tressa, glad to hear you're home and stocked with more processed cheese goodness :)

The reason i keep my blog by invite only is because I don't want an ex to read it. If he had a blog I don't think I'd read it... but I also like to think that I wouldn't care.

Thanks Cairo for the tip of being "away" on FB... have to try that. I don't have a chatty husband's cousin's niece, but I have an unemployed ex-roommate and good friend that is on FB 24/7 and always quick to start a chat.
I don't see how anyone could get your work number from this blog - I've read it all and there is nothing in there that says where it is what it is or even what town it's in. I think you do a pretty good job of staying safe. Are you sure it wasn't somebody you met in the states who asked a friend where you worked? Has to be some kind of explanation like that.
sues2u2 said…
Wow, creepy & good all @ the same time. I'm impressed. & of course you're a celebrity! Please!!!

I like the FB advice you've been given. Not on FB (or @ least I think I've disabled my account) so not quite certain what advice to give.
Jennifer said…
I don't know if anyone else addressed this, but you can put your chat status on FB as offline. Then no one can just pop on by and start chatting you up! Believe me, I have learned the hard way... LOL!
Sarah - Kala said…
I would read my ex's blog. No question. I'm sure I may have one or two reading mine . . . but then, I keep my blog pretty squeaky clean. ;)
Anonymous said…
oh, jeeze, where did you get that picture?
Betsy said…
Block her or dump her. That is just creepy. I stay offline for chat most of the time I am on FB. There are a few people who are on there every single time I pop on, but thankfully most of them don't bother to IM.

The whole calling at work thing is weird. Hope he calls back so that you can solve the mystery.
Karen said…
I have a facebook stalker is almost 30. I have been reading your commenters suggestions.

So you totally ROCK! I think this makes you famous!! and I would so be reading the ex's blog.
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