Good friends, Sushi & wine = a helluva good time...

OK I know y'all think I am a pretty cool chic... the kind of chic who would be eating SUSHI all of the time... cause it is the cool thing to do, but I have to admit...I had never tried nor had the desire to try sushi (regardless of how COOOOL it sounds) until last night..

We headed over to the fabulous Caroline's to celebrate her birthday...

We had SUSHI... which I must admit was AWESOME... who knew? (Ok obviously a lot of y'all )& L O A D S of red wine.... mix that up with wonderful friends & you have a hellava good time.

Don't get me started on Caroline... I could just G U S H about what a lovely person she is.... Not often that you meet someone & you just CLICK...especially when you meet each other via a blog... & on top of that our families CLICKED.... I am just so thrilled that they moved to our little corner of Norway..

to counteract Caroline's healthy SUSHI, I had to make her my famous... "Fat girl Fantasy..."
with all of the kidlets in tow singing "Happy Birthday"

Look at Mrs. Gorgeous... looking & feeling FABULOUS.... Hope you had a SUPER day... Thanks for the sushi & wine


Scary Mommy said…
That looks like so much fun!

I must know how to make this "Fat girl Fantasy." Please share. Not that I should be eating it, but I just must know!
Good times! Love me some Sushi!!

I, too, must have the recipe for the Fat Girl Fantasy!!!!
Corinne said…
That cake looks awesome! (Cake? Pastry? Pie?) And so does the birthday girl! I was dubious about sushi for a long time, and fell in love with it! Now I'm super stoked when friends won't eat their sashimi, because that means I get it all!
Cristin said…
You couldn't pay me enough to eat Sushi... hubby has tried many times and failed.

Looks like a good time!!
How can you put a picture of a Fat girl fantasy and then not tell us all how to make it??

I can't do sushi. I've tried the california rolls...and yuck. Michael loves it though.
MsTypo said…
I think we need a "fat girl fantasy" blog stat! I love sushi but i usually only have the vegetarian variety. We even make it at home once in a while. Raw fish isn't my scene.
Awwww you are so sweet! I had a LOVELY time and I LOVED the fat girl fantasy (that's why it's all finished...).

Thank you my friend.
Unknown said…
I heart sushi. And I heart the fat girl fantasy even though I don't know what is in it : ) Oh yes I do!
starfish264 said…
I only just discovered sushi too!! I got put off by the raw fish thing for years, and I still avoid those (is that sashimi? I think it is), but the rest turns out to be pretty damn good!

And what, oh what, is in that Fat Girl Fantasy?????? Don't tease us - post the recipe because it looks AMAZING!!!!

Sounds like you guys had an awesome night :o)

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